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ImageCollectionsTitleAscendingMakerTypePlace MadeDate MadeCultureMediumStyleCreditId NumberAdditional Search KeywordsLast Name
2 BatiksTextiles2 Batikswall hangingsPapua New Guineac.1975Commercial dyesContemporary Art-U006.44.2; ; ; ; ; -
2 Opposites Times 2 No. 1Textiles2 Opposites Times 2 No. 1Sabiston, Carolewall hangingsBritish Columbia, Canadac. 1991Canadian, BritishTextile, fishing line, fabric meshContemporary ArtPurchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU984.16.1-1Carole Sabiston , Sabiston, Carole; ; Canadian; British; ; ; Sabiston
2 Opposites Times 2 No. 2Textiles2 Opposites Times 2 No. 2Sabiston, Carolewall hangingsBritish Columbia, Canadac. 1991Canadian, BritishTextile; fishing line; fabric meshWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU984.16.1-2Carole Sabiston , Sabiston, Carole; ; Canadian; British; ; ; Sabiston
2 Opposites Times 2 No. 3Textiles2 Opposites Times 2 No. 3Sabiston, Carolewall hangingsBritish Columbia, Canadac. 1991Canadian, BritishTextile, fishing line, fabric meshWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU984.16.1-3Carole Sabiston , Sabiston, Carole; ; Canadian; British; ; ; Sabiston
2 Opposites Times 2 No. 4Textiles2 Opposites Times 2 No. 4Sabiston, Carolewall hangingsBritish Columbia, Canadac. 1991Canadian, BritishTextile, fishing line, fabric meshWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU984.16.1-4Carole Sabiston , Sabiston, Carole; ; Canadian; British; ; ; Sabiston
2 Opposites Times 2 No. 5Textiles2 Opposites Times 2 No. 5Sabiston, Carolewall hangingsBritish Columbia, Canadac. 1991Canadian, BritishTextile, fishing line, fabric meshWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU984.16.1-5Carole Sabiston , Sabiston, Carole; ; Canadian; British; ; ; Sabiston
2 Opposites Times 2 No. 6Textiles2 Opposites Times 2 No. 6Sabiston, Carolewall hangingsBritish Columbia, Canadac. 1991Canadian, BritishTextile; fishing line; fabric meshWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU984.16.1-6Carole Sabiston , Sabiston, Carole; ; Canadian; British; ; ; Sabiston
2 Opposites Times 2 No. 7Textiles2 Opposites Times 2 No. 7Sabiston, Carolewall hangingsBritish Columbia, Canadac. 1991Canadian, BritishTextile, fishing line, fabric meshWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU984.16.1-7Carole Sabiston , Sabiston, Carole; ; Canadian; British; ; ; Sabiston
2 Opposites Times 2 No. 8Textiles2 Opposites Times 2 No. 8Sabiston, Carolewall hangingsBritish Columbia, Canadac. 1991Canadian, BritishTextile, fishing line, fabric meshWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU984.16.1-8Carole Sabiston , Sabiston, Carole; ; Canadian; British; ; ; Sabiston
Applique Panel with StarTextilesApplique Panel with Starpanels (costume components)-Fabric; thread; porcupine quillsContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Robert AllerU008.31.106; ; ; ; ; -
Arhats (reproduction of an original)TextilesArhats (reproduction of an original)reproductions (derivative objects); hanging scrollsChina17th - 20th centuryChinesehanging scoll, ink on paperChina Quing 1642-1912Gift of Paul D. WarnerU008.40.8; ; Chinese; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, arahant, arahat, arhat, arhats, luohan, rakan, staff, staffs; ; -
ArpilleraTextilesArpilleraLopez, Cecilia Contrerasappliqué (textile visual works); wall piecesChile1980'sFibre, Cotton; Fibre, SynthetiPurchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU989.15.1Cecilia Contreras Lopez , Lopez, Cecilia Contreras; ; ; ; Appliqué, Hanging, Wall , Wall Hanging; Category 02: Furnishings; Household Accessories; Decorative Furnishings, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); NeedleworkLopez
Baby Blue Chinese Slipper; with white embroideryTextilesBaby Blue Chinese Slipper; with white embroideryslippers (shoes)Chinan.d.ChineseSilk; cotton-U011.46.3; ; Chinese; ; ; -
No image availableTextilesBeaded MoccasinsmoccasinsBritish Columbia, Canadan.d.CanadianRawhide, cotton, beadsGift of Commander and Mrs. A.J. Tullis to the UVic Department of Anthropology, University of VictoriaU981.2.16; ; Canadian; ; ; -
Belouch Prayer RugTextilesBelouch Prayer Rugprayer rugsIranc. 1980IranianWoolGift of A.W. BrownU003.3.1; ; Iranian; ; ; -
No image availableTextilesBeltbelts (costume accessories)British Columbia, Canadan.d.Fibre, Wool; Fibre, CottonGift of Commander and Mrs. A.J. Tullis to the UVic Department of Anthropology, University of VictoriaU981.2.19; ; ; ; Belt; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Clothing Accessories-
BeltTextilesBeltbelts (costume accessories)Chinan.d.ChineseSilkGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.34; ; Chinese; ; Belt; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Clothing Accessories-
No image availableTextilesBidjar Carpet, with Simurghrugs (textiles)Iranc. 1980Wool, Silk, CottonGift of A.W. BrownU003.3.2; ; ; ; ; -
Bilum BagTextilesBilum Bagbags (generic containers)Papua New Guinea1969Knotless netting and threadContemporary Southeast AsianGift of Dick and Wanda Van der EykU002.41.8; ; ; ; Bag , sack; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class)-
Bokhara (Turkoman) CarpetTextilesBokhara (Turkoman) CarpetcarpetsCentral AsiaLate 19th C.TurkmenVegetable dyed woolBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.274; ; Turkmen; ; Carpet; Category 02: Furnishings; Floor Coverings; Floor Coverings (blank sub-class); Rug-
Bride's CoatTextilesBride's CoatUnknowncoatsChinaearly 20th CChineseSilkGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.11Unknown; ; Chinese; ; Coat; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Main Garments-
