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Works on Paper"Sky Hole", Entrance to the Above WorldMilne, Courtneycolour prints (photographs)California, United States1995Photo PrintContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Barbara Lent and Robert SolomonU995.22.45Courtney Milne , Milne, Courtney; ; ; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographMilne
Bodega Bay, Where Moon Falls DownWorks on PaperBodega Bay, Where Moon Falls DownMilne, Courtneycolour prints (photographs)California, United States199535mm printContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Barbara Lent and Robert SolomonU995.22.43Courtney Milne , Milne, Courtney; ; ; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographMilne
Cave Paintings, Art Of The ChumashWorks on PaperCave Paintings, Art Of The ChumashMilne, Courtneycolour prints (photographs)California, United States199535mm printContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Barbara Lent and Robert SolomonU995.22.40Courtney Milne , Milne, Courtney; ; ; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographMilne
Copper lampMetalworkCopper lampCraftsman Studioselectric lamps (lighting device forms)Laguna Beach, Orange, California, United States1890AmericanCopperVictorian 1840-1900Gift of Dr. Erika KurthU005.21.8Craftsman Studios; ; American; ; Electric Lamp , Lamp, Electric; Category 02: Furnishings; Lighting Equipment; Lighting Devices; Lamp-
Flag #1Works on PaperFlag #1Gourley, Patrickmonoprints (painting and printing works); mixed media wCalifornia, United States1994Monoprint; WaxContemporary ArtGift of Torrie GroeningU996.12.128Gourley, Patrick , Patrick Gourley; ; ; ; ; Gourley
Flag #2Works on PaperFlag #2Gourley, Patrickmonoprints (painting and printing works)California, United States1994Waxed MonoprintContemporary ArtGift of Torrie GroeningU996.12.129Gourley, Patrick , Patrick Gourley; ; ; ; ; Gourley
Head of CadmiumWorks on BoardHead of CadmiumPeterson, Margaret Ellentempera paintingsBerkeley, Alameda, California, United States1948temperaContemporary ArtGift of Elizabeth IllgU001.14.1Margaret Ellen Peterson , Peterson, Margaret Ellen; ; ; ; ; Peterson
Mother and DaughterWorks on PaperMother and DaughterChodos, Rosalyndrawings (visual works)California, United Statesn.d.Oil stickContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.796Chodos, Rosalyn , Rosalyn Chodos; ; ; ; Drawing; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Chodos
Mount Shasta, Lodge Of The Great SpiritWorks on PaperMount Shasta, Lodge Of The Great SpiritMilne, Courtneycolour prints (photographs)California, United States199535mm printContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Barbara Lent and Robert SolomonU995.22.44Courtney Milne , Milne, Courtney; ; ; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographMilne
Mount Shasta, Lost Continent Of MuWorks on PaperMount Shasta, Lost Continent Of MuMilne, Courtneycolour prints (photographs)California, United States199335mm PrintContemporary ArtGift of Mr. and Mrs. M. SopmanU995.2.1Courtney Milne , Milne, Courtney; ; ; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographMilne
OrcaMetalworkOrcaFaue, TomCastingMonterey, California, United States1990American-born Canadianbronze and stoneContemporary ArtGift of the Charles and Lois Stockey CollectionU021.5.7Faue, Tom , Tom Faue; Monterey , Monterey county; Canadian; American; killer whale, killer whales, orca, orcas; Casting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureFaue
Painted Cave, Gallery Of Rock ArtWorks on PaperPainted Cave, Gallery Of Rock ArtMilne, Courtneycolour prints (photographs)California, United States199535 mm printContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Barbara Lent and Robert SolomonU995.22.41Courtney Milne , Milne, Courtney; ; ; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographMilne
