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#12?Works on Board#12?Dobereiner, Johnacrylic paintings (visual works)British Columbia, Canada1966AcrylicContemporary ArtOn Loan from the Estate of John DobereinerL990.5.47Dobereiner, John , John Dobereiner; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Dobereiner
#2 LisaWorks on Board#2 LisaGordaneer, Jamesoil paintings (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1991CanadianoilGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.931Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; ; Gordaneer
#5 Chiclet CloudWorks on Board#5 Chiclet CloudGordaneer, Jamesacrylic paintings (visual works)British Columbia, Canada1989CanadianacrylicGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.573Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Gordaneer
#6 Clover PointWorks on Board#6 Clover PointGordaneer, Jamesoil paintings (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1988CanadianOilContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.692Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; ; Gordaneer
'Mama' (muley Doe)Works on Board'Mama' (muley Doe)Renk, Ericoil paintings (visual works)1989OilGift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU998.15.7Eric Renk , Renk, Eric; ; ; ; ; Renk
12 Poses of WomenWorks on Board12 Poses of WomenGibbons-Barrett, Stephenoil paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada1986Oil & glueContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.33Gibbons-Barrett, Stephen , Stephen Gibbons-Barrett; ; ; ; ; Gibbons-Barrett
14Works on Board14Ciccimarra, Richardcollages (visual works)Canadan.d.Paper, wood, varnishContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Myfanwy Spencer PavelicU007.9.1(Ricky) , Ciccimarra, Richard , Richard Ciccimarra; ; ; ; Collage; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Ciccimarra
A Hut in the BushWorks on BoardA Hut in the BushChien, Chen Cheeoil paintings (visual works)Borneo; Kalimantan, Indonesia or Sarawak, Malaysia1962BorneanOilContemporary ArtGift of Colin and Gloria Mary Smith (nee Boroughs)U992.23.50Chen Chee Chien , Chien, Chen Chee; ; Bornean; ; ; Chien
A Moorish LandscapeWorks on BoardA Moorish LandscapeLavery, Sir Johnoil paintings (visual works)Ireland1910OilVictorian 1840-1900Gift of the Estate of Mary Elizabeth IsserstedtU008.19.1John Lavery , Lavery, John , Lavery, Sir John; ; ; ; ; Lavery
A Woman-A ChildWorks on BoardA Woman-A ChildForrest, Nitaoil paintings (visual works)British Columbia, Canada1965oil on board on primed plywood panelWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of Leigh ForrestU997.12.1Forrest, Nita , Nita Forrest; ; ; ; ; Forrest
Abstract no. 8Works on BoardAbstract no. 8Lewis, VirginiaOil paintingprior to 1999CanadianOil mixed with plaster of paris on MasoniteAbstract Art, Abstract ExpressionismGift of Susan A. Lewis.U023.1.4Lewis, Virginia , Virginia Lewis; ; Canadian; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Lewis
Ada Jack Memorial ThunderbirdWorks on BoardAda Jack Memorial ThunderbirdDavid, Benpaintings (visual works)Vancouver Island; British Columbia; Canadan.d.Nuu-chah-nulthPaintWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.571Ben David , David, Ben; ; Nuu-chah-nulth; ; ; David
Album of Painted Flowers, People and LandscapesWorks on BoardAlbum of Painted Flowers, People and Landscapes跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi Atomi)orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings insideTokyo, Tōkyō, Japancirca 1940Japanese, English, Canadianwatercolour on board; silkNihonga, landscapeGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.3Atomi), 跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi , Atomi, Gyokushi , Atomi, Gyokushi , Gyokushi Atomi , Gyokushi Atomi , 玉絲 , 跡見 玉枝 , 跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi Atomi) , 跡見玉枝; Tokyo; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Bird, Birds, Bird, Birds, Flower, Flowers, People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, house, houses, life/death, mountain, mountains, pagoda, pagodas, rain; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
