| Works on Paper | Artist Parodies Poet | Williams, A. | lithographs | British Columbia, Canada | - | | Ink | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of C.A. Bates and Pat Martin Bates | U985.18.9 | A. Williams , Williams, A.; ; ; ; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic Print | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Baby Raven | Williams, Harvey | screen prints | Vancouver Island; British Columbia; Canada | n.d. | Nuu-chah-nulth | Serigraph | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard | U990.14.461 | Harvey Williams , Williams, Harvey; ; Nuu-chah-nulth; ; ; | Williams |
| Woodwork | Bear, Wolf, Beaver, Frog | Williams, Rick | miniature totem poles; carvings (visual works) | Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada | n.d. | Nuu-chah-nulth, Canadian | wood | | Gift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) Knight | U009.17.158 | Rick Williams , Williams, Rick; ; Nuu-chah-nulth; Canadian; ; ; | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Killer Whale | Williams, Harvey | screen prints | Vancouver Island; British Columbia; Canada | n.d. | Nuu-chah-nulth | Serigraph | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard | U990.14.459 | Harvey Williams , Williams, Harvey; ; Nuu-chah-nulth; ; ; | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Killer Whale | Williams, Francis | screen prints | Masset, British Columbia, Canada | n.d. | Haida | - | | Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard | U990.14.963 | Francis Williams , Williams, Francis; ; Haida; ; ; | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Lightning Snake, Thunderbird, Killer Whales | Williams, Harvey | screen prints | Vancouver Island; British Columbia; Canada | n.d. | Nuu-chah-nulth | Serigraph | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard | U990.14.462 | Harvey Williams , Williams, Harvey; ; Nuu-chah-nulth; ; ; | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Moon | Williams, Harvey | screen prints | Vancouver Island; British Columbia; Canada | n.d. | Nuu-chah-nulth | Serigraph | Contemporary Art | Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard | U990.14.456 | Harvey Williams , Williams, Harvey; ; Nuu-chah-nulth; ; ; | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Raven | Williams, Harvey | screen prints | Vancouver Island; British Columbia; Canada | 1984 | Nuu-chah-nulth | Serigraph | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard | U990.14.460 | Harvey Williams , Williams, Harvey; ; Nuu-chah-nulth; ; ; | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Raven | Williams, Francis | screen prints | Masset, British Columbia, Canada | n.d. | Haida | Serigraph | | Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard | U990.14.964 | Francis Williams , Williams, Francis; ; Haida; ; ; | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Seal | Williams, Harvey | screen prints | Vancouver Island; British Columbia; Canada | n.d. | Nuu-chah-nulth | Serigraph | | Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard | U990.14.458 | Harvey Williams , Williams, Harvey; ; Nuu-chah-nulth; ; ; | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Shark | Williams, Francis | screen prints | Masset, British Columbia, Canada | n.d. | Haida | Serigraph | | Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard | U990.14.965 | Francis Williams , Williams, Francis; ; Haida; ; ; | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Shark | Williams, Francis | screen prints | Masset, British Columbia, Canada | 1974 | Haida | Serigraph | | Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard | U990.14.967 | Francis Williams , Williams, Francis; ; Haida; ; ; | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Sun | Williams, Harvey | screen prints | Vancouver Island; British Columbia; Canada | n.d. | Nuu-chah-nulth | Serigraph | | Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard | U990.14.455 | Harvey Williams , Williams, Harvey; ; Nuu-chah-nulth; ; ; | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Thunderbird | Williams, Harvey | screen prints | Vancouver Island; British Columbia; Canada | n.d. | Nuu-chah-nulth | Serigraph | | Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard | U990.14.454 | Harvey Williams , Williams, Harvey; ; Nuu-chah-nulth; ; ; | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Thunderbird Strongman Tearing Whale | Williams, Harvey | screen prints | Vancouver Island; British Columbia; Canada | n.d. | Nuu-chah-nulth | Serigraph | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard | U990.14.463 | Harvey Williams , Williams, Harvey; ; Nuu-chah-nulth; ; ; | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Tree Toad | Williams, A. | lithographs | | 1969 | | Relief; Lithograph | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of C.A. Bates and Pat Martin Bates | U988.10.54 | A. Williams , Williams, A.; ; ; ; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic Print | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Untitled (Animal) | Williams, Francis | screen prints | Masset, British Columbia, Canada | n.d. | Haida | Serigraph | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of William Langlois | U988.4.6 | Francis Williams , Williams, Francis; ; Haida; ; ; | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Untitled (Sea Creature) | Williams, Francis | screen prints | Masset, British Columbia, Canada | 1974 | Haida | Serigraph | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of William Langlois | U988.4.1 | Francis Williams , Williams, Francis; ; Haida; ; ; | Williams |
| Woodwork | Untitled (Totem) | Williams, Harvey | miniature totem poles; carvings (visual works) | Vancouver Island; British Columbia; Canada | Unknown | Nuu-chah-nulth | Wood | | Gift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) Knight | U009.17.144 | Harvey Williams , Williams, Harvey; ; Nuu-chah-nulth; ; ; | Williams |
| Woodwork | Untitled (pole) | Williams, Ray | miniature totem poles; carvings (visual works) | Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada | n.d. | Nuu-chah-nulth, Canadian | Wood | | Gift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) Knight | U009.17.159 | Ray Williams , Williams, Ray; ; Nuu-chah-nulth; Canadian; ; ; | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Whale Box | Williams, Francis | screen prints | Masset, British Columbia, Canada | n.d. | Haida | Serigraph | Contemporary Art | Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard | U990.14.966 | Francis Williams , Williams, Francis; ; Haida; ; ; | Williams |
| Works on Paper | Whale, Seal, Salmon | Williams, Harvey | screen prints | Vancouver Island; British Columbia; Canada | n.d. | Nuu-chah-nulth | Serigraph | | Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard | U990.14.457 | Harvey Williams , Williams, Harvey; ; Nuu-chah-nulth; ; ; | Williams |