Pen, ink and calendar desk setMetalworkPen, ink and calendar desk setCraftsman StudiosinkstandsCalifornia, United States1920-1948AmericanBeaten copper, inlaid enamelArts and Crafts-U011.44.1Craftsman Studios; ; American; ; Inkstand; Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Written Communication T&E; Writing Accessories; Writing Equipment Container-
Pinnacles, Place Of The Great DivideWorks on PaperPinnacles, Place Of The Great DivideMilne, Courtneycolour prints (photographs)California, United States199535mm printContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Barbara Lent and Robert SolomonU995.22.42Courtney Milne , Milne, Courtney; ; ; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographMilne
Spiral Cutaway No. 6Works on PaperSpiral Cutaway No. 6Cherie, Jeanwall piecesCalifornia, United States1986PaperContemporary Art-U008.19.2Cherie, Jean , Jean Cherie; ; ; ; ; Cherie
Twenty-Nine Palms, Oasis Of FertilityWorks on PaperTwenty-Nine Palms, Oasis Of FertilityMilne, Courtneycolour prints (photographs)California, United States199535mm printContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Barbara Lent and Robert SolomonU995.22.39Courtney Milne , Milne, Courtney; ; ; ; Color Photograph , Photograph, Color; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographMilne
Untitled (Ashtray)CeramicsUntitled (Ashtray)Heath, Edith KiertznerashtraysCalifornia, United StatesMid 20th CenturyAmericanCeramic; glazeWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of Erika and Burton KurthU006.35.1Edith Kiertzner Heath , Heath, Edith Kiertzner; ; American; ; Ashtray; Category 02: Furnishings; Household Accessories; Containers for Smoking & TobaccoHeath
Untitled (Coffee Pot with Lid)CeramicsUntitled (Coffee Pot with Lid)Weil WarecoffeepotsCalifornia, United States1940AmericanCeramic; enamel paints and glazeDecorative Art Modern 1912-1949The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU992.11.5Weil Ware; ; American; ; Coffeepot , coffee pot , pot, coffee; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Serving Vessels; Drink Serving Vessel-
Untitled (Craftsman Inkstand)MetalworkUntitled (Craftsman Inkstand)Craftsman StudiosinkstandsCalifornia, United Statesc. 1905Silver; CopperArts and CraftsPurchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundM969.13.43Craftsman Studios; ; ; ; Inkstand, Inkstand; Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Written Communication T&E; Writing Accessories; Writing Equipment Container, Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication; Written Communication T&E; Writing Accessories; Writing Equipment Container-
Untitled (Cup)CeramicsUntitled (Cup)cups (drinking vessels)California, United States1950AmericanCeramic; glazeWestern Modern 1900-1950The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU991.6.8-1; ; American; ; Cup; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Drinking Vessels-
Untitled (Cup)CeramicsUntitled (Cup)cups (drinking vessels)California, United States1950Ceramic; glazeWestern Modern 1900-1950The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU991.6.8-3; ; ; ; Cup; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Drinking Vessels-
Untitled (Farm House)Works on PaperUntitled (Farm House)Quale, R.C.watercolours (paintings)Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United Statesc. 1950WatercolourWestern Modern 1900-1950The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU994.19.3Quale, R.C. , R.C. Quale; ; ; ; ; Quale
Untitled (Flute and Bag)WoodworkUntitled (Flute and Bag)Cameron, Rodreproductions (derivative objects); flutes (aerophones)California, United Statesn.d.African blackwood or grenadilla; Ivory; SilverGift of Mary KennedyU993.27.16Cameron, Rod , Rod Cameron; ; ; ; ; Cameron
Untitled (Flute)MiscellaneousUntitled (Flute)Cameron, Rodreproductions (derivative objects); flutes (aerophones)California, United Statesn.d.Ivory; Silver; CorkGift of Mary KennedyU993.27.13Cameron, Rod , Rod Cameron; ; ; ; ; Cameron