Brown Leather ShoesTextilesBrown Leather Shoesshoes (footware)Chinan.d.ChineseLeather; thread; metalGift of Nancy TurnerU011.46.1; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Bucharesti CarpetTextilesBucharesti CarpetcarpetsRomaniac. 1975RomanianWoolGift of A.W. BrownU003.3.11; ; Romanian; ; Carpet; Category 02: Furnishings; Floor Coverings; Floor Coverings (blank sub-class); Rug-
CarpetTextilesCarpetrugs (textiles)n.d.-Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU998.15.59; ; ; ; ; -
No image availableTextilesCheckered Flowerswatches; relief prints-Block printGift of Milwaukee State Teachers CollegeU987.22.19; ; ; ; ; -
Child's GarmentTextilesChild's GarmentUnknowndressesBeijing, Hebei, Chinan.d.ChineseSilkGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.29Unknown; ; Chinese; Flower, Flowers, apparel, clothes, clothing, garment, garments, child, children; Dress; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Main Garments-
Chinese Child's HatTextilesChinese Child's HathatsChina1920ChineseFabric; paper; threadGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.8; ; Chinese; ; Hat; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Headwear-
Chinese Child's PantsTextilesChinese Child's PantsUnknowntrousersChinaearly 20th centuryChineseCotton, silkGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.27Unknown; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Child's ShoeTextilesChinese Child's Shoeshoes (footware)Chinan.d.ChineseCotton; silk; woodGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.3; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Child's ShoeTextilesChinese Child's Shoeshoes (footware)Chinan.d.ChineseSilk; cotton; woodGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.7; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Child's ShoeTextilesChinese Child's Shoeshoes (footware)Chinan.d.ChineseSilk; cotton; woodGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.5; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Child's ShoeTextilesChinese Child's Shoeshoes (footware)Chinan.d.ChineseSilk; cotton ;woodGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.6; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Church BannerTextilesChinese Church BannerbannersChina1928ChineseVelvet; silk; inkGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.2; ; Chinese; ; Banner; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Declaratory Documents-
Chinese Church BannerTextilesChinese Church BannerbannersChinan.d.ChineseSilk; cotton; VelvetGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.1; ; Chinese; ; Banner; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Declaratory Documents-
Chinese CoatTextilesChinese CoatcoatsBeijing, Hebei, Chinaearly 20th CenturyChineseSilk; goldGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.23; ; Chinese; ; Coat; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Main Garments-
Chinese Formal DressTextilesChinese Formal DressdressesChina1920sChineseSilkGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.26; ; Chinese; ; Dress; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Main Garments-
Chinese GownTextilesChinese GownrobesChinan.d.ChineseWoolGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.25-2; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese HeadgearTextilesChinese HeadgearheadgearBeijing, Hebei, Chinan.d.ChineseFabric; metalGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.10-1; ; Chinese; ; Headwear; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing-
Chinese JacketTextilesChinese Jacketjackets (garments)Chinan.d.ChineseWoolGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.25-1; ; Chinese; ; Jacket; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Main Garments-
Chinese Newborn Boy's ShoeTextilesChinese Newborn Boy's Shoeshoes (footware)Chinac 1923ChineseCotton;silk;.CardboardGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.21; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Panel SkirtTextilesChinese Panel Skirtskirts (garments)Chinan.d.ChineseSilk; CottonGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.37; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Pleated Panel SkirtTextilesChinese Pleated Panel Skirtskirts (garments)Chinan.d.ChineseSilk; cottonGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.14; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Wedding ShirtTextilesChinese Wedding Shirtshirts (main garments); wedding clothesBeijing, Hebei, Chinan.d.ChineseSilkGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.13; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Woman's CoatTextilesChinese Woman's CoatcoatsChinan.d.ChineseSilk; cottonGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.32-1; ; Chinese; ; Coat; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Main Garments-
Chinese Woman's JacketTextilesChinese Woman's Jacketjackets (garments)Victoria's Chinatownc. 1900-1930Sewn wool, cottonWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of Carole SabistonU002.39.1; ; ; ; Jacket; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Main Garments-
Chinese Woman's PantsTextilesChinese Woman's PantstrousersChinan.d.ChineseSilkGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.30; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Woman's PantsTextilesChinese Woman's PantstrousersChinan.d.ChineseSilk; cottonGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.32-2; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Woman's ShoeTextilesChinese Woman's Shoeshoes (footware)China1930sChineseSilk; leather; woodGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.17; ; Chinese; ; ; -
No image availableTextilesChinese roberobesearly 19th century--L004.2.2; ; ; ; ; -
No image availableTextilesCircus Montage Bswatchesn.d.Ink; DyeGift of Milwaukee State Teachers CollegeU987.22.23; ; ; ; ; -
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