| Works on Paper | Earthen Cave, Symbol Of The Empty Tomb | Milne, Courtney | colour prints (photographs) | Jerusalem, Israel | 1993 | | 35mm Print | Contemporary Art | Gift of Mr. and Mrs. M. Sopman | U995.2.37 | Courtney Milne , Milne, Courtney; ; ; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Photograph | Milne |
 | Works on Paper | Moriah, Place Of The Night Journey | Milne, Courtney | colour prints (photographs) | Jerusalem, Israel | 1993 | | 35mm print | Contemporary Art | Gift of Mr. and Mrs. M. Sopman | U995.2.27 | Courtney Milne , Milne, Courtney; ; ; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Photograph | Milne |
 | Works on Paper | The Western Wall, Place Fo The Divine Presence | Milne, Courtney | colour prints (photographs) | Jerusalem, Israel | 1993 | | 35mm Print | Contemporary Art | Gift of Mr. and Mrs. M. Sopman | U995.2.7 | Courtney Milne , Milne, Courtney; ; ; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Photograph | Milne |
 | Woodwork | Untitled (Cross) | | crucifixes | Jerusalem, Israel | 20th C | | Olivewood, mother-of-pearl | | Bequest of John and Katharine Maltwood | M964.1.289 | ; ; ; ; Crucifix; Category 08: Communication Objects; Ceremonial Objects; Religious Objects; Religious Symbol; Cross | - |
 | Ceramics | Untitled (Tile) | | tile work (visual works) | Jerusalem, Israel | 7th Century | | Clay | Islamic/N. Easr,Early 622-1250 | Bequest of John and Katharine Maltwood | M964.1.329 | ; ; ; ; ; | - |