| Works on Paper | After the Swiftsure Races | Snider, Gertrude | watercolours (paintings) | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | c.1950 | | watercolour; graphite | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Denis Marshall | U008.15.1 | Gertrude Snider , Snider, Gertrude; ; ; ; ; | Snider |
| Woodwork | Rough Trade | Snider, Greg | sculpture (visual works) | | 1976 | | Wood; metal chain; metal | Contemporary Art | Gift of the Estate of Michael C. Williams | U001.11.139 | Greg Snider , Snider, Greg; ; ; ; ; | Snider |
| Metalwork | Untitled (Steel Sculpture) | Snider, Greg | sculpture (visual works) | British Columbia, Canada | 20th C. | | Steel | Contemporary Art | Gift of Pat George | U006.8.1 | Greg Snider , Snider, Greg; ; ; ; ; | Snider |