| Works on Board | #12? | Dobereiner, John | acrylic paintings (visual works) | British Columbia, Canada | 1966 | | Acrylic | Contemporary Art | On Loan from the Estate of John Dobereiner | L990.5.47 | Dobereiner, John , John Dobereiner; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class) | Dobereiner |
 | Works on Board | #2 Lisa | Gordaneer, James | oil paintings (visual works) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1991 | Canadian | oil | | Gift of the Estate of Michael C. Williams | U001.11.931 | Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; ; | Gordaneer |
 | Works on Board | #5 Chiclet Cloud | Gordaneer, James | acrylic paintings (visual works) | British Columbia, Canada | 1989 | Canadian | acrylic | | Gift of the Estate of Michael C. Williams | U001.11.573 | Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class) | Gordaneer |
 | Works on Board | #6 Clover Point | Gordaneer, James | oil paintings (visual works) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1988 | Canadian | Oil | Contemporary Art | Gift of the Estate of Michael C. Williams | U001.11.692 | Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; ; | Gordaneer |
 | Works on Board | 'Mama' (muley Doe) | Renk, Eric | oil paintings (visual works) | | 1989 | | Oil | | Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. Brown | U998.15.7 | Eric Renk , Renk, Eric; ; ; ; ; | Renk |
 | Works on Board | 12 Poses of Women | Gibbons-Barrett, Stephen | oil paintings (visual works) | West Coast Canada | 1986 | | Oil & glue | Contemporary Art | Gift of the Coast Art Trust | U009.1.33 | Gibbons-Barrett, Stephen , Stephen Gibbons-Barrett; ; ; ; ; | Gibbons-Barrett |
 | Works on Board | 14 | Ciccimarra, Richard | collages (visual works) | Canada | n.d. | | Paper, wood, varnish | Contemporary Art | Gift of Dr. Myfanwy Spencer Pavelic | U007.9.1 | (Ricky) , Ciccimarra, Richard , Richard Ciccimarra; ; ; ; Collage; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class) | Ciccimarra |
 | Works on Board | A Hut in the Bush | Chien, Chen Chee | oil paintings (visual works) | Borneo; Kalimantan, Indonesia or Sarawak, Malaysia | 1962 | Bornean | Oil | Contemporary Art | Gift of Colin and Gloria Mary Smith (nee Boroughs) | U992.23.50 | Chen Chee Chien , Chien, Chen Chee; ; Bornean; ; ; | Chien |
 | Works on Board | A Moorish Landscape | Lavery, Sir John | oil paintings (visual works) | Ireland | 1910 | | Oil | Victorian 1840-1900 | Gift of the Estate of Mary Elizabeth Isserstedt | U008.19.1 | John Lavery , Lavery, John , Lavery, Sir John; ; ; ; ; | Lavery |
 | Works on Board | A Woman-A Child | Forrest, Nita | oil paintings (visual works) | British Columbia, Canada | 1965 | | oil on board on primed plywood panel | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Leigh Forrest | U997.12.1 | Forrest, Nita , Nita Forrest; ; ; ; ; | Forrest |
 | Works on Board | Abstract no. 8 | Lewis, Virginia | Oil painting | | prior to 1999 | Canadian | Oil mixed with plaster of paris on Masonite | Abstract Art, Abstract Expressionism | Gift of Susan A. Lewis. | U023.1.4 | Lewis, Virginia , Virginia Lewis; ; Canadian; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class) | Lewis |
 | Works on Board | Ada Jack Memorial Thunderbird | David, Ben | paintings (visual works) | Vancouver Island; British Columbia; Canada | n.d. | Nuu-chah-nulth | Paint | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent Rickard | U990.14.571 | Ben David , David, Ben; ; Nuu-chah-nulth; ; ; | David |
 | Works on Board | Album of Painted Flowers, People and Landscapes | 跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi Atomi) | orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings inside | Tokyo, Tōkyō, Japan | circa 1940 | Japanese, English, Canadian | watercolour on board; silk | Nihonga, landscape | Gift of Wayside House | U021.1.3 | Atomi), 跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi , Atomi, Gyokushi , Atomi, Gyokushi , Gyokushi Atomi , Gyokushi Atomi , 玉絲 , 跡見 玉枝 , 跡見 玉枝 (Gyokushi Atomi) , 跡見玉枝; Tokyo; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Bird, Birds, Bird, Birds, Flower, Flowers, People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, house, houses, life/death, mountain, mountains, pagoda, pagodas, rain; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents | - |
 | Works on Board | Album of Painted Landscapes on Vancouver Island | Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer) | orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings inside | Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada | 1949 | Japanese, English, Canadian | watercolour on board with a silk cover | Nihonga, landscape | Gift of Wayside House | U021.1.1 | Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); Vancouver Island; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Beacon Hill Park, Craigflower, Craigflower Rd., Craigflower Road, Grouse Nest, Grouse Nest Resort, Nanaimo, Prospect Lake, beach, beach and/or shore, shore, shores, bridge, bridges, building, buildings, nature, ocean, river, rivers, road, street, streets, school, schools, tree, trees; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents | - |
 | Works on Board | Album of Painted Landscapes on Vancouver Island | Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer) | orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings inside | Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada | 1949 | Japanese, English, Canadian | watercolour on board with a silk cover | Nihonga, landscape | Gift of Wayside House | U021.1.1 | Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); Vancouver Island; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Beacon Hill Park, Craigflower, Craigflower Rd., Craigflower Road, Grouse Nest, Grouse Nest Resort, Nanaimo, Prospect Lake, beach, beach and/or shore, shore, shores, bridge, bridges, building, buildings, nature, ocean, river, rivers, road, street, streets, school, schools, tree, trees; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents | - |
 | Works on Board | Album of Vancouver Island Flowers and Trees | Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer) | orihon (traditional Japanese accodion book) with watercolour paintings inside | Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada | early 1940s | Japanese, English, Canadian | watercolour on board; silk | Nihonga | Gift of Wayside House | U021.1.2 | Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); Vancouver Island; Japanese; English, British; Canadian; Eriophyllum, Eriophyllum lanatum, Oregon sunshine, common woolly sunflower, common woolly sunflowers, woolly sunflower, woolly sunflowers, wooly sunflowers, Flower, Flowers, arbutus, bleeding heart, bleeding hearts, buttercup, buttercups, camas, dogtooth violet, dogtooth violets, nature, oregon grape, oregon grapes, pussy willow, pussy willows, shooting star flower, shooting star flowers, skunk cabbage, snowberries, snowberry, trillium, trilliums, wild onion, wild onions, wild rose, wild roses; Book, Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Other Documents | - |
 | Works on Board | Algoma | Harris, Lawren | oil paintings (visual works) | Canada | 1919 | Canadian | Oil | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of the University Women's Club | U958.1.3 | Harris, Lawren , Lawren Harris; ; Canadian; ; ; | Harris |
 | Works on Board | An Improvised Collaboration | Gordaneer, James; Gordaneer, Jeremy | acrylic paintings (visual works) | | 2004 | Canadian | acrylic | Contemporary Art | Gift of the Theatre Department of UVic | U005.1.1 | Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer, Gordaneer, Jeremy , Jeremy Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class) | Gordaneer |
 | Works on Board | Another Rain Forest | Collier, Alan | acrylic paintings (visual works) | Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada | n.d. | | Acrylic | Contemporary Art | - | U006.46.1 | Alan C. Collier , Alan Collier , Collier, Alan; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class) | Collier |
 | Works on Board | Apartment Dweller | Polushin, Valentina | gouaches (paintings) | British Columbia, Canada | 1979 | | Gouache | Contemporary Art | Gift of Dr. Myfanwy Spencer Pavelic | U996.25.72 | Polushin, Valentina , Valentina Polushin; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class) | Polushin |
 | Works on Board | Arbutus Menziesii Madrona | Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer) | watercolours (paintings) | British Columbia, Canada | March 28, 1941 | Canadian, Japanese | Watercolour | | Bequest of John and Katharine Maltwood | M964.1.213 | Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Canadian; Japanese; arbutus, branch, branches; ; | - |
 | Works on Board | Arcadia Theme #19; Dallas Beach | Gordaneer, James | paintings (visual works) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1989 | Canadian | acrylic; oil | Contemporary Art | Gift of the Estate of Michael C. Williams | U001.11.701 | Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; Canadian; ; ; | Gordaneer |
 | Works on Board | Architecture and Foundation | Gordaneer, James | oil painting | | 1996 | | Acrylic | Contemporary Art | - | U008.38.15 | Gordaneer, James , James Gordaneer; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class) | Gordaneer |
