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Works on Paper"Jazz at Ronnies"Daglish, Peter Williamdrawings (visual works)London, England1974English, CanadianCharcoalContemporary ArtGift of Karen HenryU013.4.40Daglish, Peter , Daglish, Peter William , Peter Daglish , Peter William Daglish; ; English; Canadian; ; Drawing; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Daglish
'Dzunuk'wa' Feast BowlWorks on Paper'Dzunuk'wa' Feast BowlHunt, Calvinscreen printsTsaxis (Fort Rupert); British Columbia; Canada1996Kwagu’ł, Kwakwaka’wakw, CanadianSerigraphContemporary ArtGift from the Collection of George and Christiane SmythU014.3.249Calvin Hunt , Hunt, Calvin; ; Kwagu’ł, Kwakwaka’wakw; Canadian; ; ; Hunt
A Guide to Glastonbury's Temple of the StarsWorks on PaperA Guide to Glastonbury's Temple of the StarsMaltwood, Katharine EmmabooksLondon, Greater London, England, United Kingdom1935English, CanadianpublicationGift of Walter Meyer zu ErpenM011.1.1Katharine Emma Maltwood , Katharine Emma Sapsworth , Katharine Maltwood , Katharine Sapsworth , Maltwood, Katharine , Maltwood, Katharine Emma , Sapsworth, Katharine , Sapsworth, Katharine Emma; ; English, British; Canadian; Glastonbury Tor, Glastonbury Tor (hill), book, books; Book; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other DocumentsMaltwood
A Hole in the HouseMiscellaneousA Hole in the HouseDavid, Joedrums (membranophones)Opitsaht, British Columbia, Canada1995Tla-o-qui-aht, Nuučaan̓uł, CanadianAcrylicGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.110David, Joe , Joe David; ; Tla-o-qui-aht, Nuučaan̓uł; Canadian; ; Drum; Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Musical T&E; Musical Instruments; Percussion InstrumentDavid
Agnes Alfred, from Mamalelekala Tribe, Village Island, now Alert BayWorks on PaperAgnes Alfred, from Mamalelekala Tribe, Village Island, now Alert BaySteltzer, Ulliblack-and-white prints (photographs)British Columbia, Canada1975German, Canadiangelatin silver printContemporary ArtGift of Ulli SteltzerU997.33.7Goetz, Ursula , Steltzer, Ulli , Ulli Steltzer , Ursula Goetz; ; German; Canadian; ; Black-and-White Photograph , Photograph, Black-and-White; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographSteltzer
Agnes GeorgeWorks on PaperAgnes GeorgeSteltzer, Ulliblack-and-white prints (photographs)British Columbia, Canada1975German, Canadiangelatin silver printContemporary ArtGift of Ulli SteltzerU997.33.42Goetz, Ursula , Steltzer, Ulli , Ulli Steltzer , Ursula Goetz; ; German; Canadian; ; Black-and-White Photograph , Photograph, Black-and-White; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographSteltzer
Air View Supplement to A Guide to Glastonbury's Temple of the StarsWorks on PaperAir View Supplement to A Guide to Glastonbury's Temple of the StarsMaltwood, Katharine EmmabooksLondon, Greater London, England, United Kingdom1937English, Canadian-Gift of Walter Meyer zu ErpenM011.1.2Katharine Emma Maltwood , Katharine Emma Sapsworth , Katharine Maltwood , Katharine Sapsworth , Maltwood, Katharine , Maltwood, Katharine Emma , Sapsworth, Katharine , Sapsworth, Katharine Emma; ; English, British; Canadian; Glastonbury Tor, Glastonbury Tor (hill), book, books; Book; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other DocumentsMaltwood
Alarm/palmWorks on PaperAlarm/palmDaglish, Peter Williamlithographs1965English, CanadianLithograph; SequinsWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of C.A. Bates and Pat Martin BatesU988.10.34Daglish, Peter , Daglish, Peter William , Peter Daglish , Peter William Daglish; ; English; Canadian; ; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic PrintDaglish
Album of Painted Flowers, People and LandscapesWorks on BoardAlbum of Painted Flowers, People and Landscapes跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi Atomi)orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings insideTokyo, Tōkyō, Japancirca 1940Japanese, English, Canadianwatercolour on board; silkNihonga, landscapeGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.3Atomi), 跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi , Atomi, Gyokushi , Atomi, Gyokushi , Gyokushi Atomi , Gyokushi Atomi , 玉絲 , 跡見 玉枝 , 跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi Atomi) , 跡見玉枝; Tokyo; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Bird, Birds, Bird, Birds, Flower, Flowers, People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, house, houses, life/death, mountain, mountains, pagoda, pagodas, rain; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
