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Craftsman Studios


Artist Detail - v3

The Craftsman Studios began in Brookyn, New York in approximately 1919 by Carl Wirths. Wirths was a WWI veteran and it has been suggested that he picked up his metalworking trade as part of his rehabilitation from his wounds. Wirths did not keep The Craftsman Studios in New York for very long, despite having two Brooklyn locations. By 1921 Craftsman Studios moved to California; first in Los Angeles and next in Laguna Beach. There are marked differences between east and west coast pieces in terms of design and manufacturing process.

Jewellery -- Predominately silver on copper tie pins, bouquet holders, cufflinks, hat pins, brooches, bar pins and fobs (often attributed to Heintz), at least to start, and the solid pierced white metal pieces, some with stones (often attributed to Forest Craft Guild). There were also silver rings of various forms.

Desk Items -- Acid-etched and/or pierced copper bookends, ink wells, desk sets, trays, paper knives, sconces, ashtrays, and calendars.

Art metal produced by CS on the West Coast appear to be predominately desk items and vases, with stronger hammering, various enamels and interesting chasing. These are the pieces most of us associate with CS, and many of the finer examples include the early CS stamp, but not all of them.

Briefly, into the late 1920s and 30s onward, and still on the west coast, other copper items, less hammered and less refined, appeared, including kettles, flower pots, and boxes, many with company logos.
Source:, accessed February 5, 2015.


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ImageTitleDate MadePlace MadeCollectionsMaterialsMeasurementsEditionCredit Line
Untitled (Craftsman Inkstand)Untitled (Craftsman Inkstand)c. 1905California, United StatesMetalworkSilver; Copperoverall: 5.00 cm x 21.00 cm x 15.00 cm-Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition Fund
Copper lampCopper lamp1890Laguna Beach, Orange, California, United StatesMetalworkCopperoverall: 24.00 cm x 17.00 cm x 17.00 cm-Gift of Dr. Erika Kurth
Pen, ink and calendar desk setPen, ink and calendar desk set1920-1948California, United StatesMetalworkBeaten copper, inlaid enameloverall: 5.50 cm x 23.00 cm--
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