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Works on Paper"Hokusai Manga"Hokusai, Katsushikawoodcuts (prints)Japanc.1760 - 1849JapaneseWoodblock printJapan Edo(Tokugawa) 1615-1858Gift of Elisabeth SilvesterU006.9.1Hokusai, Katsushika , Katsushika Hokusai; ; Japanese; ; ; Hokusai
Works on Paper"Hokusai Manga"Hokusai, Katsushikawoodcuts (prints)Japanc.1760 - 1849JapaneseWoodblockJapan Edo(Tokugawa) 1615-1858Gift of Elisabeth SilvesterU006.9.3Hokusai, Katsushika , Katsushika Hokusai; ; Japanese; ; ; Hokusai
Works on Paper"Hokusai Manga"Hokusai, Katsushikawoodcuts (prints)Japanc. 1760 - 1849JapaneseWoodblockJapan Edo(Tokugawa) 1615-1858Gift of Elisabeth SilvesterU006.9.2Hokusai, Katsushika , Katsushika Hokusai; ; Japanese; ; ; Hokusai
Album of Painted Flowers, People and LandscapesWorks on BoardAlbum of Painted Flowers, People and Landscapes跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi Atomi)orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings insideTokyo, Tōkyō, Japancirca 1940Japanese, English, Canadianwatercolour on board; silkNihonga, landscapeGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.3Atomi), 跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi , Atomi, Gyokushi , Atomi, Gyokushi , Gyokushi Atomi , Gyokushi Atomi , 玉絲 , 跡見 玉枝 , 跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi Atomi) , 跡見玉枝; Tokyo; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Bird, Birds, Bird, Birds, Flower, Flowers, People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, house, houses, life/death, mountain, mountains, pagoda, pagodas, rain; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
Amida Buddha Attended By Wisdom And MercyWorks on PaperAmida Buddha Attended By Wisdom And Mercyhanging scrollsJapan1300-1400Paint; Ink; Gold hanging scrollJapan Kamakura 1185-1333Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.136; ; ; American lotus, Nelumbo lutea, Nelumbo nucifera, lotus, lotuses, sacred lotus, Amida, Amitabha, Amitayus, Amitābha, Amitāyus, Avalokiteshvara, Avalokitesvara, Avalokiteśvara, Chenrezig, Guanyin, Kannon, Kanzeon Bosatsu, Kuan-yin, Kuze Kannon, Lokeshvara, Nidü-ber üjegči, Spyan-ras gzigs, अवलोकितेश्वर, Bodhisattva, Bodhisattvas, bodhisatta, bodhisattas, Buddhism, Daiseishi, Daishizhi, Mahast Malonia, Mahasthamaprapta, Mahāsthāmaprāpta, mythologies, mythology, religion, religion and mythology, religions; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)-
Amida Buddha Attended by Wisdom and Mercy; [Amida Raigo Trinity]Works on ClothAmida Buddha Attended by Wisdom and Mercy; [Amida Raigo Trinity]hanging scrollsJapan14th-15th centuryJapanesehanging scroll with colours and gold on Indigo silkJapan Kamakura 1185-1333Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.135; ; Japanese; American lotus, Nelumbo lutea, Nelumbo nucifera, lotus, lotuses, sacred lotus, Amida, Amitabha, Amitayus, Amitābha, Amitāyus, Avalokiteshvara, Avalokitesvara, Avalokiteśvara, Chenrezig, Guanyin, Kannon, Kanzeon Bosatsu, Kuan-yin, Kuze Kannon, Lokeshvara, Nidü-ber üjegči, Spyan-ras gzigs, अवलोकितेश्वर, Bodhisattva, Bodhisattvas, bodhisatta, bodhisattas, Buddhism, Daiseishi, Daishizhi, Mahast Malonia, Mahasthamaprapta, Mahāsthāmaprāpta, Dìzàng, Jijang, Jizo, Jizō, Kṣitigarbha, Ojizō-sama, Địa Tạng, क्षितिगर्भ, 地蔵, 地藏, 지장, Raigo, Raigō, 来迎, mythologies, mythology, religion, religion and mythology, religions; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)-
Ascension, Cross Of The Risen LordWorks on PaperAscension, Cross Of The Risen LordMilne, Courtneycolour prints (photographs)Yamanaka-ko, Yamanashi, Japan198935mm PrintContemporary ArtGift of Mr. and Mrs. M. SopmanU995.2.18Courtney Milne , Milne, Courtney; Yamanaka-ko; ; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographMilne
No image availableWoodworkDecoration BaseShiunbases (object components)Kōryō, Nara, Japan20TH C LATJapaneseWood; lacquer; tatamiJapan SHOWA 1926-Gift of Koryo International CollegeU987.21.4Shiun; ; Japanese; ; Base; Category 09: Recreational Objects; Sports Equipment; Sports Equipment (blank sub-class); Baseball Gear-
