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%dream catcher%Miscellaneous%dream catcher%Tibbetts, Ruthvisual works (works)n.d.Wood; leather; plastic wire; threadContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Robert AllerU008.31.51Ruth Tibbetts , Tibbetts, Ruth; ; ; ; ; Tibbetts
(Untitled) Box PieceMiscellaneous(Untitled) Box PieceSkelton, Robinconstructions (sculpture)Victoria, British Columbia, Canadan.d.Canadianmixed mediaGift of Dr. Erika KurthU007.50.6Robin Skelton , Skelton, Robin; ; Canadian; ; Construction; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureSkelton
A Hole in the HouseMiscellaneousA Hole in the HouseDavid, Joedrums (membranophones)Opitsaht, British Columbia, Canada1995Tla-o-qui-aht, Nuučaan̓uł, CanadianAcrylicGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.110David, Joe , Joe David; ; Tla-o-qui-aht, Nuučaan̓uł; Canadian; ; Drum; Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Musical T&E; Musical Instruments; Percussion InstrumentDavid
Advertisement for Absorbtion (blue)MiscellaneousAdvertisement for Absorbtion (blue)Youds, RobertLight ArtVictoria, British Columbia, Canada2005Canadiancast plastic, 20w compact fluorescent bulb, electrical fixtures, metal screws. Mounted to a metal fitting and screwed to a painted honeycomb aluminum baseContemporary Art, Light ArtGift of Robert YoudsU018.10.2Robert Youds , Youds, Robert; Victoria; Canadian; Abstract; Fixture, Lighting , Lighting Fixture, Sculpture; Category 02: Furnishings; Lighting Equipment; Lighting Devices, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Youds
Advertisement for Absorbtion (green)MiscellaneousAdvertisement for Absorbtion (green)Youds, RobertLight ArtVictoria, British Columbia, Canada2005Canadiancast plastic, 20w compact fluorescent bulb, electrical fixtures, metal screws. Mounted to a metal fitting and screwed to a painted honeycomb aluminum baseContemporary Art, Light ArtGift of Robert YoudsU018.10.1Robert Youds , Youds, Robert; Victoria; Canadian; Abstract; Fixture, Lighting , Lighting Fixture, Sculpture; Category 02: Furnishings; Lighting Equipment; Lighting Devices, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Youds
Animal Horn RattleMiscellaneousAnimal Horn Rattlerattlesn.d.Animal HornContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Robert AllerU008.31.29; ; ; ; ; -
BagpipesMiscellaneousBagpipesCampbell & Graingerbagpipesn.d.tartan; leather; plastic; metalContemporary Art-U011.29.1Campbell & Grainger; ; ; ; Bagpipe; Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Musical T&E; Musical Instruments; Woodwind Instrument-
Bear and Two DogsMiscellaneousBear and Two Dogscarvings (visual works); figurinesCanadan.d.BoneThe Joseph and Elizabeth Rosa Isaacs Collection given by Miss Rivkah Isaacs in memory of her parentsU989.1.75; ; ; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; Statue-
BilikenMiscellaneousBilikencarvings (visual works)Greenlandn.d.InuitFossilized IvoryThe Joseph and Elizabeth Rosa Isaacs Collection given by Miss Rivkah Isaacs in memory of her parentsU989.1.93; ; Inuit; ; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture-
Blowpipe Dart ContainerMiscellaneousBlowpipe Dart ContainerContainersIndonesia19th C.Fibre, BambooGift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU991.7.8; ; ; ; Containers; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects-
Boar tusks - personal adornmentMiscellaneousBoar tusks - personal adornmentcostume componentsSepik, East Sepik, Papua New Guineac.19754 boar tusks, plant fibreContemporary Art-U006.44.11; ; ; ; Adornment; Category 03: Personal Objects-
