| Works on Paper | American (common) Egret | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1979? | | Graphite | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.30 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | American Avocet | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | prints (visual works) | | n.d. | | - | Contemporary Art | - | U007.65.3 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | American Kestrel | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1982 | | watercolour | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.19 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Audubon's Warbler | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | prints (visual works) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1979 | | Print | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.48 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Audubon's Warbler | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | British Columbia, Canada | 1979 | | Graphite | Contemporary Art | Gift of the Estate of Michael C. Williams | U001.11.57 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Audubon's Warbler | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | lithographs | British Columbia, Canada | 1979 | | Lithgraph | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition Fund | U980.9.8 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; Bird, Birds, branch, branches, rosehips; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic Print | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Audubon's Warbler- Prep Sketch | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | British Columbia, Canada | 1979 | | Graphite | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition Fund | U980.9.7 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; Bird, Birds, warblers; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Barn Owls | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1982 | Canadian | watercolour | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.20 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; Canadian; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Barred Owl | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | reproductions (derivative objects); lithographs | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1972 | Canadian | Reproduction Lithograph | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.45 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; Canadian; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Barred Owl | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | n.d. | Canadian | Graphite; Ink | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.23 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; Canadian; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Bewick's Wren | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | prints (visual works) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1979 | | Print | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.49 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Bewick's Wren | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1981 | | watercolour | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.18 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Bewick's Wren | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | British Columbia, Canada | 1979 | | Graphite | Contemporary Art | Gift of the Estate of Michael C. Williams | U001.11.58 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Bewick's Wren | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | lithographs | British Columbia, Canada | 1979 | | Lithograph | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition Fund | U980.9.1 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; Bird, Birds, berries, berry, branch, branches; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic Print | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Bewick's Wren - Prep Sketch | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | British Columbia, Canada | 1979 | | Graphite | Contemporary Art | Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition Fund | U980.9.2 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; Bird, Birds; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Black Phoebe | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1979 | Canadian | watercolour | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.15 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; Canadian; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Blue Magpie | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1980-81 | | Graphite | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.36 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Blue Winged Teal Heads | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1987 | | Graphite | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.39 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | California Quail | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | lithographs | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1979 | | Lithograph | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.50 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic Print | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | California Quail | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | British Columbia, Canada | 1979 | | Graphite | Contemporary Art | Gift of the Estate of Michael C. Williams | U001.11.56 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | California Quail | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | lithographs | British Columbia, Canada | 1979 | | Ink | Contemporary Art | Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition Fund | U980.9.3 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; Bird, Birds, quails; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic Print | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | California Quail - Prep Sketch | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | lithographs | British Columbia, Canada | 1979 | | Ink | Contemporary Art | Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition Fund | U980.9.4 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; Bird, Birds, quails; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic Print | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Celebes Hornbill | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1982 | | watercolour | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.21 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Chestnut-Backed Chickadee | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | lithographs | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1983 | | Lithograph | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.54 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic Print | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Clapper Rail | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1964 | | watercolour | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.7 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Clapper, King and Virginia Rails | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | c. 1970 | | watercolour | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.9 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Common Goldeneye | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1980 | | Watercolour | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.16 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Common Loon | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | reproductions (derivative objects); lithographs | | n.d. | | Lithograph Reproduction | | Gift of Ronald F. MacIsaac | U007.67.3 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Common Merganser | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1979 | | Graphite | | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.31 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Common Nighthawk | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | reproductions (derivative objects); lithographs | | n.d. | | Lithograph Reproduction | | Gift of Ronald F. MacIsaac | U007.67.1 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Cooper's Hawk | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1955 | Canadian | watercolour | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.4 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; Canadian; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Eared Grebe | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1979[?] | | Graphite | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.32 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Falcated Teal | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1980-81 | | Graphite | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.37 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Glaucous-Winged Gull | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1954 | Canadian | watercolour | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.3 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; Canadian; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Golden Plover | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1977 | | Graphite | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.29 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Golden-Crowned Kinglet | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | reproductions (derivative objects); lithographs | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1980 | | Reproduction Lithograph | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.51 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Great Blue Heron | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | c.1950 | | watercolour | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.1 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Green-Winged Teal | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | c. 1980 | | Graphite and ink | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.17 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | House Wren | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1969[?] | Canadian | Graphite | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.25 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; Canadian; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Kentucky Warbler | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | prints (visual works) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1983 | | Ink | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.52 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Least Bittern | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1967[?] | | Graphite and ink | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.24 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Little-Scaly-Bellied Green Woodpecker | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | n.d. | | Graphite | | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.42 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Meadowlark | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | reproductions (derivative objects); lithographs | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1972 | | Limited Reproduction Print | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.46 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Merlins | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | watercolours (paintings) | Canada | 1976 | | Watercolour | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U980.4.1 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; Bird, Birds, branch, branches, falcon, falcons; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Mt. Omei Laughing Thrush or Babbler | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | n.d. | | Graphite | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.43 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Northern Gannet | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | c.1950 | | watercolour | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.2 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Northern Shrike | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1964 | | watercolour | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.8 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Oldsquaw Duck | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | drawings (visual works) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1987 | | Graphite | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.40 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; Drawing; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class) | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Parasitic Jaeger, Common Tern | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | sketches | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1978 | Canadian | Graphite | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.13 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; Canadian; ; ; | Lansdowne |
| Works on Paper | Parasitic Jaeger, Common Tern | Lansdowne, James Fenwick | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1978 | | watercolour | Contemporary Art | Gift of M.F. (Budd) and Joyce Feheley | U005.17.14 | James Fenwick Lansdowne , Lansdowne, James Fenwick; ; ; ; ; | Lansdowne |