Album of Painted Landscapes on Vancouver IslandWorks on BoardAlbum of Painted Landscapes on Vancouver IslandGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings insideVancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada1949Japanese, English, Canadianwatercolour on board with a silk coverNihonga, landscapeGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.1Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); Vancouver Island; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Beacon Hill Park, Craigflower, Craigflower Rd., Craigflower Road, Grouse Nest, Grouse Nest Resort, Nanaimo, Prospect Lake, beach, beach and/or shore, shore, shores, bridge, bridges, building, buildings, nature, ocean, river, rivers, road, street, streets, school, schools, tree, trees; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
Album of Painted Landscapes on Vancouver IslandWorks on BoardAlbum of Painted Landscapes on Vancouver IslandGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings insideVancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada1949Japanese, English, Canadianwatercolour on board with a silk coverNihonga, landscapeGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.1Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); Vancouver Island; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Beacon Hill Park, Craigflower, Craigflower Rd., Craigflower Road, Grouse Nest, Grouse Nest Resort, Nanaimo, Prospect Lake, beach, beach and/or shore, shore, shores, bridge, bridges, building, buildings, nature, ocean, river, rivers, road, street, streets, school, schools, tree, trees; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
Album of Vancouver Island Flowers and TreesWorks on BoardAlbum of Vancouver Island Flowers and TreesGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings insideVancouver Island, British Columbia, Canadaearly 1940sJapanese, English, Canadianwatercolour on board; silkNihongaGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.2Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); Vancouver Island; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Eriophyllum, Eriophyllum lanatum, Oregon sunshine, common woolly sunflower, common woolly sunflowers, woolly sunflower, woolly sunflowers, wooly sunflowers, Flower, Flowers, arbutus, bleeding heart, bleeding hearts, buttercup, buttercups, camas, dogtooth violet, dogtooth violets, nature, oregon grape, oregon grapes, pussy willow, pussy willows, shooting star flower, shooting star flowers, skunk cabbage, snowberries, snowberry, trillium, trilliums, wild onion, wild onions, wild rose, wild roses; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
Alice PaulWorks on PaperAlice PaulSteltzer, Ulliblack-and-white prints (photographs)British Columbia, Canada1975German, Canadiangelatin silver printContemporary ArtGift of Ulli SteltzerU997.33.64Goetz, Ursula , Steltzer, Ulli , Ulli Steltzer , Ursula Goetz; ; German; Canadian; ; Black-and-White Photograph , Photograph, Black-and-White; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographSteltzer
American ChromeWorks on PaperAmerican ChromePimentel, Frankcolour prints (photographs)Toronto, Ontario, Canadaafter 1975Portuguese, Canadianchromogenic colour printContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Paul MarvinU995.3.1-65Frank Pimentel , Pimentel, Frank; ; Portuguese; Canadian; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographPimentel
No image availableWorks on PaperAn Ice Cream Cone For DavidPrivett, Mollylinocuts (prints)Canadan.d.English, CanadianInkWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Estate of Molly PrivettU982.13.11-1(Dowler) , Molly Privett , Privett, Molly; ; English; Canadian; ; Linocut; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Relief PrintPrivett
Anabel StewartWorks on PaperAnabel StewartSteltzer, Ulliblack-and-white prints (photographs)British Columbia, Canada1975German, Canadiangelatin silver printContemporary ArtGift of Ulli SteltzerU997.33.66Goetz, Ursula , Steltzer, Ulli , Ulli Steltzer , Ursula Goetz; ; German; Canadian; ; Black-and-White Photograph , Photograph, Black-and-White; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographSteltzer
Ancient KnowledgeWorks on PaperAncient KnowledgeDavid, Joescreen printsVancouver Island; British Columbia; Canada1985Tla-o-qui-aht, Nuučaan̓uł, CanadianSerigraphCanada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.1302David, Joe , Joe David; ; Tla-o-qui-aht, Nuučaan̓uł; Canadian; ; ; David
Angelic Harmonies ResoundedWorks on PaperAngelic Harmonies ResoundedMaltwood, Katharine EmmasketchesEngland1920'SEnglish, CanadianGraphiteBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.518-20Katharine Emma Maltwood , Katharine Emma Sapsworth , Katharine Maltwood , Katharine Sapsworth , Maltwood, Katharine , Maltwood, Katharine Emma , Sapsworth, Katharine , Sapsworth, Katharine Emma; ; English, British; Canadian; ; ; Maltwood
Anne WilliamsWorks on PaperAnne WilliamsSteltzer, Ulliblack-and-white prints (photographs)British Columbia, Canada1975German, Canadiangelatin silver printContemporary ArtGift of Ulli SteltzerU997.33.47Goetz, Ursula , Steltzer, Ulli , Ulli Steltzer , Ursula Goetz; ; German; Canadian; ; Black-and-White Photograph , Photograph, Black-and-White; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographSteltzer
Apple Pie ApplesWorks on PaperApple Pie ApplesPimentel, Frankcolour prints (photographs)Toronto, Ontario, Canada1987Portuguese, Canadianchromogenic colour printContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Paul MarvinU995.3.1-55Frank Pimentel , Pimentel, Frank; ; Portuguese; Canadian; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographPimentel
ApprehendWorks on ClothApprehendMarshall, Vickyoil paintings (visual works)n.d.British, CanadianOil on canvasGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.734Marshall, Vicky , Vicky Marshall; ; British; Canadian; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, arrest, arresting, bar, bars, restaurant, restaurants, fire hydrant, fire hydrants, police, policeman, policemen, policewoman, policewomen, rain, sex work, umbrella, umbrellas; ; Marshall
ArchWorks on PaperArchOnley, Toniscreen printsBritish Columbia, Canada-English, CanadianSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU977.1.58Norman Antony Onley , Onley, Toni , Toni Onley; ; English; Canadian; ; ; Onley
Art SterrittWorks on PaperArt SterrittSteltzer, Ulliblack-and-white prints (photographs)British Columbia, Canada1975German, Canadiangelatin silver printContemporary ArtGift of Ulli SteltzerU997.33.29Goetz, Ursula , Steltzer, Ulli , Ulli Steltzer , Ursula Goetz; ; German; Canadian; ; Black-and-White Photograph , Photograph, Black-and-White; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographSteltzer
Ascending FiguresWorks on PaperAscending FiguresMaltwood, Katharine EmmasketchesEngland1910 CEnglish, CanadianGraphiteBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.518-18Katharine Emma Maltwood , Katharine Emma Sapsworth , Katharine Maltwood , Katharine Sapsworth , Maltwood, Katharine , Maltwood, Katharine Emma , Sapsworth, Katharine , Sapsworth, Katharine Emma; ; English, British; Canadian; ; ; Maltwood
Aspiration (Plucking Feathers from the Eagle's Tail)MetalworkAspiration (Plucking Feathers from the Eagle's Tail)Maltwood, Katharine Emmasculpture (visual works)British Columbia, Canada1924English, CanadianBronzeWestern Modern 1900-1950Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.358Katharine Emma Maltwood , Katharine Emma Sapsworth , Katharine Maltwood , Katharine Sapsworth , Maltwood, Katharine , Maltwood, Katharine Emma , Sapsworth, Katharine , Sapsworth, Katharine Emma; ; English, British; Canadian; ; ; Maltwood
Bay At 5th Hole, Oak Bay Golf ClubWorks on PaperBay At 5th Hole, Oak Bay Golf ClubMaltwood, Katharine EmmasketchesBritish Columbia, Canadac. 1939English, CanadianColoured PencilsWestern Modern 1900-1950Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.450-27Katharine Emma Maltwood , Katharine Emma Sapsworth , Katharine Maltwood , Katharine Sapsworth , Maltwood, Katharine , Maltwood, Katharine Emma , Sapsworth, Katharine , Sapsworth, Katharine Emma; ; English, British; Canadian; beach, beach and/or shore, shore, shores, cloud, clouds, inlet, inlets, ocean, rock, rocks; ; Maltwood
BeachWorks on PaperBeachOnley, Tonietchings (prints)British Columbia, Canada1965English, CanadianEtchingWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU965.1.17Norman Antony Onley , Onley, Toni , Toni Onley; ; English; Canadian; Abstract, beach, beach and/or shore, shore, shores, landscape; Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio PrintOnley
