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ImageCollectionsTitleAscendingMakerTypePlace MadeDate MadeCultureMediumStyleCreditId NumberAdditional Search KeywordsLast Name
Works on Paper"Hokusai Manga"Hokusai, Katsushikawoodcuts (prints)Japanc.1760 - 1849JapaneseWoodblock printJapan Edo(Tokugawa) 1615-1858Gift of Elisabeth SilvesterU006.9.1Hokusai, Katsushika , Katsushika Hokusai; ; Japanese; ; ; Hokusai
Works on Paper"Hokusai Manga"Hokusai, Katsushikawoodcuts (prints)Japanc.1760 - 1849JapaneseWoodblockJapan Edo(Tokugawa) 1615-1858Gift of Elisabeth SilvesterU006.9.3Hokusai, Katsushika , Katsushika Hokusai; ; Japanese; ; ; Hokusai
Works on Paper"Hokusai Manga"Hokusai, Katsushikawoodcuts (prints)Japanc. 1760 - 1849JapaneseWoodblockJapan Edo(Tokugawa) 1615-1858Gift of Elisabeth SilvesterU006.9.2Hokusai, Katsushika , Katsushika Hokusai; ; Japanese; ; ; Hokusai
Album of Painted Flowers, People and LandscapesWorks on BoardAlbum of Painted Flowers, People and Landscapes跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi Atomi)orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings insideTokyo, Tōkyō, Japancirca 1940Japanese, English, Canadianwatercolour on board; silkNihonga, landscapeGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.3Atomi), 跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi , Atomi, Gyokushi , Atomi, Gyokushi , Gyokushi Atomi , Gyokushi Atomi , 玉絲 , 跡見 玉枝 , 跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi Atomi) , 跡見玉枝; Tokyo; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Bird, Birds, Bird, Birds, Flower, Flowers, People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, house, houses, life/death, mountain, mountains, pagoda, pagodas, rain; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
Album of Painted Landscapes on Vancouver IslandWorks on BoardAlbum of Painted Landscapes on Vancouver IslandGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings insideVancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada1949Japanese, English, Canadianwatercolour on board with a silk coverNihonga, landscapeGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.1Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); Vancouver Island; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Beacon Hill Park, Craigflower, Craigflower Rd., Craigflower Road, Grouse Nest, Grouse Nest Resort, Nanaimo, Prospect Lake, beach, beach and/or shore, shore, shores, bridge, bridges, building, buildings, nature, ocean, river, rivers, road, street, streets, school, schools, tree, trees; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
Album of Painted Landscapes on Vancouver IslandWorks on BoardAlbum of Painted Landscapes on Vancouver IslandGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings insideVancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada1949Japanese, English, Canadianwatercolour on board with a silk coverNihonga, landscapeGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.1Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); Vancouver Island; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Beacon Hill Park, Craigflower, Craigflower Rd., Craigflower Road, Grouse Nest, Grouse Nest Resort, Nanaimo, Prospect Lake, beach, beach and/or shore, shore, shores, bridge, bridges, building, buildings, nature, ocean, river, rivers, road, street, streets, school, schools, tree, trees; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
Album of Vancouver Island Flowers and TreesWorks on BoardAlbum of Vancouver Island Flowers and TreesGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings insideVancouver Island, British Columbia, Canadaearly 1940sJapanese, English, Canadianwatercolour on board; silkNihongaGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.2Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); Vancouver Island; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Eriophyllum, Eriophyllum lanatum, Oregon sunshine, common woolly sunflower, common woolly sunflowers, woolly sunflower, woolly sunflowers, wooly sunflowers, Flower, Flowers, arbutus, bleeding heart, bleeding hearts, buttercup, buttercups, camas, dogtooth violet, dogtooth violets, nature, oregon grape, oregon grapes, pussy willow, pussy willows, shooting star flower, shooting star flowers, skunk cabbage, snowberries, snowberry, trillium, trilliums, wild onion, wild onions, wild rose, wild roses; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
Amida Buddha Attended by Wisdom and Mercy; [Amida Raigo Trinity]Works on ClothAmida Buddha Attended by Wisdom and Mercy; [Amida Raigo Trinity]hanging scrollsJapan14th-15th centuryJapanesehanging scroll with colours and gold on Indigo silkJapan Kamakura 1185-1333Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.135; ; Japanese; American lotus, Nelumbo lutea, Nelumbo nucifera, lotus, lotuses, sacred lotus, Amida, Amitabha, Amitayus, Amitābha, Amitāyus, Avalokiteshvara, Avalokitesvara, Avalokiteśvara, Chenrezig, Guanyin, Kannon, Kanzeon Bosatsu, Kuan-yin, Kuze Kannon, Lokeshvara, Nidü-ber üjegči, Spyan-ras gzigs, अवलोकितेश्वर, Bodhisattva, Bodhisattvas, bodhisatta, bodhisattas, Buddhism, Daiseishi, Daishizhi, Mahast Malonia, Mahasthamaprapta, Mahāsthāmaprāpta, Dìzàng, Jijang, Jizo, Jizō, Kṣitigarbha, Ojizō-sama, Địa Tạng, क्षितिगर्भ, 地蔵, 地藏, 지장, Raigo, Raigō, 来迎, mythologies, mythology, religion, religion and mythology, religions; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)-
Arbutus Menziesii MadronaWorks on BoardArbutus Menziesii MadronaGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, CanadaMarch 28, 1941Canadian, JapaneseWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.213Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Canadian; Japanese; arbutus, branch, branches; ; -
Bird Cherry, Oso Berry, Red AlderWorks on BoardBird Cherry, Oso Berry, Red AlderGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1941/02/24Japanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.202Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; Alnus rubra, red alder, red alder (plants), Flower, Flowers, Indian plum, Oemleria cerasiformis, oso berry, osoberry (plants), branch, branches; ; -
Bleeding Heart, (Dicentra Formosa), Wild Tulip: Snake Lily, (Fritillaria Lanceolata)Works on BoardBleeding Heart, (Dicentra Formosa), Wild Tulip: Snake Lily, (Fritillaria Lanceolata)Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, CanadaApril 22, 1941Canadian, JapanesewatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.224Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Canadian; Japanese; ; ; -
California Poppy (Eschscholtzia California), White Clover (Trifolium repens)Works on BoardCalifornia Poppy (Eschscholtzia California), White Clover (Trifolium repens)Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canadac. 1940-1941Japanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.457Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; Flower, Flowers, clover, clovers, poppies, poppy; ; -
Columbine and False BugbaneWorks on BoardColumbine and False BugbaneGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada1941/05/25Japanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.229Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; ; ; -
No image availableWoodworkDecoration BaseShiunbases (object components)Kōryō, Nara, Japan20TH C LATJapaneseWood; lacquer; tatamiJapan SHOWA 1926-Gift of Koryo International CollegeU987.21.4Shiun; ; Japanese; ; Base; Category 09: Recreational Objects; Sports Equipment; Sports Equipment (blank sub-class); Baseball Gear-
False Solomon's Seal  Smilacina (racemosa) or stellata Ladies Slipper Calypso bulbosaWorks on BoardFalse Solomon's Seal Smilacina (racemosa) or stellata Ladies Slipper Calypso bulbosaGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1941/04/15Japanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.219Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; Flower, Flowers; ; -
No image availableUnassignedFlowersGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada20TH CJapanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.459-2Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; ; ; -
FruitWorks on BoardFruitYamaguchiwatercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada20TH CJapaneseWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.458-6Yamaguchi; ; Japanese; branch, branches, fruit, fruits; ; -
FruitWorks on BoardFruitGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada20TH CJapanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.458-8Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; fruit, fruits; ; -
Furisode (Japanese Undergarment)TextilesFurisode (Japanese Undergarment)Unknownunderdresses; undergarment; wedding clothesKagoshima, Japanc. 1945JapanesesilkGift of Hisako PetchotaU002.36.4Unknown; ; Japanese; ; ; -
Garry Oak Leaves and Snow BerriesWorks on BoardGarry Oak Leaves and Snow BerriesGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada20TH CJapanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.459-8Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; Autumn, Fall, branch, branches, oak, oak trees, oaks, snowberries, snowberry; ; -
Goldenrod, Canada ThistleWorks on BoardGoldenrod, Canada ThistleGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada1941/06/30Japanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.243Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; ; ; -
Gum Weed, (Grindelia Oregana), False Onion, (Brodiaea Lactea)Works on BoardGum Weed, (Grindelia Oregana), False Onion, (Brodiaea Lactea)Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada1941/05/29Japanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.232Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; ; ; -
Honey Suckle, (Lonicera Ciliosa), Poison Camas, (Zygadenus Venenosus)Works on BoardHoney Suckle, (Lonicera Ciliosa), Poison Camas, (Zygadenus Venenosus)Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, CanadaMay 5, 1941Canadian, JapaneseWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.228Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Canadian; Japanese; ; ; -
Johnny Jumping-up-, Salmon-berry (Viola pedunculata, R. spectabilis)Works on BoardJohnny Jumping-up-, Salmon-berry (Viola pedunculata, R. spectabilis)Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada1941/03/26Japanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.211Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; California golden violet, California golden violets, Johnny jump up, Johnny jump up violets, Viola pedunculata, yellow pansies, yellow pansy, Flower, Flowers, Rubus spectabilis, salmonberries, salmonberry, branch, branches; ; -
Kanga shinan Nihen (A Guide to Chinese Painting; Part 2), 2  bound books of woodcutsWorks on PaperKanga shinan Nihen (A Guide to Chinese Painting; Part 2), 2 bound books of woodcutsBunpo, Kawamuraartists' booksJapan1811JapaneseWoodcut printsJapan Edo(Tokugawa) 1615-1858Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.474Bunpo, Kawamura , Kawamura Bunpo; ; Japanese; calligraphy; Book; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other DocumentsBunpo
KotoMiscellaneousKotokotoJapann.d.JapaneseLaquered And PaintedGift of Nagoya UniversityU997.27.1; ; Japanese; ; Zither; Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Musical T&E; Musical Instruments; Stringed Instrument-
LilyWorks on PaperLilyGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canadan.d.Japanese, CanadianWatercolour; inkBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.469Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; Flower, Flowers, lilies, lily; ; -
Maple (Acer macrophyllum)Works on BoardMaple (Acer macrophyllum)Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada1941/03/25Japanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.210Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; Acer macrophyllum, Oregon maple, bigleaf maple, bigleaf maple trees, bigleaf maples, branch, branches; ; -
Milkmaid or Toothwort, Oregon GrapeWorks on BoardMilkmaid or Toothwort, Oregon GrapeGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada1941/03/19Japanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.207Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; Flower, Flowers, oregon grape, oregon grapes, slender toothwort (plants); ; -
Ocean Spray, Tiger LilyWorks on BoardOcean Spray, Tiger LilyGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada1941/06/17Japanese, CanadianWatercolour and gouacheBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.238Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; ; ; -
Ox Eye Daisy, (Chrysanthemum lencanthemum L.), Hedge Nettle, (Stachye Ciliata)Works on BoardOx Eye Daisy, (Chrysanthemum lencanthemum L.), Hedge Nettle, (Stachye Ciliata)Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada1941/07/05Japanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.455Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; Flower, Flowers, daisy, daisys, nettle, nettles; ; -
Portrait Of Kóbó-daishiWorks on PaperPortrait Of Kóbó-daishihanging scrollsJapann.d.JapanesePigment; InkJapan MUROMACHI 1336-1573Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.524; ; Japanese; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)-
Red Clover, (Trifolum Pratense), May Wood, (Anthemis Cotula)Works on BoardRed Clover, (Trifolum Pratense), May Wood, (Anthemis Cotula)Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada-Japanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.453Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; clover, clovers, stinking chamomile; ; -
Snowberries and Red BerriesWorks on BoardSnowberries and Red BerriesGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada20TH CJapanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.459-5Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; Flower, Flowers, snowberries, snowberry; ; -
Sparrow on Cherry Blossom BranchWorks on BoardSparrow on Cherry Blossom BranchGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada20TH CJapanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.458-9Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; Bird, Birds, Flower, Flowers, branch, branches; ; -
Tall White Bog Orchis, HuckleberryWorks on BoardTall White Bog Orchis, HuckleberryGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada1941/06/03Japanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.233Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; ; ; -
The Wild Flowers Around Victoria Painted on Silk by Elizabeth Yeend Duer, 1941Works on PaperThe Wild Flowers Around Victoria Painted on Silk by Elizabeth Yeend Duer, 1941Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)assembled bookletBritish Columbia, Canada1941Japanese, Canadianfoil covered paper, cardboard, assembled bookletBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.475Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; Flower, Flowers, booklets; Pamphlet , booklet; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
Travellers Joy (Clematis Ligusticifolia), Small Bindweed, (Convolvulus Arvensis)Works on BoardTravellers Joy (Clematis Ligusticifolia), Small Bindweed, (Convolvulus Arvensis)Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canadan.d.Japanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.456Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; Flower, Flowers, Western Clematis, bindweed; ; -
Tree BerriesWorks on PaperTree BerriesGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canadan.d.Japanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.470Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; arbutus, berries, berry, tree, trees; ; -
Uchikake Wedding RobeTextilesUchikake Wedding RobeUnknownrobes; wedding clothesKagoshima, Japanc. late 1920-1930JapaneseEmbroidered silkGift of Hisako PetchotaU002.36.3Unknown; ; Japanese; ; ; -
No image availableCeramicsUnititled (Clock with Frame)Kakinuma, ThomasclocksBritish Columbia, Canadac.1964Canadian, JapaneseCeramic; metal; plasticGift of A.H. and E. (Bessie) FitzgeraldU987.23.3Kakinuma, Thomas , Thomas Kakinuma; ; Canadian; Japanese; ; Clock; Category 05: Tools & Equipment for Science & Technology; Timekeeping T&E; Timekeeping T&E (blank sub-class)Kakinuma
UntitledWorks on PaperUntitled跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi Atomi)painting1899-1951Japanese, English, Canadianwatercolour paint; silk; shikishi boardNihonga, landscapeGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.7Atomi), 跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi , Atomi, Gyokushi , Atomi, Gyokushi , Gyokushi Atomi , Gyokushi Atomi , 玉絲 , 跡見 玉枝 , 跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi Atomi) , 跡見玉枝; ; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; landscape, mountain, mountains, tree, trees; ; -
UntitledWorks on BoardUntitledGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)painting1899-1951Japanese, English, Canadianwatercolour on shikishi board (possibly)Nihonga, landscapeGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.4Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Flower, Flowers, berries, berry, tree, trees; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)-
UntitledWorks on BoardUntitledGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)painting1899-1951Japanese, English, Canadianwatercolour paint on shikishi board.NihongaGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.5Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Bird, Birds, branch, branches, leaf, leaves; ; -
UntitledWorks on PaperUntitledGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)-1899-1951Japanese, English, Canadianwatercolour paint; silk; shikishi boardNihonga, landscapeGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.6Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; bush, bushes, shrub, shrubs, landscape, mountain, mountains; ; -
Untitled (Accordion fold album)MiscellaneousUntitled (Accordion fold album)albums (books)Japann.d.Japanesesilk covered cardboard cover with numerous card pages with gold edgesBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.476; ; Japanese; albums; Book; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
Untitled (Ainu Chief)WoodworkUntitled (Ainu Chief)carvings (visual works)Hokkaidō, Japanl. 19th, e. 20th CAinu, JapaneseKeyaki woodJapan MEIJI & TAISHO 1868-1926Gift of Isabel PollardU979.13.1; ; Ainu, Japanese; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture-
Untitled (Artist Book)Works on PaperUntitled (Artist Book)watercolours (paintings); booklets?British Columbia, Canada20th CJapaneseWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.473-10; ; Japanese; Bird, Birds, Flower, Flowers, bamboo, branch, branches, calligraphy, chick, chicks, fruit, fruits, rock, rocks, sunflower, sunflowers; ; -
Untitled (Artist Book)Works on PaperUntitled (Artist Book)watercolours (paintings); booklets?British Columbia, Canada20th CJapaneseWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.473-13; ; Japanese; Flower, Flowers, branch, branches, calligraphy; ; -
Untitled (Artist Book)Works on PaperUntitled (Artist Book)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada20th CJapaneseWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.473-12; ; Japanese; Bird, Birds, branch, branches, calligraphy, eggplants, food, mice, radish, radishes, rock, rocks, sun, suns, water, water; ; -
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