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Works on Paper"And God Said"Norquay, James R.lithographsCanada1984LithographContemporary ArtGift of James R. NorquayU997.38.1-1James R. Norquay , Norquay, James R.; ; ; ; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic PrintNorquay
Works on Paper"Nomen 1"Norquay, James R.prints (visual works)Canada1988inkContemporary ArtGift of James R. NorquayU997.38.1-2James R. Norquay , Norquay, James R.; ; ; ; ; Norquay
#1 Circus, Blue and OrangeWorks on Cloth#1 Circus, Blue and OrangeGordaneer, Jamesacrylic paintings (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1983CanadianAcrylicContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.669Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Gordaneer
#2 LisaWorks on Board#2 LisaGordaneer, Jamesoil paintings (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1991CanadianoilGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.931Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; ; Gordaneer
#5 Chiclet CloudWorks on Board#5 Chiclet CloudGordaneer, Jamesacrylic paintings (visual works)British Columbia, Canada1989CanadianacrylicGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.573Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Gordaneer
#6 Clover PointWorks on Board#6 Clover PointGordaneer, Jamesoil paintings (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1988CanadianOilContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.692Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; ; Gordaneer
'Caernarvon 1840' a girl hanging out washing on a hedgeWorks on Paper'Caernarvon 1840' a girl hanging out washing on a hedgePayne, James Bakerdrawings (visual works)United Kingdom1840GraphiteGift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU009.16.334James Baker Payne , Payne, James Baker; ; ; ; Drawing; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Payne
Alien LifeWorks on PaperAlien LifeLindsay, JamesdrawingBritish Columbia, Canada1991Mixed mediaContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.687James Lindsay , Lindsay, James; ; ; ; Drawing; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Lindsay
American (common) EgretWorks on PaperAmerican (common) EgretLansdowne, James FenwicksketchesVictoria, British Columbia, Canada1979?GraphiteContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.30James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
American AvocetWorks on PaperAmerican AvocetLansdowne, James Fenwickprints (visual works)n.d.-Contemporary Art-U007.65.3James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
American KestrelWorks on PaperAmerican KestrelLansdowne, James Fenwickwatercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1982watercolourContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.19James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
An Improvised CollaborationWorks on BoardAn Improvised CollaborationGordaneer, James; Gordaneer, Jeremyacrylic paintings (visual works)2004CanadianacrylicContemporary ArtGift of the Theatre Department of UVicU005.1.1Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer, Gordaneer, Jeremy , Jeremy Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Gordaneer
Arcadia Theme #19; Dallas BeachWorks on BoardArcadia Theme #19; Dallas BeachGordaneer, Jamespaintings (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1989Canadianacrylic; oilContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.701Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; ; Gordaneer
Architecture and FoundationWorks on BoardArchitecture and FoundationGordaneer, Jamesoil painting1996AcrylicContemporary Art-U008.38.15Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Gordaneer
Arqitecion FoundacionWorks on ClothArqitecion FoundacionGordaneer, Jamesoil paintings (visual works)1996oilContemporary Art-U008.38.13Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; ; ; ; Gordaneer
Audubon's WarblerWorks on PaperAudubon's WarblerLansdowne, James FenwicklithographsBritish Columbia, Canada1979LithgraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU980.9.8James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; Bird, Birds, branch, branches, rosehips; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic PrintLansdowne
Audubon's WarblerWorks on PaperAudubon's WarblerLansdowne, James Fenwickprints (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1979PrintContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.48James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
Audubon's WarblerWorks on PaperAudubon's WarblerLansdowne, James FenwicksketchesBritish Columbia, Canada1979GraphiteContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.57James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
Audubon's Warbler- Prep SketchWorks on PaperAudubon's Warbler- Prep SketchLansdowne, James FenwicksketchesBritish Columbia, Canada1979GraphiteWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU980.9.7James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; Bird, Birds, warblers; ; Lansdowne
Barn OwlsWorks on PaperBarn OwlsLansdowne, James Fenwickwatercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1982CanadianwatercolourContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.20James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; Canadian; ; ; Lansdowne
Barred OwlWorks on PaperBarred OwlLansdowne, James FenwicksketchesVictoria, British Columbia, Canadan.d.CanadianGraphite; InkContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.23James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; Canadian; ; ; Lansdowne
Barred OwlWorks on PaperBarred OwlLansdowne, James Fenwickreproductions (derivative objects); lithographsVictoria, British Columbia, Canada1972CanadianReproduction LithographContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.45James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; Canadian; ; ; Lansdowne
Being ThereWorks on ClothBeing ThereGordaneer, Jamesoil paintings (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1980CanadianOilContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.636Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; ; Gordaneer
Bewick's WrenWorks on PaperBewick's WrenLansdowne, James FenwicklithographsBritish Columbia, Canada1979LithographWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU980.9.1James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; Bird, Birds, berries, berry, branch, branches; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic PrintLansdowne
Bewick's WrenWorks on PaperBewick's WrenLansdowne, James Fenwickprints (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1979PrintContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.49James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