Album of Painted Landscapes on Vancouver IslandWorks on BoardAlbum of Painted Landscapes on Vancouver IslandGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings insideVancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada1949Japanese, English, Canadianwatercolour on board with a silk coverNihonga, landscapeGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.1Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); Vancouver Island; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Beacon Hill Park, Craigflower, Craigflower Rd., Craigflower Road, Grouse Nest, Grouse Nest Resort, Nanaimo, Prospect Lake, beach, beach and/or shore, shore, shores, bridge, bridges, building, buildings, nature, ocean, river, rivers, road, street, streets, school, schools, tree, trees; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
Album of Painted Landscapes on Vancouver IslandWorks on BoardAlbum of Painted Landscapes on Vancouver IslandGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings insideVancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada1949Japanese, English, Canadianwatercolour on board with a silk coverNihonga, landscapeGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.1Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); Vancouver Island; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Beacon Hill Park, Craigflower, Craigflower Rd., Craigflower Road, Grouse Nest, Grouse Nest Resort, Nanaimo, Prospect Lake, beach, beach and/or shore, shore, shores, bridge, bridges, building, buildings, nature, ocean, river, rivers, road, street, streets, school, schools, tree, trees; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
Album of Vancouver Island Flowers and TreesWorks on BoardAlbum of Vancouver Island Flowers and TreesGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings insideVancouver Island, British Columbia, Canadaearly 1940sJapanese, English, Canadianwatercolour on board; silkNihongaGift of Wayside HouseU021.1.2Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); Vancouver Island; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Eriophyllum, Eriophyllum lanatum, Oregon sunshine, common woolly sunflower, common woolly sunflowers, woolly sunflower, woolly sunflowers, wooly sunflowers, Flower, Flowers, arbutus, bleeding heart, bleeding hearts, buttercup, buttercups, camas, dogtooth violet, dogtooth violets, nature, oregon grape, oregon grapes, pussy willow, pussy willows, shooting star flower, shooting star flowers, skunk cabbage, snowberries, snowberry, trillium, trilliums, wild onion, wild onions, wild rose, wild roses; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents-
AlgomaWorks on BoardAlgomaHarris, Lawrenoil paintings (visual works)Canada1919CanadianOilWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the University Women's ClubU958.1.3Harris, Lawren , Lawren Harris; ; Canadian; ; ; Harris
An Improvised CollaborationWorks on BoardAn Improvised CollaborationGordaneer, James; Gordaneer, Jeremyacrylic paintings (visual works)2004CanadianacrylicContemporary ArtGift of the Theatre Department of UVicU005.1.1Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer, Gordaneer, Jeremy , Jeremy Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Gordaneer
Another Rain ForestWorks on BoardAnother Rain ForestCollier, Alanacrylic paintings (visual works)Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canadan.d.AcrylicContemporary Art-U006.46.1Alan C. Collier , Alan Collier , Collier, Alan; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Collier
Apartment DwellerWorks on BoardApartment DwellerPolushin, Valentinagouaches (paintings)British Columbia, Canada1979GouacheContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Myfanwy Spencer PavelicU996.25.72Polushin, Valentina , Valentina Polushin; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Polushin
Arbutus Menziesii MadronaWorks on BoardArbutus Menziesii MadronaGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, CanadaMarch 28, 1941Canadian, JapaneseWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.213Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Canadian; Japanese; arbutus, branch, branches; ; -
Arcadia Theme #19; Dallas BeachWorks on BoardArcadia Theme #19; Dallas BeachGordaneer, Jamespaintings (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1989Canadianacrylic; oilContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.701Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; ; Gordaneer