 | Works on Board | Arctic Fox | Renk, Eric | oil paintings (visual works) | British Columbia, Canada | 1990 | | Oil | Contemporary Art | Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. Brown | U998.15.3 | Eric Renk , Renk, Eric; ; ; ; ; | Renk |
 | Works on Board | At The Gates Of The City | Jarvis, Donald | oil paintings (visual works) | British Columbia, Canada | n.d. | | Oil | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Dr. Erika Kurth | U999.9.1 | Donald Jarvis , Jarvis, Donald; ; ; Abstract, People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, built environment, door, doors; ; | Jarvis |
 | Works on Board | Autumn Landscape | Pavelic, Myfanwy Spencer | acrylic paintings (visual works) | | 1970 | Canadian | Acrylic | Contemporary Art | Gift of Joanne Di Castri | U013.8.3 | Myfanwy Spencer , Myfanwy Spencer Pavelic , Pavelic, Myfanwy Spencer , Spencer, Myfanwy; ; Canadian; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class) | Pavelic |
 | Works on Board | Baltic Sea Bathers | Siebner, Herbert | oil paintings (visual works) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1982 | Canadian, German | Oil | Contemporary Art | Gift of Hartmut and Gunhilde Will | U012.21.2 | Herbert Johannes Joseph Siebner , Herbert Siebner , Siebner, Herbert , Siebner, Herbert Johannes Joseph; ; Canadian; German; ; ; | Siebner |
 | Works on Board | Banff Mountain Scene | Howarth, Glenn E. | oil paintings (visual works) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1985 | Canadian | oil | | Gift of the Estate of Michael C. Williams | U001.11.879 | Glenn E. Howarth , Howarth, Glenn E.; ; Canadian; ; ; | Howarth |
 | Works on Board | Banff Repeater Station | Howarth, Glenn E. | oil paintings (visual works) | Banff, Alberta, Canada | 1985 | Canadian | Oil | Contemporary Art | Gift of the Estate of Michael C. Williams | U001.11.427 | Glenn E. Howarth , Howarth, Glenn E.; Banff; Canadian; ; ; | Howarth |
 | Works on Board | Bar Maids I | Merino, Luis | oil paintings (visual works) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1990 | | oil | | Gift of the Estate of Michael C. Williams | U001.11.788 | Luis Merino , Merino, Luis; ; ; ; ; | Merino |
 | Works on Board | Bar Maids II | Merino, Luis | oil paintings (visual works) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1990 | | oil | Contemporary Art | Gift of the Estate of Michael C. Williams | U001.11.473 | Luis Merino , Merino, Luis; ; ; ; ; | Merino |
 | Works on Board | Bar Maids III | Merino, Luis | oil paintings (visual works) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1990 | | Oil | Contemporary Art | Gift of the Estate of Michael C. Williams | U001.11.429 | Luis Merino , Merino, Luis; ; ; ; ; | Merino |
 | Works on Board | Barbar | Siebner, Herbert | acrylic paintings (visual works) | | 1963 | Canadian, German | Acrylic | Contemporary Art | Gift of Derk Wynand | U997.32.2 | Herbert Johannes Joseph Siebner , Herbert Siebner , Siebner, Herbert , Siebner, Herbert Johannes Joseph; ; Canadian; German; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class) | Siebner |
 | Works on Board | Barbar Finds A Piece Of Cake From Which Hitler Had Eaten 21 Years Earlier | Siebner, Herbert | oil paintings (visual works) | British Columbia, Canada | 1963 | Canadian, German | oil on Masonite | Contemporary Art | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U998.33.13 | Herbert Johannes Joseph Siebner , Herbert Siebner , Siebner, Herbert , Siebner, Herbert Johannes Joseph; ; Canadian; German; ; ; | Siebner |
 | Works on Board | Beetle | Ciccimarra, Richard | paintings (visual works) | | n.d. | | mixed media; paint | | Gift of the Estate of Michael C. Williams | U001.11.891 | (Ricky) , Ciccimarra, Richard , Richard Ciccimarra; ; ; ; ; | Ciccimarra |
 | Works on Board | Beggar King | Bates, Maxwell | oil paintings (visual works) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | n.d. | Canadian | oil | | Gift of the Estate of Michael C. Williams | U001.11.939 | Bates, Maxwell , Maxwell Bates; ; Canadian; ; ; | Bates |
 | Works on Board | Bend Or | Clark, A. | oil paintings (visual works) | United Kingdom | c.1880 | British | Oil | | Gift of Dr. Sydney W. Jackman | U009.16.331 | A. Clark , Clark, A.; ; British; ; ; | Clark |
 | Works on Board | Birch Tree with House and Grass | Ryan, E. S. | Painting | Canada | 1940s | Canadian | oil on board | | Gift of the Charles and Lois Stockey Collection | U021.5.9 | E. S. Ryan , Ryan, E. S.; Canada; Canadian; birch, birch tree, birch trees, building, buildings, grass, house, houses, tree, trees; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class) | Ryan |
