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Legacy Art Galleries has a rich and varied art collection of approximately 18,000 objects. Collection strengths include art of the Pacific Northwest, with a significant focus on contemporary Indigenous prints; Arts and Crafts decorative arts; and European, Asian, and Pre-Columbian works.

Statement of Care

At UVic we know our collections contain items that are important to originating communities. We are dedicated to respectfully caring for culturally sensitive materials in our care.

We are currently working to research the collections and make known to Indigenous communities the Indigenous cultural belongings we are holding. We are guided by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, the United Nations Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, and the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act. We will look to Indigenous people to determine how these materials should be cared for going forward, and if it is appropriate for us to be holding these materials in an art collection.


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Reproduction of any images contained herein, beyond the uses of research and private study, is prohibited without the express written authorization of the Legacy Art Galleries or the copyright owner. Information on how to request permission can be found here.

The Legacy Art Galleries have taken all reasonable efforts to ensure that works are reproduced on this website with the consent of the copyright owners. All reasonable efforts have been made to identify, properly cite and contact copyright owners but in some cases these could not be traced. Our staff are currently researching objects protected under copyright and seeking permission from artists to provide information regarding objects on this site. If you hold or administer rights for materials published here, please contact us. Any errors or omissions will be corrected.

Images: Top Left - Woven Northwest Coast basket / Top right - Consanguinity by McMaster, Meryl / Bottom left - Idle No More by Littlechild, George / Bottom right - Small Victorian drawing chair

Credit Line

Legacy’s Collection Website was made possible in part by the Government of Canada.

Le collection en ligne de Legacy a été rendu possible en partie grâce au gouvernement du Canada.