Architecture and FoundationWorks on BoardArchitecture and FoundationGordaneer, Jamesoil painting1996AcrylicContemporary Art-U008.38.15Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Gordaneer
Arctic FoxWorks on BoardArctic FoxRenk, Ericoil paintings (visual works)British Columbia, Canada1990OilContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU998.15.3Eric Renk , Renk, Eric; ; ; ; ; Renk
At The Gates Of The CityWorks on BoardAt The Gates Of The CityJarvis, Donaldoil paintings (visual works)British Columbia, Canadan.d.OilWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of Dr. Erika KurthU999.9.1Donald Jarvis , Jarvis, Donald; ; ; Abstract, People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, built environment, door, doors; ; Jarvis
Autumn LandscapeWorks on BoardAutumn LandscapePavelic, Myfanwy Spenceracrylic paintings (visual works)1970CanadianAcrylicContemporary ArtGift of Joanne Di CastriU013.8.3Myfanwy Spencer , Myfanwy Spencer Pavelic , Pavelic, Myfanwy Spencer , Spencer, Myfanwy; ; Canadian; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Pavelic
Baltic Sea BathersWorks on BoardBaltic Sea BathersSiebner, Herbertoil paintings (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1982Canadian, GermanOilContemporary ArtGift of Hartmut and Gunhilde WillU012.21.2Herbert Johannes Joseph Siebner , Herbert Siebner , Siebner, Herbert , Siebner, Herbert Johannes Joseph; ; Canadian; German; ; ; Siebner
Banff Mountain SceneWorks on BoardBanff Mountain SceneHowarth, Glenn E.oil paintings (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1985CanadianoilGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.879Glenn E. Howarth , Howarth, Glenn E.; ; Canadian; ; ; Howarth
Banff Repeater StationWorks on BoardBanff Repeater StationHowarth, Glenn E.oil paintings (visual works)Banff, Alberta, Canada1985CanadianOilContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.427Glenn E. Howarth , Howarth, Glenn E.; Banff; Canadian; ; ; Howarth
Bar Maids IWorks on BoardBar Maids IMerino, Luisoil paintings (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1990oilGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.788Luis Merino , Merino, Luis; ; ; ; ; Merino
Bar Maids IIWorks on BoardBar Maids IIMerino, Luisoil paintings (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1990oilContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.473Luis Merino , Merino, Luis; ; ; ; ; Merino
Bar Maids IIIWorks on BoardBar Maids IIIMerino, Luisoil paintings (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1990OilContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.429Luis Merino , Merino, Luis; ; ; ; ; Merino
BarbarWorks on BoardBarbarSiebner, Herbertacrylic paintings (visual works)1963Canadian, GermanAcrylicContemporary ArtGift of Derk WynandU997.32.2Herbert Johannes Joseph Siebner , Herbert Siebner , Siebner, Herbert , Siebner, Herbert Johannes Joseph; ; Canadian; German; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Siebner
Barbar Finds A Piece Of Cake From Which Hitler Had Eaten 21 Years EarlierWorks on BoardBarbar Finds A Piece Of Cake From Which Hitler Had Eaten 21 Years EarlierSiebner, Herbertoil paintings (visual works)British Columbia, Canada1963Canadian, Germanoil on MasoniteContemporary ArtGift of Robin and Sylvia SkeltonU998.33.13Herbert Johannes Joseph Siebner , Herbert Siebner , Siebner, Herbert , Siebner, Herbert Johannes Joseph; ; Canadian; German; ; ; Siebner
BeetleWorks on BoardBeetleCiccimarra, Richardpaintings (visual works)n.d.mixed media; paintGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.891(Ricky) , Ciccimarra, Richard , Richard Ciccimarra; ; ; ; ; Ciccimarra
Beggar KingWorks on BoardBeggar KingBates, Maxwelloil paintings (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canadan.d.CanadianoilGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.939Bates, Maxwell , Maxwell Bates; ; Canadian; ; ; Bates
Bend OrWorks on BoardBend OrClark, A.oil paintings (visual works)United Kingdomc.1880BritishOilGift of Dr. Sydney W. JackmanU009.16.331A. Clark , Clark, A.; ; British; ; ; Clark
Birch Tree with House and GrassWorks on BoardBirch Tree with House and GrassRyan, E. S.PaintingCanada1940sCanadianoil on boardGift of the Charles and Lois Stockey CollectionU021.5.9E. S. Ryan , Ryan, E. S.; Canada; Canadian; birch, birch tree, birch trees, building, buildings, grass, house, houses, tree, trees; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Ryan
