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ImageCollectionsTitleAscendingMakerTypePlace MadeDate MadeCultureMediumStyleCreditId NumberAdditional Search KeywordsLast Name
A River Landscape with Trees and CliffsWorks on PaperA River Landscape with Trees and CliffsSmith, John 'Warwick'paintings (visual works)-InkGift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU009.16.260John 'Warwick' Smith , Smith, John 'Warwick'; ; ; ; ; Smith
Bay Of Fundy (poster)Works on PaperBay Of Fundy (poster)Smith, Gordon A.postersCanada1979Photomechanical reproduction; posterContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.1Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
Canadian Silver CreamerMetalworkCanadian Silver CreamerSilversmith, CarmichaelcreamersVictoria, British Columbia, Canadac.1920-1954CanadianSilverArts and CraftsGift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.116-3Carmichael Silversmith , Silversmith, Carmichael; ; Canadian; ; Cream Pitcher , Pitcher, Cream , creamer; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Serving Vessels; Drink Serving Vessel; PitcherSilversmith
Canadian Silver Sugar bowlMetalworkCanadian Silver Sugar bowlSilversmith, Carmichaelsugar bowlsCanadac.1920-1954CanadianSilverWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.116-2Carmichael Silversmith , Silversmith, Carmichael; ; Canadian; ; ; Silversmith
Canadian Silver TeapotMetalworkCanadian Silver TeapotSilversmith, CarmichaelteapotsVictoria, British Columbia, Canadac.1920-1954CanadianSilverWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.116-1Carmichael Silversmith , Silversmith, Carmichael; ; Canadian; ; ; Silversmith
CaulfieldWorks on PaperCaulfieldSmith, Gordon A.screen printsCanadan.d.SerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.16Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
Caulfield #5Works on PaperCaulfield #5Smith, Gordon A.etchings (prints)Canadan.d.InkWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.25Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio PrintSmith
Ceremonial Furniture: Chancellor's ChairWoodworkCeremonial Furniture: Chancellor's ChairYeomans, Don; Hunt, Calvin; Samuel, Cheryl; Smith, Ann; Thompson, Art; Tait, Norman; Livingston, JohnChairPrince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada; Whyac, British Columbia, Canada; Gingolx, British Columbia, Canada1993Haida, Kwakwaka’wakw, Tutchone, Tlingit, Ditidaht, Nuu-chah-nulth, Cowichan, Coast Salish, Nisga’aCedar, acrylic and latex paint, wool, dyeCustomary, Contemporary ArtGift of Michael C. WilliamsU993.30.1Ann Smith , Smith, Ann, Art Thompson , Thompson, Art , Tsa Qwa Supp, Calvin Hunt , Hunt, Calvin, Cheryl Samuel , Samuel, Cheryl, Don Yeomans , Yeomans, Don, John Livingston , Livingston, John, Norman Tait , Tait, Norman; British Columbia, British Columbia, British Columbia, Gingolx , Kincolith (inhabited place), Prince Rupert, Prince Rupert, Whyac; Haida; Kwakwaka’wakw; Tutchone; Tlingit; Ditidaht, Nuu-chah-nulth; Cowichan, Coast Salish; Nisga’a; ceremonial object, chair, chairs, convocation, convocations; Chair; Category 02: Furnishings; Furniture; Seating FurnitureYeomans
Divided MauveWorks on PaperDivided MauveSmith, Gordon A.screen printsCanada1968SerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.20Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
Divided MauveWorks on PaperDivided MauveSmith, Gordon A.screen printsBritish Columbia, Canada1968SerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU972.2.2Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
DolmenWorks on PaperDolmenSmith, Gordon A.screen printsCanadan.d.SerigraphContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.10Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
English Silver Chamber CandleholderMetalworkEnglish Silver Chamber CandleholderCarter, R.; Smith, D.chambersticksLondon, England1779BritishSilverLate Georgian 1760-1811Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.23Carter, R. , R. Carter, D. Smith , Smith, D.; ; British; ; Chamberstick; Category 02: Furnishings; Lighting Equipment; Lighting Holders; Candleholder; CandlestickCarter
Forest SectionWorks on PaperForest SectionSmith, Gordon A.lithographs1994LithographContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Myfanwy Spencer PavelicU007.71.19Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic PrintSmith
FormsWorks on PaperFormsSmith, Karenetchings (prints)1982EtchingContemporary ArtGift of C.A. Bates and Pat Martin BatesU990.26.47Karen Smith , Smith, Karen; ; ; ; Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio PrintSmith
