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ImageCollectionsTitleAscendingMakerTypePlace MadeDate MadeCultureMediumStyleCreditId NumberAdditional Search KeywordsLast Name
74-68Works on Paper74-68Lam, Chin-Sheklithographs1974Canadian, ChineseLithographContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.793Chin-Shek Lam , Lam, Chin-Shek; ; Canadian; Chinese; ; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic PrintLam
80-53Works on Paper80-53Lam, Chin-Shekgouaches (paintings)1980Canadian, ChineseGouacheContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.668Chin-Shek Lam , Lam, Chin-Shek; ; Canadian; Chinese; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Lam
Arhats (reproduction of an original)TextilesArhats (reproduction of an original)reproductions (derivative objects); hanging scrollsChina17th - 20th centuryChinesehanging scoll, ink on paperChina Quing 1642-1912Gift of Paul D. WarnerU008.40.8; ; Chinese; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, arahant, arahat, arhat, arhats, luohan, rakan, staff, staffs; ; -
Baby Blue Chinese Slipper; with white embroideryTextilesBaby Blue Chinese Slipper; with white embroideryslippers (shoes)Chinan.d.ChineseSilk; cotton-U011.46.3; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Batavian Tea Bowl and SaucerCeramicsBatavian Tea Bowl and Saucertea bowls; saucers (plates)Chinan.d.ChinesePorcelain; enamel paint; glazeChina Kangxi (1662-1722)Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU009.16.39; ; Chinese; ; ; -
BeltTextilesBeltbelts (costume accessories)Chinan.d.ChineseSilkGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.34; ; Chinese; ; Belt; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Clothing Accessories-
Blue and White BowlCeramicsBlue and White Bowlbowls (vessels)China17th CenturyChinesePorcelain; enamel paint; glazeChina Quing 1642-1912Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU009.16.84; ; Chinese; ; Bowl; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Blue and White Plate with Floral DesignCeramicsBlue and White Plate with Floral Designplates (general, dishes)China1736-1795ChinesePorcelain; enamel paint; glazeChina Quing 1642-1912Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU009.16.128; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Blue and White Plate with Village SceneCeramicsBlue and White Plate with Village Sceneplates (general, dishes)Chinan.d.Chineseporcelain; underglaze; blue decorationGift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU009.16.132; China; Chinese; Bird, Birds, Flower, Flowers, People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, beach, beach and/or shore, shore, shores, bridge, bridges, chorten, stupa, stupas, thupa, tope, dish, food plate, plate, plate, food, plates (vessels for food), dog, dogs, landscape, pagoda, pagodas, tree, trees; ; -
Blue and White Serving Bowl with CityscapeCeramicsBlue and White Serving Bowl with Cityscapeserving dishesChina1790-1820ChinesePorcelain; enamel paint; glazeGift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU009.16.85; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Boating By A CliffWorks on ClothBoating By A CliffLuhanging scrollsChinan.d.ChineseInkChina Quing 1642-1912Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.3Lu; ; Chinese; boat, boats, cliff, cliffs, tree, trees, water; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)-
Brass Holder for HeadgearMetalworkBrass Holder for Headgearheadbands (headgear)Chinan.d.ChineseBrassGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.10-2; ; Chinese; ; Headband , band, ear , ear band; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Headwear-
Bride's CoatTextilesBride's CoatUnknowncoatsChinaearly 20th CChineseSilkGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.11Unknown; ; Chinese; ; Coat; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Main Garments-
Brown Leather ShoesTextilesBrown Leather Shoesshoes (footware)Chinan.d.ChineseLeather; thread; metalGift of Nancy TurnerU011.46.1; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Bulbous Vase with Scraffito Wave MotifCeramicsBulbous Vase with Scraffito Wave MotifNgan, WaynevasesBritish Columbia, Canadan.d.Chinese, CanadianStoneware; glazeWestern Modern 1900-1950The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU012.27.4Ngan, Wayne , Wayne Ngan; ; Chinese; Canadian; ; ; Ngan
Cast Bronze Vessel, ChineseCeramicsCast Bronze Vessel, Chinesevessels (containers)China1820ChineseBronzeChina Quing 1642-1912Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU998.40.1; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chien Lung PlateCeramicsChien Lung Plateplates (general, dishes)China1740-1790ChinesePorcelain; Glaze; EnamelChina Quing 1642-1912Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU004.20.1-2; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chien Lung Plate (pair)CeramicsChien Lung Plate (pair)plates (general, dishes)China1740-1790ChinesePorcelain; Glaze; EnamelChina Quing 1642-1912Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU004.20.2-2; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Child's GarmentTextilesChild's GarmentUnknowndressesBeijing, Hebei, Chinan.d.ChineseSilkGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.29Unknown; ; Chinese; Flower, Flowers, apparel, clothes, clothing, garment, garments, child, children; Dress; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Main Garments-
Chinese BowlCeramicsChinese Bowlbowls (vessels)Chinac.1750ChinesePorcelain; enamel paint; glazeChina Quing 1642-1912Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU009.16.28; ; Chinese; ; Bowl; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Chinese BowlCeramicsChinese Bowlbowls (vessels)China18th CenturyChinesePorcelain; enamel paint; glazeChina Quianlong rein (1736-1795)Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU009.16.29; ; Chinese; ; Bowl; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Chinese BowlCeramicsChinese Bowlbowls (vessels)Chinac.1750ChinesePorcelain; glaze; enamel paintChina Quing 1642-1912Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU009.16.27; ; Chinese; ; Bowl; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Chinese BowlCeramicsChinese Bowlbowls (vessels)Chinan.d.ChinesePorcelain; enamel paint; glazeChina MING 1368-1644Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU009.16.31; ; Chinese; ; Bowl; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Chinese Child's HatTextilesChinese Child's HathatsChina1920ChineseFabric; paper; threadGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.8; ; Chinese; ; Hat; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Headwear-