Beach SculpturesWorks on PaperBeach SculpturesGranirer, PninaPaintingVancouver, British Columbia, Canada1988Romanian, Canadian, Jewishwatercolour, pastel, and charcoal on paperContemporary ArtGift of Pnina GranirerU020.1.2Granirer, Pnina , Pnina Granirer; Vancouver; Romanian; Canadian; Jewish; beach, beach and/or shore, shore, shores, landscape, organic forms; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Granirer
Bear, Wolf, Beaver, FrogWoodworkBear, Wolf, Beaver, FrogWilliams, Rickminiature totem poles; carvings (visual works)Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canadan.d.Nuu-chah-nulth, CanadianwoodGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.158Rick Williams , Williams, Rick; ; Nuu-chah-nulth; Canadian; ; ; Williams
Bent LegWorks on PaperBent LegMaltwood, Katharine EmmasketchesEnglandc. 1915English, CanadianGraphiteBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.518-5Katharine Emma Maltwood , Katharine Emma Sapsworth , Katharine Maltwood , Katharine Sapsworth , Maltwood, Katharine , Maltwood, Katharine Emma , Sapsworth, Katharine , Sapsworth, Katharine Emma; ; English, British; Canadian; ; ; Maltwood
Bernie McQuaryWorks on PaperBernie McQuarySteltzer, Ulliblack-and-white prints (photographs)British Columbia, Canada1975German, Canadiangelatin silver printContemporary ArtGift of Ulli SteltzerU997.33.51Goetz, Ursula , Steltzer, Ulli , Ulli Steltzer , Ursula Goetz; ; German; Canadian; ; Black-and-White Photograph , Photograph, Black-and-White; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographSteltzer
Bill ReidWorks on PaperBill ReidSteltzer, Ulliblack-and-white prints (photographs)British Columbia, Canada1976German, Canadiangelatin silver printContemporary ArtGift of Ulli SteltzerU997.33.94Goetz, Ursula , Steltzer, Ulli , Ulli Steltzer , Ursula Goetz; ; German; Canadian; ; Black-and-White Photograph , Photograph, Black-and-White; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographSteltzer
Bill Reid Working on Face of The Reluctant ConscriptWorks on PaperBill Reid Working on Face of The Reluctant ConscriptSteltzer, Ulliblack-and-white prints (photographs)British Columbia, CanadaAug 11, 1989German, Canadiangelatin silver printGift of Ulli SteltzerU006.42.3Goetz, Ursula , Steltzer, Ulli , Ulli Steltzer , Ursula Goetz; ; German; Canadian; ; Black-and-White Photograph , Photograph, Black-and-White; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographSteltzer
Billy - Motorcycle ManWorks on PaperBilly - Motorcycle ManPimentel, Frankcolour prints (photographs)Toronto, Ontario, Canada1992Portuguese, Canadianchromogenic colour printGift of Dr. Paul MarvinU995.3.2-17Frank Pimentel , Pimentel, Frank; ; Portuguese; Canadian; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographPimentel
Bird Cherry, Oso Berry, Red AlderWorks on BoardBird Cherry, Oso Berry, Red AlderGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1941/02/24Japanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.202Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; Alnus rubra, red alder, red alder (plants), Flower, Flowers, Indian plum, Oemleria cerasiformis, oso berry, osoberry (plants), branch, branches; ; -
Black RockWorks on PaperBlack RockOnley, Toniscreen printsBritish Columbia, Canada-English, CanadianserigraphPurchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU977.1.57Norman Antony Onley , Onley, Toni , Toni Onley; ; English; Canadian; ; ; Onley
BlakeWorks on PaperBlakePimentel, Frankcolour prints (photographs)Toronto, Ontario, Canadaafter 1975Portuguese, Canadianchromogenic colour printGift of Dr. Paul MarvinU995.3.1-16Frank Pimentel , Pimentel, Frank; ; Portuguese; Canadian; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographPimentel
Blue HeronWorks on PaperBlue HeronHunt, Calvindrawings (visual works)Tsaxis (Fort Rupert); British Columbia; Canada-Kwagu’ł, Kwakwaka’wakw, CanadianColoured Pencils; GraphiteContemporary ArtGift of Vincent RickardU010.17.3Calvin Hunt , Hunt, Calvin; ; Kwagu’ł, Kwakwaka’wakw; Canadian; ; Drawing; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Hunt
Blue JayWorks on PaperBlue JayDavid, Joescreen printsOpitsaht, British Columbia, Canada1982Tla-o-qui-aht, Nuučaan̓uł, CanadianSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.494David, Joe , Joe David; ; Tla-o-qui-aht, Nuučaan̓uł; Canadian; ; ; David