Homage To Bill Skow '47Works on PaperHomage To Bill Skow '47Smith, Gordon A.lithographsBritish Columbia, Canada1993LithographContemporary ArtGift of Torrie GroeningU996.12.131Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic PrintSmith
Inside And Out, Sense Of ClarityWorks on PaperInside And Out, Sense Of ClaritySmith, C.L.drawings (visual works)1984GraphiteGift of C.A. Bates and Pat Martin BatesU993.28.19C.L. Smith , Smith, C.L.; ; ; ; Drawing; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Smith
Kwakiutl KomokwaWorks on PaperKwakiutl KomokwaSmith, Russelscreen prints'Yalis (Alert Bay); British Columbia; Canada1977Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.1197Russel Smith , Smith, Russel; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Smith
LizianthusWorks on PaperLizianthusSmith, Gordon A.screen printsBritish Columbia, Canada1994CanadianSerigraphContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Jane RuleU016.1.2Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; Canadian; Flower, Flowers; ; Smith
Log Cabin on Rayfield R., 20- Odd Miles East of 70 Mile HouseWorks on PaperLog Cabin on Rayfield R., 20- Odd Miles East of 70 Mile HouseSmith, Donphotographic printsBritish Columbia, Canada1978Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ), Kwakwaka'wakwPhotographic printContemporary ArtGift of Don SmithU980.3.2Don Smith , Smith, Don; ; Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ); Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Smith
Look South, Sidney IslandWorks on PaperLook South, Sidney IslandTravers-Smith, Brianwatercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada1979WatercolourWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Frederic Ranney and Jessie SherwoodU996.13.1Brian Travers-Smith , Travers-Smith, Brian; ; ; ; ; Travers-Smith
Map of Western HemisphereWorks on PaperMap of Western HemispherePublished by C. Smithmaps (documents)Published 1894InkVictorian 1840-1900Gift of Alexandra CowieU008.32.2Published by C. Smith; ; ; ; Map; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Cartograph-
Markers - Spanish BanksWorks on ClothMarkers - Spanish BanksSmith, Gordon A.oil paintings (visual works)British Columbia, Canadac. 1960Canadian, EnglishOilWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU977.1.20Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; Canadian; English; ; ; Smith
Mist In The SelkirksWorks on PaperMist In The SelkirksBell-Smith, Frederic Marlettwatercolours (paintings)n.d.WatercolourGift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU998.15.13Bell-Smith, Frederic Marlett , Frederic Marlett Bell-Smith; ; ; ; ; Bell-Smith
Natural TransformationsWorks on PaperNatural TransformationsSmith, Shelaghartists' books2005paper, inkContemporary ArtGift of the Canadian Book Binders and Book Arts GuildU007.8.19Shelagh Smith , Smith, Shelagh; ; ; ; Book; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other DocumentsSmith
Nem-An-TodWorks on PaperNem-An-TodSmith, Gordon A.screen printsCanadan.d.SerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.9Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
Night LandscapeWorks on PaperNight LandscapeSmith, Gordon A.screen printsCanadac. 1970Print; SerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.6Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
NocturneWorks on ClothNocturneSmith, Gordon A.oil paintings (visual works)British Columbia, Canadan.d.OilContemporary ArtPurchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU977.1.19Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
OctoberWorks on PaperOctoberSmith, Gordon A.lithographsBritish Columbia, Canada1992lithographContemporary ArtGift of Torrie GroeningU996.12.115Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic PrintSmith
Orange TwistWorks on PaperOrange TwistSmith, Gordon A.screen printsBritish Columbia, Canadaca. 1970SilkscreenContemporary ArtPurchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU972.2.4Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
Photo, 108 Mile RanchWorks on PaperPhoto, 108 Mile RanchSmith, Donetchings (prints)British Columbia, Canadan.d.Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ), Kwakwaka'wakwEtchingWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU980.3.1Don Smith , Smith, Don; ; Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ); Kwakwaka'wakw; ; Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio PrintSmith
Photo, Fort SteeleWorks on PaperPhoto, Fort SteeleSmith, Donphotographic printsBritish Columbia, Canada1978Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ), Kwakwaka'wakwPhotographic PrintWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU980.3.3Don Smith , Smith, Don; ; Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ); Kwakwaka'wakw; building, buildings, built environment, fence, field, fields, fort; ; Smith