Bewick's WrenWorks on PaperBewick's WrenLansdowne, James Fenwickwatercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1981watercolourContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.18James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
Bewick's WrenWorks on PaperBewick's WrenLansdowne, James FenwicksketchesBritish Columbia, Canada1979GraphiteContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.58James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
Bewick's Wren - Prep SketchWorks on PaperBewick's Wren - Prep SketchLansdowne, James FenwicksketchesBritish Columbia, Canada1979GraphiteContemporary ArtPurchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU980.9.2James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; Bird, Birds; ; Lansdowne
Bird FigureWorks on PaperBird FigureLindsay, Jamesgouaches (paintings)British Columbia, Canada1989watercolour/gouacheGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.753James Lindsay , Lindsay, James; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Lindsay
Bird HeadWorks on PaperBird HeadLindsay, Jamesgouaches (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1989gouacheGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.875James Lindsay , Lindsay, James; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Lindsay
Black PhoebeWorks on PaperBlack PhoebeLansdowne, James Fenwickwatercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1979CanadianwatercolourContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.15James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; Canadian; ; ; Lansdowne
Blue MagpieWorks on PaperBlue MagpieLansdowne, James FenwicksketchesVictoria, British Columbia, Canada1980-81GraphiteContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.36James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
Blue Winged Teal HeadsWorks on PaperBlue Winged Teal HeadsLansdowne, James FenwicksketchesVictoria, British Columbia, Canada1987GraphiteContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.39James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
No image availableWorks on PaperCalifornia QuailLansdowne, James FenwicklithographsBritish Columbia, Canada1979InkContemporary ArtPurchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU980.9.3James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; Bird, Birds, quails; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic PrintLansdowne
California QuailWorks on PaperCalifornia QuailLansdowne, James FenwicklithographsVictoria, British Columbia, Canada1979LithographContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.50James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic PrintLansdowne
California QuailWorks on PaperCalifornia QuailLansdowne, James FenwicksketchesBritish Columbia, Canada1979GraphiteContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.56James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
California Quail - Prep SketchWorks on PaperCalifornia Quail - Prep SketchLansdowne, James FenwicklithographsBritish Columbia, Canada1979InkContemporary ArtPurchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU980.9.4James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; Bird, Birds, quails; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic PrintLansdowne
Celebes HornbillWorks on PaperCelebes HornbillLansdowne, James Fenwickwatercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1982watercolourContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.21James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
CezanneWorks on ClothCezanneGordaneer, Jamesoil paintings (visual works)1995OilContemporary Art-U008.38.2Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; ; ; ; Gordaneer
Chestnut-Backed ChickadeeWorks on PaperChestnut-Backed ChickadeeLansdowne, James FenwicklithographsVictoria, British Columbia, Canada1983LithographContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.54James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic PrintLansdowne
City DwellingWorks on BoardCity DwellingGordaneer, Jamesoil paintings (visual works)Toronto, Ontario, Canada1954CanadianoilGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.543Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; ; Gordaneer
Clapper RailWorks on PaperClapper RailLansdowne, James Fenwickwatercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1964watercolourContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.7James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
Clapper, King and Virginia RailsWorks on PaperClapper, King and Virginia RailsLansdowne, James Fenwickwatercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, Canadac. 1970watercolourContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.9James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
Coastal%Works on ClothCoastal%Gordaneer, Jamesoil paintings (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1978CanadianoilContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.904Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; ; Gordaneer
Common GoldeneyeWorks on PaperCommon GoldeneyeLansdowne, James Fenwickwatercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1980WatercolourContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.16James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
Common LoonWorks on PaperCommon LoonLansdowne, James Fenwickreproductions (derivative objects); lithographsn.d.Lithograph ReproductionGift of Ronald F. MacIsaacU007.67.3James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
Common MerganserWorks on PaperCommon MerganserLansdowne, James FenwicksketchesVictoria, British Columbia, Canada1979GraphiteGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.31James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
Common NighthawkWorks on PaperCommon NighthawkLansdowne, James Fenwickreproductions (derivative objects); lithographsn.d.Lithograph ReproductionGift of Ronald F. MacIsaacU007.67.1James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; Lansdowne
Cooper's HawkWorks on PaperCooper's HawkLansdowne, James Fenwickwatercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1955CanadianwatercolourContemporary ArtGift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce FeheleyU005.17.4James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; Canadian; ; ; Lansdowne
Cosmic Zone InterfaceWorks on ClothCosmic Zone InterfaceRivet, Richard Jamesacrylic paintings (visual works)British Columbia, Canada1995AcrylicContemporary ArtGift of Richard James RivetU999.23.1Richard James Rivet , Rivet, Richard James; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Rivet
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