Bone DaggerMiscellaneousBone Daggerdaggers (weapons)Aitape, North Sepik1969Clay, boneContemporary Southeast AsianGift of Dick and Wanda Van der EykU002.41.6; ; ; ; Dagger; Category 05: Tools & Equipment for Science & Technology; Armaments; Edged Weapons-
Bone Harpoon HeadMiscellaneousBone Harpoon Headweapon components; harpoonsWest Africac. 1875-1901BoneGift of the Anthropology Department of the University of VictoriaU981.1.48; ; ; harpoon, harpoons; ; -
Box for Book Arts ProjectMiscellaneousBox for Book Arts ProjectCanadian Book Arts and Bookbinding Guildboxes (containers)2005board, linen, leather, paintContemporary ArtGift of the Canadian Book Binders and Book Arts GuildU007.8.27Canadian Book Arts and Bookbinding Guild; ; ; ; Box; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class)-
Box with Order of the GarterMiscellaneousBox with Order of the Gartertrunks (containers)Englandc. 1880Wood, Canvas, Leather, MetalGift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU998.39.1; ; ; ; ; -
No image availableMiscellaneousCamp at NightAgnahiak, Lily KlengbergCarvingKugluktuk, Nunavut, Canadaafter 1950Inuit, CanadianantlerCircumpolar Art, Contemporary ArtGift of Dr. Maurice and Anne Petrie YacowarU021.8.19Agnahiak, Lilly Klengenberg , Agnahiak, Lily Klengenberg , Lilly Klengenberg Agnahiak , Lily Klengenberg Agnahiak , W2-406; Coppermine , Kugluktuk , Qurluqtuq , ᖁᕐᓗᖅᑐᖅ; Inuit; Canadian; dog, dogs, igloo, igloos, night, sled, sleds; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureAgnahiak
Cannibal and HumanMiscellaneousCannibal and HumanHunt, George Jr.drums (membranophones); drumsticksTsaxis (Fort Rupert); British Columbia; Canada1993Kwagu'ł, Kwakwaka'wakwPaint; deer hide; cedar bark; ermine skin; rabbit skin; grouse feathers; horse tail; abalone; copperContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.448George Jr. Hunt , Hunt, George Jr. , Nas-u-niz; ; Kwagu'ł; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; Drum, Drumstick; Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Musical T&E; Musical Accessories; Percussion Beater, Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Musical T&E; Musical Instruments; Percussion InstrumentHunt
Carved Flute and Flute StopperMiscellaneousCarved Flute and Flute Stopperflutes (aerophones)Papua New Guineac.1975Bamboo and inkContemporary Art-U006.44.15; ; ; ; Flute; Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Musical T&E; Musical Instruments; Woodwind Instrument-
Carved GourdMiscellaneousCarved Gourdvessels (containers)Papua New Guineac. 1975GourdContemporary Art-U006.44.6; ; ; ; ; -
Ceremonial drumMiscellaneousCeremonial drumdrums (membranophones)Papua New Guinean.d.Papuanwood, snakeskin-U011.90.6; ; Papuan; ; Drum; Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Musical T&E; Musical Instruments; Percussion Instrument-
Chinese Plume And CaseMiscellaneousChinese Plume And Caseplumes (ornaments)Chinan.d.ChineseFeather; wood; cardboardGift of Jane ChapmanU998.26.33; ; Chinese; ; ; -
Chinese paper fanMiscellaneousChinese paper fanfolding fansChinaunknownpaper, wood-E000.4.10; ; ; ; Brisé Fan , Fan, Brisé; Category 03: Personal Objects; Personal Gear; Personal Assistive Objects; Hand Fan-
Coconut Shell RattleMiscellaneousCoconut Shell Rattlerattlesn.d.Shell, CoconutGift of Commander and Mrs. A.J. Tullis to the UVic Department of Anthropology, University of VictoriaU981.2.10; ; ; ; ; -
Col. Harland SandersMiscellaneousCol. Harland SandersfigurinesCanadaMid 20th CenturyPlasticContemporary ArtGift of Alan GowansU988.17.6; ; ; ; Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; Statue-
Constant and Transitional FormsMiscellaneousConstant and Transitional FormsFoster, Judithpaintings (visual works)New York, United States1966 multipleoil base, gel and modeling paste.Contemporary Art-U006.41.54Foster, Judith , Judith Foster; ; ; ; ; Foster