Portrait of S.W. JackmanWorks on ClothPortrait of S.W. JackmanTravers-Smith, Brianoil paintings (visual works)British Columbia, Canada1966OilWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU984.20.1Brian Travers-Smith , Travers-Smith, Brian; ; ; ; ; Travers-Smith
Psychedelic Blue For WallisMixed MediaPsychedelic Blue For WallisSmith, Gordon A.screen printsCanadan.d.SerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.17Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
Rainbow GreenWorks on PaperRainbow GreenSmith, Gordon A.screen printsCanadan.d.SerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.18Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
Rainbow GreenWorks on PaperRainbow GreenSmith, Gordon A.screen printsBritish Columbia, Canada1968SilkscreenWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU972.2.6Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
Rising FormsWorks on PaperRising FormsSmith, Gordon A.screen printsCanadan.d.SerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.8Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
Special GreenWorks on PaperSpecial GreenSmith, Gordon A.screen printsBritish Columbia, Canadac. 1970SerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Mrs. Maxwell BatesU982.24.11Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
The Red QueenWorks on PaperThe Red QueenSmith, Joelscreen printsBritish Columbia, Canadan.d.SerigraphContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Mrs. Maxwell BatesU982.24.12Joel Smith , Smith, Joel; ; ; ; ; Smith
TorsoMetalworkTorsoSmith, Gordsculpture (visual works)British Columbia, Canada1972BronzeWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU973.2.3Gord Smith , Smith, Gord; ; ; ; ; Smith
No image availableWoodworkTransformation PoleSmith, Donpoles (sculptures)British Columbia, Canada1993Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ), Kwakwaka'wakwCedar, Red; PaintGift of multiple departments from the University of VictoriaU994.29.1Don Smith , Smith, Don; ; Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ); Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Smith
Untitled (Abstract Etching)Works on PaperUntitled (Abstract Etching)Smith, Gordon A.etchings (prints)n.d.EtchingContemporary ArtGift of Mary Jean SmithU007.28.9Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio PrintSmith
Untitled (Abstract Geometric Print)Works on PaperUntitled (Abstract Geometric Print)Smith, Gordon A.lithographsCanadan.d.LithographWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.4Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic PrintSmith
Untitled (Abstract Geometric)Works on PaperUntitled (Abstract Geometric)Smith, Gordon A.screen printsCanada1971SerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.12Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
Untitled (Abstract Geometric)Works on PaperUntitled (Abstract Geometric)Smith, Gordon A.screen printsCanadan.d.SerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.7Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
Untitled (Abstract Geometric)Works on PaperUntitled (Abstract Geometric)Smith, Gordon A.screen printsCanada1969SerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.24Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
Untitled (Abstract Geometric)Works on PaperUntitled (Abstract Geometric)Smith, Gordon A.screen printsCanadan.d.SerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.22Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
Untitled (Abstract Geometric)Works on PaperUntitled (Abstract Geometric)Smith, Gordon A.screen printsCanadan.d.SerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.21Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
Untitled (Abstract Geometric)Works on PaperUntitled (Abstract Geometric)Smith, Gordon A.screen printsCanadan.d.SerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.19Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
Untitled (Abstract Landscape)Works on BoardUntitled (Abstract Landscape)Smith, Gordon A.acrylic paintings (visual works)British Columbia, Canadac. 1970acrylicContemporary ArtGift of Mrs. MarjorieU003.22.1Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Smith
Untitled (Abstract)Works on PaperUntitled (Abstract)Smith, Gordon A.screen printsCanadan.d.SerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Walter S. LanningU982.25.14Gordon A. Smith , Smith, Gordon A.; ; ; ; ; Smith
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