Chinese Child's PantsTextilesChinese Child's PantsUnknowntrousersChinaearly 20th centuryChineseCotton, silkGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.27Unknown; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Child's ShoeTextilesChinese Child's Shoeshoes (footware)Chinan.d.ChineseCotton; silk; woodGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.3; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Child's ShoeTextilesChinese Child's Shoeshoes (footware)Chinan.d.ChineseSilk; cotton; woodGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.7; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Child's ShoeTextilesChinese Child's Shoeshoes (footware)Chinan.d.ChineseSilk; cotton; woodGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.5; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Child's ShoeTextilesChinese Child's Shoeshoes (footware)Chinan.d.ChineseSilk; cotton ;woodGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.6; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Church BannerTextilesChinese Church BannerbannersChina1928ChineseVelvet; silk; inkGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.2; ; Chinese; ; Banner; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Declaratory Documents-
Chinese Church BannerTextilesChinese Church BannerbannersChinan.d.ChineseSilk; cotton; VelvetGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.1; ; Chinese; ; Banner; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Declaratory Documents-
Chinese CoatTextilesChinese CoatcoatsBeijing, Hebei, Chinaearly 20th CenturyChineseSilk; goldGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.23; ; Chinese; ; Coat; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Main Garments-
Chinese Formal DressTextilesChinese Formal DressdressesChina1920sChineseSilkGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.26; ; Chinese; ; Dress; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Main Garments-
Chinese GownTextilesChinese GownrobesChinan.d.ChineseWoolGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.25-2; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese HeadgearTextilesChinese HeadgearheadgearBeijing, Hebei, Chinan.d.ChineseFabric; metalGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.10-1; ; Chinese; ; Headwear; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing-
Chinese JacketTextilesChinese Jacketjackets (garments)Chinan.d.ChineseWoolGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.25-1; ; Chinese; ; Jacket; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Main Garments-
Chinese Newborn Boy's ShoeTextilesChinese Newborn Boy's Shoeshoes (footware)Chinac 1923ChineseCotton;silk;.CardboardGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.21; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Panel SkirtTextilesChinese Panel Skirtskirts (garments)Chinan.d.ChineseSilk; CottonGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.37; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Pillow Box with RoostersCeramicsChinese Pillow Box with Roostersvessels (containers)Chinan.d.ChinesePorcelain; enamel paint; glazeChina Quing 1642-1912Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU009.16.140; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Pleated Panel SkirtTextilesChinese Pleated Panel Skirtskirts (garments)Chinan.d.ChineseSilk; cottonGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.14; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Plume And CaseMiscellaneousChinese Plume And Caseplumes (ornaments)Chinan.d.ChineseFeather; wood; cardboardGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.33; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Silver and Enamel Nail GuardsMetalworkChinese Silver and Enamel Nail Guardsnail protectorsChinan.d.ChineseSilver; enamelGift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.73-2; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Silver and Enamel Nail GuardsMetalworkChinese Silver and Enamel Nail Guardsnail protectorsChinan.d.ChineseSilver; enamelGift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU003.2.73-1; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Wedding ShirtTextilesChinese Wedding Shirtshirts (main garments); wedding clothesBeijing, Hebei, Chinan.d.ChineseSilkGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.13; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Woman's CoatTextilesChinese Woman's CoatcoatsChinan.d.ChineseSilk; cottonGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.32-1; ; Chinese; ; Coat; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Main Garments-
Chinese Woman's PantsTextilesChinese Woman's PantstrousersChinan.d.ChineseSilkGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.30; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Woman's PantsTextilesChinese Woman's PantstrousersChinan.d.ChineseSilk; cottonGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.32-2; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese Woman's ShoeTextilesChinese Woman's Shoeshoes (footware)China1930sChineseSilk; leather; woodGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.17; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Cushion CoversTextilesCushion CoverscushionsChinan.d.ChineseDamask; Brocade Silk; CottonBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.530; ; Chinese; ; Cushion; Category 02: Furnishings; Household Accessories; Other Household Accessories-
Documents on Chinese CharactersWorks on PaperDocuments on Chinese CharactersbooksChinan.d.ChineseInkGift of Nancy TurnerU011.46.9; ; Chinese; ; Book; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
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