Blue MoonWorks on PaperBlue MoonHunt, Calvinscreen printsTsaxis (Fort Rupert); British Columbia; Canada2004Kwagu’ł, Kwakwaka’wakw, CanadianSerigraphContemporary ArtGift from the Collection of George and Christiane SmythU014.3.273Calvin Hunt , Hunt, Calvin; ; Kwagu’ł, Kwakwaka’wakw; Canadian; ; ; Hunt
Boy Tickling TroutMetalworkBoy Tickling TroutMaltwood, Katharine Emmacasts (sculpture)British Columbia, Canadac.1900English, CanadianbronzeBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.361Katharine Emma Maltwood , Katharine Emma Sapsworth , Katharine Maltwood , Katharine Sapsworth , Maltwood, Katharine , Maltwood, Katharine Emma , Sapsworth, Katharine , Sapsworth, Katharine Emma; ; English, British; Canadian; ; Casting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureMaltwood
Bread On PlateWorks on PaperBread On PlatePimentel, Frankcolour prints (photographs)Toronto, Ontario, Canada1987Portuguese, Canadianchromogenic colour printContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Paul MarvinU995.3.1-47Frank Pimentel , Pimentel, Frank; ; Portuguese; Canadian; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographPimentel
Breakfast SpecialWorks on PaperBreakfast SpecialPimentel, Frankcolour prints (photographs)Toronto, Ontario, Canadaafter 1975Portuguese, Canadianchromogenic colour printContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Paul MarvinU995.3.1-14Frank Pimentel , Pimentel, Frank; ; Portuguese; Canadian; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographPimentel
BrianWorks on PaperBrianPimentel, Frankcolour prints (photographs)Toronto, Ontario, Canadaafter 1975Portuguese, Canadianchromogenic colour printGift of Dr. Paul MarvinU995.3.1-20Frank Pimentel , Pimentel, Frank; ; Portuguese; Canadian; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographPimentel
Bringing the DawnWorks on PaperBringing the DawnHunt, Calvinscreen printsTsaxis (Fort Rupert); British Columbia; Canada2009Kwagu’ł, Kwakwaka’wakw, CanadianSerigraphContemporary ArtGift from the Collection of George and Christiane SmythU014.3.284Calvin Hunt , Hunt, Calvin; ; Kwagu’ł, Kwakwaka’wakw; Canadian; ; ; Hunt
Brown NudeWorks on PaperBrown NudePrivett, Mollypastels (Visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1964English, CanadianOil pastelContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Myfanwy Spencer PavelicU001.12.69(Dowler) , Molly Privett , Privett, Molly; ; English; Canadian; ; ; Privett
Buddha's Path Of EnlightenmentMetalworkBuddha's Path Of EnlightenmentMaltwood, Katharine Emmasculpture (visual works)British Columbia, Canada1929English, CanadianBronze, marbleWestern Modern 1900-1950Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.363Katharine Emma Maltwood , Katharine Emma Sapsworth , Katharine Maltwood , Katharine Sapsworth , Maltwood, Katharine , Maltwood, Katharine Emma , Sapsworth, Katharine , Sapsworth, Katharine Emma; ; English, British; Canadian; ; ; Maltwood
Bulbous Vase with Scraffito Wave MotifCeramicsBulbous Vase with Scraffito Wave MotifNgan, WaynevasesBritish Columbia, Canadan.d.Chinese, CanadianStoneware; glazeWestern Modern 1900-1950The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU012.27.4Ngan, Wayne , Wayne Ngan; ; Chinese; Canadian; ; ; Ngan
Bull's HeadStoneBull's HeadMaltwood, Katharine Emmabas-reliefs (sculpture)British Columbia, Canadan.d.English, CanadianAlabasterWestern Modern 1900-1950Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.375Katharine Emma Maltwood , Katharine Emma Sapsworth , Katharine Maltwood , Katharine Sapsworth , Maltwood, Katharine , Maltwood, Katharine Emma , Sapsworth, Katharine , Sapsworth, Katharine Emma; ; English, British; Canadian; ; Bas-Relief; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; ReliefMaltwood
Button Blanket By Walter HarrisWorks on PaperButton Blanket By Walter HarrisSteltzer, Ulliblack-and-white prints (photographs)British Columbia, Canada1975German, Canadiangelatin silver printContemporary ArtGift of Ulli SteltzerU997.33.33Goetz, Ursula , Steltzer, Ulli , Ulli Steltzer , Ursula Goetz; ; German; Canadian; ; Black-and-White Photograph , Photograph, Black-and-White; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographSteltzer
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