Untitled (Flute)WoodworkUntitled (Flute)Cameron, Rodreproductions (derivative objects); flutes (aerophones)San Francisco, California, United States1970sBoxwood; Ivory; Silver; CorkGift of Mary KennedyU993.27.14Cameron, Rod , Rod Cameron; ; ; ; ; Cameron
Untitled (Grouse with Young)CeramicsUntitled (Grouse with Young)Kakinuma, Thomassculpture (visual works)California, United Statesn.d.Japanese, CanadianCeramic; glazeContemporary ArtGift of Dr. Eric and Mrs. Clara Belle WebbU997.10.5Kakinuma, Thomas , Thomas Kakinuma; ; Japanese; Canadian; ; ; Kakinuma
Untitled (Jug)CeramicsUntitled (Jug)jugs (vessels)California, United States1950Ceramic; glazeWestern Modern 1900-1950The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU991.6.8-5; ; ; ; Jug; Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects; Containers; Containers (blank sub-class); Vessel-
Untitled (Marble Topped Wash Stand)WoodworkUntitled (Marble Topped Wash Stand)washstandsPasadena, Los Angeles, California, United Statesc. 1905Oak; Marble; CeramicArts and CraftsPurchased with assistance of the University of Victoria Art Acquisition FundM969.3.4; ; ; Flower, Flowers, washstands; ; -
Untitled (Pitcher)CeramicsUntitled (Pitcher)Vernonwarepitchers (vessels)California, United Statesn.d.AmericanCeramic; glaze; enamel paintContemporary ArtThe White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU995.17.9Vernonware; ; American; ; ; -
Untitled (Plate)CeramicsUntitled (Plate)plates (general, dishes)California, United States1950Ceramic; glazeWestern Modern 1900-1950The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU991.6.8-6; ; ; ; ; -
Untitled (Pot)CeramicsUntitled (Pot)Anderson, Lauravases?California, United Statesc.1970AmericanCeramic; glazeWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of Dr. Eric and Mrs. Clara Belle WebbU996.24.2Anderson, Laura , Laura Anderson; ; American; ; ; Anderson
Untitled (Pot)CeramicsUntitled (Pot)Anderson, Lauravases?California, United Statesc.1970Ceramic; glazeWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of Dr. Eric and Mrs. Clara Belle WebbU996.24.3Anderson, Laura , Laura Anderson; ; ; ; ; Anderson
Untitled (Reproduction Leather Tub Chair and Cushions)MiscellaneousUntitled (Reproduction Leather Tub Chair and Cushions)Elite Leather Furniturereproductions (derivative objects); armchairsCalifornia, United States1999Leather; wood; metal; polyester fiber; polyurethane foam; glueContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.172Elite Leather Furniture; ; ; ; ; -
Untitled (Reproduction Leather Tub Chair and Cushions)MiscellaneousUntitled (Reproduction Leather Tub Chair and Cushions)Elite Leather Furniturereproductions (derivative objects); armchairsCalifornia, United States1999Leather; wood; metal; polyester fiber; polyurethane foam; glueContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.173Elite Leather Furniture; ; ; ; ; -
Untitled (Saucer)CeramicsUntitled (Saucer)saucers (plates)California, United States1950Ceramic; glazeWestern Modern 1900-1950The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU991.6.8-2; ; ; ; ; -
Untitled (Saucer)CeramicsUntitled (Saucer)saucers (plates)California, United States1950AmericanCeramic; glazeWestern Modern 1900-1950The White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU991.6.8-4; ; American; ; ; -
Untitled (Tea Pot)CeramicsUntitled (Tea Pot)Heath Pottery WorksteapotsSausalito, Marin, California, United Statesc 1950clay/glaze/copper/plasticContemporary ArtThe White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU005.25.9Heath Pottery Works; ; ; ; ; -
No image availableCeramicsUntitled (Teapot)Santa Anita WareteapotsCalifornia, United States1949AmericanCeramic; glaze; transfer printContemporary ArtThe White and Veillette Study Collection; Gift of Gary White and John VeilletteU987.19.38Santa Anita Ware; ; American; ; ; -
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