Bird Cherry, Oso Berry, Red AlderWorks on BoardBird Cherry, Oso Berry, Red AlderGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1941/02/24Japanese, CanadianWatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.202Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; Alnus rubra, red alder, red alder (plants), Flower, Flowers, Indian plum, Oemleria cerasiformis, oso berry, osoberry (plants), branch, branches; ; -
Bird Cherry, Vegetable Oyster (naturalized)Works on BoardBird Cherry, Vegetable Oyster (naturalized)Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada1941/05/27WatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.230Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; ; ; ; -
No image availableWorks on BoardBirthday Of The InfantaPasutti, Bradoil paintings (visual works)Canada1986CanadianOilContemporary Art, SurrealismPurchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU987.20.1Brad Pasutti , Pasutti, Brad; ; Canadian; interior architecture; ; Pasutti
Bleeding Heart, (Dicentra Formosa), Wild Tulip: Snake Lily, (Fritillaria Lanceolata)Works on BoardBleeding Heart, (Dicentra Formosa), Wild Tulip: Snake Lily, (Fritillaria Lanceolata)Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, CanadaApril 22, 1941Canadian, JapanesewatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.224Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Canadian; Japanese; ; ; -
Blue ChairWorks on BoardBlue ChairMacleod, Cameron Ianoil paintings (visual works)Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada1976oilContemporary Art-U007.2.1Cameron Ian Macleod , Macleod, Cameron Ian; ; ; ; ; Macleod
Blue HydrangeasWorks on BoardBlue HydrangeasLamb Bobak, Mollyoil paintings (visual works)Canada1957CanadianOilWestern Modern 1900-1950Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundU957.1.3Lamb Bobak, Molly , Lamb, Molly , Molly Lamb; ; Canadian; ; ; Lamb Bobak
Blue Lupin, (Lupinus micranthus?), Woodland Star or Fringe Cup, (Lethophragma Parviflora), (Tiarella)Works on BoardBlue Lupin, (Lupinus micranthus?), Woodland Star or Fringe Cup, (Lethophragma Parviflora), (Tiarella)Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)British Columbia, Canada1941/03/21WatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.208Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; ; Flower, Flowers, Lithophragma parviflorum, smallflower woodland star, smallflower woodland stars (plants), Lupin (plant), Lupins (plants), Lupinus, bluebonnet, lupine; ; -
Bow River, AlbertaWorks on BoardBow River, AlbertaCote, Brunooil paintings (visual works)Alberta, Canada1987OilContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU998.15.39Bruno Cote , Cote, Bruno; ; ; ; ; Cote
Box 5 - UnderwaterWorks on BoardBox 5 - UnderwaterZiebert, Kristinoil paintings (visual works)British Columbia, CanadaSeptember 1994oilContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.944Kristin Ziebert , Ziebert, Kristin; ; ; ; ; Ziebert
Brentwood Bay 33, WharfWorks on BoardBrentwood Bay 33, WharfHowarth, Glenn E.paintings (visual works)Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canadan.d.CanadianMixed mediaContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Deborah RussellU014.1.1Glenn E. Howarth , Howarth, Glenn E.; ; Canadian; ; ; Howarth
Broom Rape, Sedum Stone Crop, Juneberry, SaskatoonWorks on BoardBroom Rape, Sedum Stone Crop, Juneberry, SaskatoonGyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer)watercolours (paintings)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada3/26/1941WatercolourBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.212Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; ; Amelanchier, chuckley pear, juneberry, sarvis, sarvisberry, saskatoon, saskatoon berries (plants), serviceberries, serviceberry, shadblow, shadbush, shadwood, sugarplum, wild-plum, Flower, Flowers, Orobanche, broomrape, broomrape (plant), broomrapes, broomrapes (plants), branch, branches, sedum, stonecrop, stonecrop (plant), stonecrops, stonecrops (plants); ; -
Cactus AbstractionWorks on BoardCactus AbstractionWilson, Yorkpaintings (visual works)Toronto, Ontario, Canada1954CanadianPyroxylinWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the York Wilson Foundation for the Visual ArtsU015.7.4Wilson, York , York Wilson; ; Canadian; ; ; Wilson
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