Eleven Headed KannonWorks on PaperEleven Headed Kannonhanging scrollsJapan14th CenturyPaint; Ink; GoldJapan Kamakura 1185-1333Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.137; ; ; Avalokiteshvara, Avalokitesvara, Avalokiteśvara, Chenrezig, Guanyin, Kannon, Kanzeon Bosatsu, Kuan-yin, Kuze Kannon, Lokeshvara, Nidü-ber üjegči, Spyan-ras gzigs, अवलोकितेश्वर, Bodhisattva, Bodhisattvas, bodhisatta, bodhisattas, Buddhism, Raigo, Raigō, 来迎; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)-
Four Trees- WinterWorks on PaperFour Trees- WinterHirohata, Seigolithograph?Japan1975Serigraph/ Litho?Western Modern 1900-1950Gift of C.A. Bates and Pat Martin BatesU988.10.26Hirohata, Seigo , Seigo Hirohata; ; ; ; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic PrintHirohata
Fujisan, Mountain Of Everlasting LightWorks on PaperFujisan, Mountain Of Everlasting LightMilne, Courtneycolour prints (photographs)Fuji San, Honshū, Japan198935mm PrintContemporary ArtGift of Mr. and Mrs. M. SopmanU995.2.53Courtney Milne , Milne, Courtney; ; ; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographMilne
Furisode (Japanese Undergarment)TextilesFurisode (Japanese Undergarment)Unknownunderdresses; undergarment; wedding clothesKagoshima, Japanc. 1945JapanesesilkGift of Hisako PetchotaU002.36.4Unknown; ; Japanese; ; ; -
JVC Videosphere TelevisionMiscellaneousJVC Videosphere Televisionvideo monitorsJapan1974Plastic; metalContemporary Art-U998.29.1; ; ; ; ; -
Jingu, The Grand Shrine Of IseWorks on PaperJingu, The Grand Shrine Of IseMilne, Courtneycolour prints (photographs)Ise, Mie, Japan199335mm printContemporary ArtGift of Mr. and Mrs. M. SopmanU995.2.38Courtney Milne , Milne, Courtney; ; ; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographMilne
Kanga shinan Nihen (A Guide to Chinese Painting; Part 2), 2  bound books of woodcutsWorks on PaperKanga shinan Nihen (A Guide to Chinese Painting; Part 2), 2 bound books of woodcutsBunpo, Kawamuraartists' booksJapan1811JapaneseWoodcut printsJapan Edo(Tokugawa) 1615-1858Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.474Bunpo, Kawamura , Kawamura Bunpo; ; Japanese; calligraphy; Book; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other DocumentsBunpo
KotoMiscellaneousKotokotoJapann.d.JapaneseLaquered And PaintedGift of Nagoya UniversityU997.27.1; ; Japanese; ; Zither; Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Musical T&E; Musical Instruments; Stringed Instrument-
Paper Monument Patient Card 74.12Works on PaperPaper Monument Patient Card 74.12screen printsJapan1974SerigraphJapan SHOWA 1926-Gift of C.A. Bates and Pat Martin BatesU985.19.2; ; ; ; ; -
Portrait Of Kóbó-daishiWorks on PaperPortrait Of Kóbó-daishihanging scrollsJapann.d.JapanesePigment; InkJapan MUROMACHI 1336-1573Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.524; ; Japanese; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)-
No image availableTextilesThe Emperorhina dollsKōryō, Nara, Japan20TH C LATTextile; Wood; Ceramic; MetalGift of Koryo International CollegeU987.21.1; ; ; ; Doll; Category 09: Recreational Objects; Toys; Toys (blank sub-class)-
No image availableTextilesThe Empresshina dollsKōryō, Nara, Japan20TH C LATTextile; Ceramic; Wood; MetalGift of Koryo International CollegeU987.21.2; ; ; ; Doll; Category 09: Recreational Objects; Toys; Toys (blank sub-class)-
Uchikake Wedding RobeTextilesUchikake Wedding RobeUnknownrobes; wedding clothesKagoshima, Japanc. late 1920-1930JapaneseEmbroidered silkGift of Hisako PetchotaU002.36.3Unknown; ; Japanese; ; ; -
Union ViWorks on PaperUnion ViFunai, Yutakascreen printsJapan1970SerigraphJapan SHOWA 1926-Gift of C.A. Bates and Pat Martin BatesU985.19.1Funai, Yutaka , Yutaka Funai; ; ; ; ; Funai
Untitled (Accordion fold album)MiscellaneousUntitled (Accordion fold album)albums (books)Japann.d.Japanesesilk covered cardboard cover with numerous card pages with gold edgesBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.476; ; Japanese; albums; Book; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