 | Works on Board | Bird Cherry, Oso Berry, Red Alder | Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer) | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 1941/02/24 | Japanese, Canadian | Watercolour | | Bequest of John and Katharine Maltwood | M964.1.202 | Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Japanese; Canadian; Alnus rubra, red alder, red alder (plants), Flower, Flowers, Indian plum, Oemleria cerasiformis, oso berry, osoberry (plants), branch, branches; ; | - |
 | Works on Board | Bird Cherry, Vegetable Oyster (naturalized) | Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer) | watercolours (paintings) | British Columbia, Canada | 1941/05/27 | | Watercolour | | Bequest of John and Katharine Maltwood | M964.1.230 | Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; ; ; ; | - |
 | Works on Board | Birthday Of The Infanta | Pasutti, Brad | oil paintings (visual works) | Canada | 1986 | Canadian | Oil | Contemporary Art, Surrealism | Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition Fund | U987.20.1 | Brad Pasutti , Pasutti, Brad; ; Canadian; interior architecture; ; | Pasutti |
 | Works on Board | Bleeding Heart, (Dicentra Formosa), Wild Tulip: Snake Lily, (Fritillaria Lanceolata) | Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer) | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | April 22, 1941 | Canadian, Japanese | watercolour | | Bequest of John and Katharine Maltwood | M964.1.224 | Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; Canadian; Japanese; ; ; | - |
 | Works on Board | Blue Chair | Macleod, Cameron Ian | oil paintings (visual works) | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | 1976 | | oil | Contemporary Art | - | U007.2.1 | Cameron Ian Macleod , Macleod, Cameron Ian; ; ; ; ; | Macleod |
 | Works on Board | Blue Hydrangeas | Lamb Bobak, Molly | oil paintings (visual works) | Canada | 1957 | Canadian | Oil | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Purchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition Fund | U957.1.3 | Lamb Bobak, Molly , Lamb, Molly , Molly Lamb; ; Canadian; ; ; | Lamb Bobak |
 | Works on Board | Blue Lupin, (Lupinus micranthus?), Woodland Star or Fringe Cup, (Lethophragma Parviflora), (Tiarella) | Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer) | watercolours (paintings) | British Columbia, Canada | 1941/03/21 | | Watercolour | | Bequest of John and Katharine Maltwood | M964.1.208 | Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; ; Flower, Flowers, Lithophragma parviflorum, smallflower woodland star, smallflower woodland stars (plants), Lupin (plant), Lupins (plants), Lupinus, bluebonnet, lupine; ; | - |
 | Works on Board | Bow River, Alberta | Cote, Bruno | oil paintings (visual works) | Alberta, Canada | 1987 | | Oil | Contemporary Art | Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. Brown | U998.15.39 | Bruno Cote , Cote, Bruno; ; ; ; ; | Cote |
 | Works on Board | Box 5 - Underwater | Ziebert, Kristin | oil paintings (visual works) | British Columbia, Canada | September 1994 | | oil | Contemporary Art | Gift of the Estate of Michael C. Williams | U001.11.944 | Kristin Ziebert , Ziebert, Kristin; ; ; ; ; | Ziebert |
 | Works on Board | Brentwood Bay 33, Wharf | Howarth, Glenn E. | paintings (visual works) | Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canada | n.d. | Canadian | Mixed media | Contemporary Art | Gift of the Estate of Deborah Russell | U014.1.1 | Glenn E. Howarth , Howarth, Glenn E.; ; Canadian; ; ; | Howarth |
 | Works on Board | Broom Rape, Sedum Stone Crop, Juneberry, Saskatoon | Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer) | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | 3/26/1941 | | Watercolour | | Bequest of John and Katharine Maltwood | M964.1.212 | Duer), Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend , Duer, Elizabeth Yeend , Elizabeth Yeend Duer , Gyokushō , Gyokushō 玉蕉 , Gyokushō 玉蕉 (Elizabeth Yeend Duer); ; ; Amelanchier, chuckley pear, juneberry, sarvis, sarvisberry, saskatoon, saskatoon berries (plants), serviceberries, serviceberry, shadblow, shadbush, shadwood, sugarplum, wild-plum, Flower, Flowers, Orobanche, broomrape, broomrape (plant), broomrapes, broomrapes (plants), branch, branches, sedum, stonecrop, stonecrop (plant), stonecrops, stonecrops (plants); ; | - |
 | Works on Board | Cactus Abstraction | Wilson, York | paintings (visual works) | Toronto, Ontario, Canada | 1954 | Canadian | Pyroxylin | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of the York Wilson Foundation for the Visual Arts | U015.7.4 | Wilson, York , York Wilson; ; Canadian; ; ; | Wilson |