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Name (English only)

James R. Norquay


Artist Detail - v3


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ImageTitleDate MadePlace MadeCollectionsMaterialsMeasurementsEditionCredit Line
PassiusagaPassiusagaJuly 27, 1976-Works on PaperSerigraphoverall: 66.50 cm x 51.00 cm11/160Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard
Dream of the Night HuntressDream of the Night HuntressJuly 5, 1977British Columbia, CanadaWorks on PaperSerigraphoverall: 67.20 cm x 41.50 cm x 0.00 cm3/52Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition Fund
"Nomen 1""Nomen 1"1988CanadaWorks on Paperinkoverall: 42.00 cm x 28.00 cm-Gift of James R. Norquay
"And God Said""And God Said"1984CanadaWorks on PaperLithographoverall: 43.00 cm x 28.00 cm-Gift of James R. Norquay
Untitled (Islamic Illumination with Knotwork)Untitled (Islamic Illumination with Knotwork)n.d.CanadaWorks on PaperLithographoverall: 51.00 cm x 32.00 cm-Gift of James R. Norquay
Six from the SunSix from the Sun1977British Columbia, CanadaWorks on PaperInkoverall: 61.50 cm x 42.00 cm x 0.00 cm-Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition Fund
PassiusagaPassiusaga1976-Works on PaperInk on Paperoverall: 66.50 cm x 50.80 cm x 0.00 cm9/160Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition Fund
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