| Works on Paper | A Gallway Hooker | Yeats, Jack Butler | woodcuts (prints) | Ireland | 1943 | | hand-coloured woodblock print, watercolour, ink | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.2 | Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; ; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Board | A Moorish Landscape | Lavery, Sir John | oil paintings (visual works) | Ireland | 1910 | | Oil | Victorian 1840-1900 | Gift of the Estate of Mary Elizabeth Isserstedt | U008.19.1 | John Lavery , Lavery, John , Lavery, Sir John; ; ; ; ; | Lavery |
 | Works on Paper | An Old Slave | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-25 | | hand-coloured woodblock print, ink, watercolour | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.9 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; ; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | Angel | Behan, John | lithographs | Ireland | 1967 | | Lithograph | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.11 | Behan, John , John Behan; ; ; angel, angels, trumpets; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic Print | Behan |
 | Works on Paper | Bird with Letter | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | | hand-coloured woodblock print, watercolour, ink | Decorative Art Modern 1912-1949 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.5 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; ; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | Cinema Screen | Harper, Charles | etchings (prints) | Ireland | n.d. | | Etching on paper | Contemporary Art | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.36 | Charles Harper , Harper, Charles; Ireland , Republic of Ireland; ; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, moon, moons, tree, trees; Etching, Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio Print, Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio Print | Harper |
 | Works on Paper | Crookhaven | Heemskirk, Marianne | linocuts (prints) | Ireland | 1966 | | Linoprint | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.16 | Heemskirk, Marianne , Marianne Heemskirk; ; ; Crookhaven, Crookhaven (village in Ireland), beach, beach and/or shore, shore, shores, boat, boats, landscape, ocean; Linocut; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Relief Print | Heemskirk |
 | Works on Paper | Dominance | Harper, Charles | etchings (prints) | Ireland | 1965 | | Etching | Contemporary Art | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.42 | Charles Harper , Harper, Charles; ; ; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, buckets, nude, nudes; Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio Print | Harper |
 | Works on Paper | Dublin Quays (Sailor Boy) | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 910-1925 | | hand-coloured woodblock print, ink, watercolour | | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.25 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; ; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | Evening | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | Irish | hand-coloured woodblock print, ink, watercolour | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.13 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; Irish; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | Fair Day | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | Irish | hand-coloured woodblock print, ink, watercolour | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.14 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; Irish; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | Figure From A Tomb | Hanratty, Alice | etchings (prints) | Ireland | n.d. | | Etching on paper | Contemporary Art | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.35 | Alice Hanratty , Hanratty, Alice; Ireland , Republic of Ireland; ; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans; Etching, Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio Print, Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio Print | Hanratty |
 | Works on Paper | Flying Elephant | Hanratty, Alice | lithographs | Ireland | 1980 | | Serigraph | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.10 | Alice Hanratty , Hanratty, Alice; ; ; Flower, Flowers, elephant, elephants, flying; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic Print | Hanratty |
 | Works on Paper | For Elizabeth Rivers | | linocuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | 1964 | | Linocut | Contemporary Art | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.51 | ; ; ; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans; Linocut; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Relief Print | - |
 | Works on Paper | Graveyard | Mcentaggart, Brett | etchings (prints) | Ireland | n.d. | | Etching | Contemporary Art | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.37 | Brett Mcentaggart , Mcentaggart, Brett; ; ; Christianity, church, churches, cross, crosses, grave stone, grave stones, gravestone, gravestones, tomb stone, tombstones, grave, graves, tree, trees; Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio Print | Mcentaggart |
 | Works on Paper | In the Pool | Fouw, Jan De | etchings (prints) | Ireland | 1965 | | Etching | Contemporary Art | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.40 | Fouw, Jan De , Jan De Fouw; ; ; merfolk, merfolks, mermaid, mermaids, merman, mermen, merpeople, merperson; Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio Print | Fouw |
 | Works on Paper | Inch House | | drawings (visual works) | Dublin, Ireland | c. 1820-1840 | | Graphite | West Realism 1835-1900 | Gift of Dr. Sydney W. Jackman | U993.6.6 | ; ; ; ; Drawing; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class) | - |
 | Metalwork | Irish Silver Soup Ladle | Pillar, John | ladles | Ireland | c.1780 | Irish | Silver | Late Georgian 1760-1811 | Gift of Dr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Dorothy E. Brown | U003.2.90 | John Pillar , Pillar, John; ; Irish; ; Ladle, Serving , Serving Ladle; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Food Service T&E; Serving Utensils | Pillar |
 | Works on Paper | Island People | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | Irish | hand-coloured woodblock print, watercolour, ink | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.12 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; Irish; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | Jesuit Preacher | Harper, Charles | etchings (prints) | Ireland | n.d. | | Etching on paper | Contemporary Art | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.38 | Charles Harper , Harper, Charles; Ireland , Republic of Ireland; ; Christianity, People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, candle, candles, cross, crosses, preacher, preachers; Etching, Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio Print, Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio Print | