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ImageCollectionsTitleAscendingMakerTypePlace MadeDate MadeCultureMediumStyleCreditId NumberAdditional Search KeywordsLast Name
Blue and White Copeland Armorial PlateCeramicsBlue and White Copeland Armorial PlateCopelandplates (general, dishes)1820-1830Porcelain; enamel paint; glazeLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU010.5.1Copeland; ; ; ; ; -
Blue and White Copeland Armorial PlateCeramicsBlue and White Copeland Armorial PlateCopelandplates (general, dishes)c. 1820/30Porcelain; transfer print; glazeLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU010.5.6Copeland; ; ; ; ; -
Blue and White Copeland Armorial PlateCeramicsBlue and White Copeland Armorial PlateCopelandplates (general, dishes)c.1820/30Porcelain; transfer print; glazeLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU010.5.3Copeland; ; ; ; ; -
Blue and White Copeland Armorial PlateCeramicsBlue and White Copeland Armorial PlateCopeland Spodeplates (general, dishes)c. 1820/30PorcelainLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU010.5.2Copeland Spode; ; ; ; ; -
Blue and White Spode Armorial PlateCeramicsBlue and White Spode Armorial PlateSpodeplates (general, dishes)c.1820/30Porcelain; transfer printLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU010.5.4Spode; ; ; ; ; -
Blue and White Spode Armorial PlateCeramicsBlue and White Spode Armorial PlateSpodeplates (general, dishes)c.1820/30Porcelain; transfer print; glazeLate Georgian 1760-1811-U010.5.5Spode; ; ; ; ; -
English Silver Chamber CandleholderMetalworkEnglish Silver Chamber CandleholderCarter, R.; Smith, D.chambersticksLondon, England1779BritishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.23Carter, R. , R. Carter, D. Smith , Smith, D.; ; British; ; Chamberstick; Category 02: Furnishings; Lighting Equipment; Lighting Holders; Candleholder; CandlestickCarter
English Silver Coffee ServerMetalworkEnglish Silver Coffee ServerDengilow, JohncoffeepotsLondon, England1810BritishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.82Dengilow, John , John Dengilow; ; British; ; Coffeepot , coffee pot , pot, coffee; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Serving Vessels; Drink Serving VesselDengilow
English Silver CreamerMetalworkEnglish Silver CreamerBateman, AnnecreamersLondon, England1793BritishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.26Anne Bateman , Bateman, Anne; ; British; ; Cream Pitcher , Pitcher, Cream , creamer; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Serving Vessels; Drink Serving Vessel; PitcherBateman
English Silver CreamerMetalworkEnglish Silver CreamerBateman, AnnecreamersLondon, England1793BritishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.25Anne Bateman , Bateman, Anne; ; British; ; Cream Pitcher , Pitcher, Cream , creamer; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Serving Vessels; Drink Serving Vessel; PitcherBateman
English Silver Dressing SpoonMetalworkEnglish Silver Dressing SpoonladlesLondon, Englandc. 1775silverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.40; ; ; ; Ladle, Serving , Serving Ladle; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Serving Utensils-
English Silver Marrow SpoonMetalworkEnglish Silver Marrow SpoonCrossley, Richardmarrow scoopsLondon, England1804-05BritishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.42Crossley, Richard , Richard Crossley; ; British; ; Marrow Scoop , Scoop, Marrow; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Eating & Drinking UtensilsCrossley
English Silver Salt DishMetalworkEnglish Silver Salt DishHearnden, NicholassaltcellarsLondon, England1778BritishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.76Hearnden, Nicholas , Nicholas Hearnden; ; British; ; ; Hearnden
English Silver Serving TrayMetalworkEnglish Silver Serving TrayBayley, WilliamtraysLondon, England1808BritishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.14Bayley, William , William Bayley; ; British; ; ; Bayley
English Silver Sugar BasketMetalworkEnglish Silver Sugar BasketChawner, Henrysugar bowlsEngland1791BritishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.12Chawner, Henry , Henry Chawner; ; British; ; ; Chawner
English Silver Sugar Sifter SpoonMetalworkEnglish Silver Sugar Sifter Spoonsugar spoonsEngland1780BritishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.37; ; British; ; ; -
English Silver Tea TrayMetalworkEnglish Silver Tea Traytea traysSheffield, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, United Kingdomc. 1805Silver plate; tinLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.70; ; ; ; ; -
English Silver Trophy CupMetalworkEnglish Silver Trophy Cuptrophies (objects)London, England1794EnglishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.81; ; English; ; ; -
English silver Salt dishMetalworkEnglish silver Salt dishHearnden, NicholassaltcellarsLondon, England1778BritishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.77Hearnden, Nicholas , Nicholas Hearnden; ; British; ; ; Hearnden
Irish Silver Soup LadleMetalworkIrish Silver Soup LadlePillar, JohnladlesIrelandc.1780IrishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.90John Pillar , Pillar, John; ; Irish; ; Ladle, Serving , Serving Ladle; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Serving UtensilsPillar
Pair of English Silver SauceboatsCeramicsPair of English Silver SauceboatssauceboatsEngland1763BritishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.10; ; British; ; ; -
Pair of Scottish Sweetmeat DishesMetalworkPair of Scottish Sweetmeat Dishessweetmeat dishesScotland, United Kingdom1797ScottishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.7; ; Scottish; ; ; -
Revd. Richard Turner B.D.: Minister of Great YarmouthWorks on PaperRevd. Richard Turner B.D.: Minister of Great YarmouthLane, Samueletchings (prints)England1808EtchingLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Sally SimpsonU008.3.5Lane, Samuel , Samuel Lane; ; ; ; Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio PrintLane
Silver Dessert SpoonMetalworkSilver Dessert SpoonBateman, Hesterdessert spoonsEngland1772BritishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.21Bateman, Hester , Hester Bateman; ; British; ; Dessert Spoon , Spoon, Dessert; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Eating & Drinking Utensils; Eating SpoonBateman
Untitled (Bottle with Lid)StoneUntitled (Bottle with Lid)bottlesLondon, England1809EnglishCrystalLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU007.63.2-2; ; English; ; Bottle; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Untitled (Bottle with Lid)StoneUntitled (Bottle with Lid)bottlesLondon, England1809EnglishCrystalLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU007.63.2-5; ; English; ; Bottle; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Untitled (Bottle with Lid)StoneUntitled (Bottle with Lid)bottlesLondon, England1809EnglishCrystalLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU007.63.2-4; ; English; ; Bottle; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Untitled (Bottle with Lid)StoneUntitled (Bottle with Lid)bottlesLondon, England1809EnglishCrystalLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU007.63.2-3; ; English; ; Bottle; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Untitled (Bowl)MetalworkUntitled (Bowl)bowls (vessels)Sheffield, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom1800BritishSilver, goldLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU984.50.3; ; British; ; Bowl; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Untitled (Bowl)CeramicsUntitled (Bowl)bowls (vessels)England1755-1783CPorcelain, paintLate Georgian 1760-1811Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.340; ; ; ; Bowl; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Untitled (Bowl)CeramicsUntitled (Bowl)Staffordshirebowls (vessels)Englandc.1800BritishEarthenware; transfer print; glazeLate Georgian 1760-1811The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU985.15.6Staffordshire; ; British; ; Bowl; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Untitled (Bowl)CeramicsUntitled (Bowl)Royal Worcesterslop bowlsEnglandc.1770BritishPorcelain; enamel paint and glazeLate Georgian 1760-1811The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU985.15.39Royal Worcester; ; British; ; ; -
Untitled (Breakfast Cup)CeramicsUntitled (Breakfast Cup)Newhallcups (drinking vessels)Englandc.1800-1810BritishPorcelain; glazeLate Georgian 1760-1811The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU985.15.63Newhall; ; British; ; Cup; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Drinking Vessels-
Untitled (Castleford Type Teapot)CeramicsUntitled (Castleford Type Teapot)CastlefordteapotsEnglandc. 1800Moulded stoneware and enamel paintLate Georgian 1760-1811The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU985.15.84Castleford; ; ; ; ; -
Untitled (Caudle Cup and Plate)CeramicsUntitled (Caudle Cup and Plate)Royal Worcestercaudle cupsEnglandc. 1765BritishPorcelain; enamel paint and gilt with glazeLate Georgian 1760-1811The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU985.15.38Royal Worcester; ; British; ; Caudle Cup , Cup, Caudle, Food Plate , Plate, Food; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Drinking Vessels; Cup, Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Eating Vessels; Eating Dish-
Untitled (Chest Of Drawers)WoodworkUntitled (Chest Of Drawers)chests of drawersUnited Kingdomn.d.WoodLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Elizabeth BristoweU984.56.1; ; ; ; Chest of Drawers , bureau; Category 02: Furnishings; Furniture; Storage & Display Furniture-
Untitled (Coffee Can)CeramicsUntitled (Coffee Can)Spodecoffee cups; saucers (plates)Englandc.1800BritishPorcelain; glazeLate Georgian 1760-1811The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU985.15.74Spode; ; British; ; Coffee Cup , Cup, Coffee, Saucer; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Drinking Vessels; Cup, Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Eating Vessels; Eating Dish-
Untitled (Coffee Cup and Saucer)CeramicsUntitled (Coffee Cup and Saucer)Newhallcoffee cups; saucers (plates)Englandc.1782-1787BritishPorcelain; enamel paints and glazeLate Georgian 1760-1811The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU985.15.70Newhall; ; British; ; Coffee Cup , Cup, Coffee, Saucer; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Drinking Vessels; Cup, Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Eating Vessels; Eating Dish-
Untitled (Coffee Cup)CeramicsUntitled (Coffee Cup)Newhallcoffee cupsEnglandc.1787-1790BritishPorcelain; enamel paints and glazeLate Georgian 1760-1811The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU985.15.101Newhall; ; British; ; Coffee Cup , Cup, Coffee; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Drinking Vessels; Cup-
Untitled (Coffee Cup)CeramicsUntitled (Coffee Cup)Newhallcoffee cupsEnglandc.1795-1810BritishPorcelain; transfer print and glazeLate Georgian 1760-1811The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU985.15.54Newhall; ; British; ; Coffee Cup , Cup, Coffee; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Drinking Vessels; Cup-
Untitled (Coffee Cup)CeramicsUntitled (Coffee Cup)Newhallcoffee cupsEnglandc.1787-1800BritishPorcelain; glazeLate Georgian 1760-1811The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU985.15.14Newhall; ; British; ; Coffee Cup , Cup, Coffee; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Drinking Vessels; Cup-
Untitled (Coffee Pot)CeramicsUntitled (Coffee Pot)CaughleycoffeepotsEnglandc.1775-1790BritishPorcelain; enamel paint and gilt with glazeLate Georgian 1760-1811The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU985.15.37Caughley; ; British; ; Coffeepot , coffee pot , pot, coffee; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Serving Vessels; Drink Serving Vessel-
Untitled (Covered Sucrier)CeramicsUntitled (Covered Sucrier)Newhallsugar bowlsEnglandc.1782-1789BritishPorcelain; glazeLate Georgian 1760-1811The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU985.15.60Newhall; ; British; ; ; -
Untitled (Cruet)MetalworkUntitled (Cruet)cruet standsLondon, England1809BritishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU007.63.2-1; ; British; ; Cruet Stand , Stand, Cruet; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Serving Vessels; Serving Stand-
No image availableMetalworkUntitled (Cup)cups (drinking vessels)Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England, United Kingdom1784BritishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU986.6.1; ; British; ; Cup; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Drinking Vessels-
Untitled (Cup, Saucer and Bowl)CeramicsUntitled (Cup, Saucer and Bowl)bowls (vessels); cups (drinking vessels); saucers (platc. 1800sPorcelain; enamel paint; glaze; giltLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Gwladys DownesU989.23.1; ; ; ; Bowl, Cup, Saucer; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Drinking Vessels, Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Eating Vessels; Eating Dish, Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Untitled (Dish)CeramicsUntitled (Dish)plates (general, dishes)Englandc. 1780Ceramic; GlazeLate Georgian 1760-1811The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU985.15.116; ; ; ; ; -
Untitled (Glass)GlasswareUntitled (Glass)cups (drinking vessels)Germany18THC LATEGlassLate Georgian 1760-1811Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.556; ; ; ; Cup; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Drinking Vessels-
Untitled (Jug)CeramicsUntitled (Jug)jugs (vessels)Davenport, Stockport, Greater Manchester, England, United Kingdom1800-1810BritishStoneware; appliqueLate Georgian 1760-1811The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU985.15.112; ; British; ; Jug; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Untitled (Jug)CeramicsUntitled (Jug)jugs (vessels)Englandc. 1790-1805BritishPorcelain; enamel paints and glazeLate Georgian 1760-1811The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU985.15.15; ; British; ; Jug; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
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