Creations (Salish ceremonial rattle dance drum)MiscellaneousCreations (Salish ceremonial rattle dance drum)Salazar, Manuelrattles; ceremonial objectsVancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada1997Canadian, Coast Salish, CowichanDeer hide; sinew lacing; deer leather; shells; deer hooves; raw sheep wool; cedar; graphite; paintContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.452(Manny) , Manuel Salazar , Salazar, Manuel; ; Canadian; Coast Salish; Cowichan; ; ; Salazar
Decorated GourdMiscellaneousDecorated Gourdpaintings (visual works)Papua New Guinea1969Papua New GuineaPainted dried gourdContemporary Southeast AsianGift of Dick and Wanda Van der EykU002.41.14; ; Papua New Guinea; ; ; -
DrumMiscellaneousDrumdrums (membranophones)British Columbia, CanadaLate 19th CenturyWood; Skin; Metal; Wire; PaintGift of Commander and Mrs. A.J. Tullis to the UVic Department of Anthropology, University of VictoriaU981.2.26; ; ; ; Drum; Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Musical T&E; Musical Instruments; Percussion Instrument-
No image availableMiscellaneousDrumdrums (membranophones)British Columbia, CanadaLate 19th C.Leather; Wood; Skin; PaintGift of Commander and Mrs. A.J. Tullis to the UVic Department of Anthropology, University of VictoriaU981.2.27; ; ; ; Drum; Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Musical T&E; Musical Instruments; Percussion Instrument-
Elder DuckMiscellaneousElder DuckAngnakok, Loasiecarvings (visual works)Arctic; Canadan.d.InuitBone, WhaleThe Joseph and Elizabeth Rosa Isaacs Collection given by Miss Rivkah Isaacs in memory of her parentsU989.1.3Angnakok, Loasie , Loasie Angnakok; ; Inuit; ; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureAngnakok
Elephant Hair BraceletsMiscellaneousElephant Hair BraceletsUnknownBraceletAfricalikely 1980sAfricanlikely elephant hair and possibly metalCustomaryGift of the Charles and Lois Stockey CollectionU021.5.13Unknown; Africa; African; bracelet, bracelets; Bracelet; Category 03: Personal Objects; Adornment; Body Adornments; Jewelry-
Elephant TuskMiscellaneousElephant Tuskelephant ivoryWest Africa1875-1901CIvoryGift of the Anthropology Department of the University of VictoriaU981.1.5; ; ; tusks; Animal Material , Material, Animal; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Leather, Horn & Shellworking T&E; Leather, Horn & Shellworking T&E (blank sub-class)-
Figure Holding BoneMiscellaneousFigure Holding Bonecarvings (visual works); figurinesn.d.Inuit?Petrified whaleboneContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.105; ; Inuit?; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; Statue-
FinialMiscellaneousFinialfinialsn.d.Wood; metal baseGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.207; ; ; ; Finial; Category 01: Built Environment Objects; Building Components; Roof Elements-
Fish LeapingMiscellaneousFish LeapingDalrymple, Neilsculpture (visual works)British Columbia, Canada1980Plaster; paintContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Myfanwy Spencer PavelicU996.25.26Dalrymple, Neil , Neil Dalrymple; ; ; ; ; Dalrymple
Frame from The Wreck of the Royal CharterMiscellaneousFrame from The Wreck of the Royal Charterpicture framesEnglandc. 1870Plaster, WoodVictorian 1840-1900Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. BrownU000.37.4-2; ; ; ; ; -
GeeseMiscellaneousGeeseEkpakohak, Patcarvings (visual works)Ulukhaktok; Northwest Territories; Canadan.d.InuitIvory; AntlerGift of Mrs. Josephine BerthierU994.24.3Ekpakohak, Pat , Pat Ekpakohak; ; Inuit; ; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureEkpakohak
GooseMiscellaneousGoosecarvings (visual works); figurinesAlaska, United Statesn.d.InuitIvoryThe Joseph and Elizabeth Rosa Isaacs Collection given by Miss Rivkah Isaacs in memory of her parentsU989.1.87; ; Inuit; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; Statue-
Green-patterned box with stone seal and leather coverMiscellaneousGreen-patterned box with stone seal and leather coverstamps (tools)Unknownleather, stone, fabric-U008.24.566; ; ; ; ; -
Hat (skull of wild pig motif)MiscellaneousHat (skull of wild pig motif)hatsPapua New Guinean.d.Papua New Guineabone; cassowary feathers; cedar/rootGift of Dick and Wanda Van der EykU002.41.19; ; Papua New Guinea; ; Hat; Category 03: Personal Objects; Clothing; Headwear-
Head of a ShamanMiscellaneousHead of a ShamanIpellie, Seepeecarvings (visual works); figurines1970'sInuit?Whale boneContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.94Ipellie, Seepee , Seepee Ipellie; ; Inuit?; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; StatueIpellie
No image availableMiscellaneousHunter and WolfAnnanack, Johnny GeorgeSculptureKangiqsualujjuaq, Quebec, Canada1979Inuitanthler, mamal bone, leatherCircumpolar Art, Contemporary ArtGift of Dr. Maurice and Anne Petrie YacowarU021.8.20Annanack, Johnny George , E8-503 , Johnny George Annanack; Kangiqsualujjuaq; Inuit; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, animal, animals, club, clubs, hunting, wolf, wolves; Sculpture; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Annanack
Hunter with Antler ClubMiscellaneousHunter with Antler Clubcarvings (visual works)Kugluktuk, Nunavut, Canada1960InuitWhale bone and antlerThe Joseph and Elizabeth Rosa Isaacs Collection given by Miss Rivkah Isaacs in memory of her parentsU989.1.68; ; Inuit; ; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture-
No image availableMiscellaneousHunter with Two BirdsUnknownCarvingLikely Canadaafter 1950Inuitmamal boneCircumpolar Art, Contemporary ArtGift of Dr. Maurice and Anne Petrie YacowarU021.8.13Unknown; Canada; Inuit; Bird, Birds, People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, animal, animals, geese, goose, hunting, owl, owls; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture-
Isle of AvalonMiscellaneousIsle of Avalonsculpture (visual works)n.d.PlasticineBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.573; ; ; ; ; -
Ivory BraceletMiscellaneousIvory Braceletbracelets (jewelry)West Africa1875-1901IvoryGift of the Anthropology Department of the University of VictoriaU981.1.2; ; ; bracelet, bracelets; Bracelet; Category 03: Personal Objects; Adornment; Body Adornments; Jewelry-
No image availableMiscellaneousIvory Tuskcarvings (visual works); reliefs (sculptures)West Africac. 1875-1901IvoryGift of the Anthropology Department of the University of VictoriaU981.1.3; ; ; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, animal, animals; Carving, Relief; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture-
JVC Videosphere TelevisionMiscellaneousJVC Videosphere Televisionvideo monitorsJapan1974Plastic; metalContemporary Art-U998.29.1; ; ; ; ; -
Knife EdgeMiscellaneousKnife EdgeKattan, Arisculpture (visual works)British Columbia, Canada1999Ceramic plaster; metallic paintContemporary ArtGift of John and Ruth MinshallU999.33.1(aka Schaeffer, Herbert and Shaeffer, Harry) , Ari Kattan , Kattan, Ari; ; ; ; ; Kattan
KotoMiscellaneousKotokotoJapann.d.JapaneseLaquered And PaintedGift of Nagoya UniversityU997.27.1; ; Japanese; ; Zither; Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Musical T&E; Musical Instruments; Stringed Instrument-
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