Untitled (Ainu Chief)WoodworkUntitled (Ainu Chief)carvings (visual works)Hokkaidō, Japanl. 19th, e. 20th CAinu, JapaneseKeyaki woodJapan MEIJI & TAISHO 1868-1926Gift of Isabel PollardU979.13.1; ; Ainu, Japanese; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture-
Untitled (Art Deco Espresso Set)CeramicsUntitled (Art Deco Espresso Set)demitassesJapan ?1920-1930sCeramic; glaze; enamel paintJapan SHOWA 1926-The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU990.19.3; ; ; ; Bowl, Sugar , Sugar Bowl, Coffeepot , coffee pot , pot, coffee, Cup, Demitasse , Demitasse Cup, Demitasse Saucer , Saucer, Demitasse; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Drinking Vessels; Cup; Coffee Cup, Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Eating Vessels; Eating Dish; Saucer, Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Serving Vessels; Drink Serving Vessel, Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Serving Vessels; Serving Bowl-
Untitled (Artist's Portfolio)MiscellaneousUntitled (Artist's Portfolio)Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)portfolios (containers)Japan20TH CJapanese, Canadiantextile covered cardboardBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.459-16Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; portfolio, portfolios; ; -
No image availableMiscellaneousUntitled (Bamboo Spoon)spoonsJapann.d.BambooJapan SHOWA 1926-Gift of Koryo International CollegeU986.15.5; ; ; ; ; -
No image availableMetalworkUntitled (Bamboo Tea Whisk)whisksJapan-BambooJapan SHOWA 1926-Gift of Koryo International CollegeU986.15.4; ; ; ; ; -
Untitled (Beer Stein with Lid)CeramicsUntitled (Beer Stein with Lid)steinsJapan17th CenturyJapaneseArita porcelain with underglaze blue decor and Dutch silver lid with later wooden handleJapan Edo(Tokugawa) 1615-1858Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.65; ; Japanese; ; ; -
Untitled (Bowl)CeramicsUntitled (Bowl)bowls (vessels)Japann.d.JapaneseEarthenware and glazeJapan SHOWA 1926-Gift of Koryo International CollegeU986.15.2; ; Japanese; ; Bowl; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Untitled (Bowl)CeramicsUntitled (Bowl)bowls (vessels)Japan1950sCeramic; glaze; transfer printWestern Modern 1900-1950The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU991.6.9-2; ; ; ; Bowl; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
No image availableCeramicsUntitled (Bowl)bowls (vessels)Japan-Ceramic; Wood; MetalGift of Koryo International CollegeU985.16.4; ; ; ; Bowl; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Untitled (Bowl)CeramicsUntitled (Bowl)bowls (vessels)Japann.d.JapaneseEarthenware and glazeJapan SHOWA 1926-Gift of Koryo International CollegeU986.15.3; ; Japanese; ; Bowl; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Untitled (Box and Tray)MetalworkUntitled (Box and Tray)box and trayTokyo, Japan1920sJapaneseWood; SilverJapan MEIJI & TAISHO 1868-1926Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU989.11.2; ; Japanese; ; Box, Tray; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class), Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class)-
Untitled (Cat Figurine)WoodworkUntitled (Cat Figurine)figurines; carvings (visual works)Japann.d.carved and painted woodBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.407; ; ; cat, cats; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; Statue-
No image availableTextilesUntitled (Cleaning Cloths)Cleaning ClothJapan-Fibre, Cotton; ThreadJapan SHOWA 1926-Gift of Koryo International CollegeU985.16.15; ; ; ; Cleaning Cloth , Cloth, Cleaning , cloth duster , dustcloth , duster, cloth; Category 05: Tools & Equipment for Science & Technology; Maintenance T&E; Housekeeping Equipment-
Untitled (Comport)CeramicsUntitled (Comport)NoritakecompotesJapan1930JapanesePorcelain; glaze; enamel paintJapan SHOWA 1926-The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU988.21.12Noritake; ; Japanese; ; Compote; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Serving Vessels; Serving Bowl-
No image availableCeramicsUntitled (Cup and Saucer)cups (drinking vessels); saucers (plates)Japanc.1930JapanesePorcelain; enamel paints and glazeJapan SHOWA 1926-The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU987.19.36; ; Japanese; ; Cup, Saucer; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Drinking Vessels, Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Eating Vessels; Eating Dish-
Untitled (Cup)CeramicsUntitled (Cup)cups (drinking vessels)Japan1950Ceramic; glaze; transfer printWestern Modern 1900-1950The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU991.6.9-3; ; ; ; Cup; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Drinking Vessels-
No image availableMiscellaneousUntitled (Dipping Spoon)pitchers (vessels); ceremonial objectsKōryō, Nara, Japan-BambooGift of Koryo International CollegeU987.29.8; ; ; ; ; -
No image availableMiscellaneousUntitled (Dipping Spoon)spoonsJapan-Bamboo; GlueJapan SHOWA 1926-Gift of Koryo International CollegeU985.16.12; ; ; ; ; -
Untitled (Field Binoculars with Stand and Case)MetalworkUntitled (Field Binoculars with Stand and Case)CelestronbinocularsJapan20th CenturyMetal; plastic; glass; vinylContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.280Celestron; ; ; ; Binoculars; Category 05: Tools & Equipment for Science & Technology; Optical T&E; Optical T&E (blank sub-class)-
No image availableMiscellaneousUntitled (Flower Arrangements)dried flowersKōryō, Nara, JapanLate 20th CenturyFibre, Nylon ?; WoodGift of Koryo International CollegeU987.21.7; ; ; ; Decorative Furnishings; Category 02: Furnishings; Household Accessories-
Untitled (Flute)MiscellaneousUntitled (Flute)flutes (aerophones)Japann.d.JapaneseBambooGift of Charles HofmannU994.4.58; ; Japanese; ; Flute; Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Musical T&E; Musical Instruments; Woodwind Instrument-
No image availableWoodworkUntitled (Folding Screen)screens (furniture)Kōryō, Nara, Japan20TH C LATWood; Paper; Metal; InkGift of Koryo International CollegeU987.21.5; ; ; ; ; -
Untitled (Head of Jisu or Jizo)WoodworkUntitled (Head of Jisu or Jizo)busts (sculpture); carvings (visual works)Japan13th centuryJapaneseWood; LacquerJapan Kamakura 1185-1333Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.73; ; Japanese; Dìzàng, Jijang, Jizo, Jizō, Kṣitigarbha, Ojizō-sama, Địa Tạng, क्षितिगर्भ, 地蔵, 地藏, 지장, mythologies, mythology, religion, religion and mythology, religions, protection; Bust, Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture-
Untitled (Inkwell on glass base)MetalworkUntitled (Inkwell on glass base)inkwellsTokyo, Japanc.1910-1918JapaneseSilver; glassJapan MEIJI & TAISHO 1868-1926Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU002.29.3; ; Japanese; ; Inkwell; Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Written Communication T&E; Writing Accessories; Writing Equipment Container-
Untitled (Ivory Guinea Pig)MiscellaneousUntitled (Ivory Guinea Pig)beads (pierced objects)Japann.d.Ivory, brassBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.333; ; ; ; Bead; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Textileworking T&E; Needleworking Equipment; Notion-
Untitled (Japanese Condiment Dishes)MetalworkUntitled (Japanese Condiment Dishes)condiment vesselsJapanc.1910JapaneseSilverJapan MEIJI & TAISHO 1868-1926Gift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU988.25.4; ; Japanese; ; Condiment Vessel , Vessel, Condiment; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Serving Vessels-
Untitled (Japanese Scroll)Works on PaperUntitled (Japanese Scroll)Sakuta, Eijicalligraphy (visual works)Japan1998JapaneseInkContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Anthony WelchU001.34.1Eiji Sakuta , Sakuta, Eiji; ; Japanese; ; Calligraphy; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Sakuta
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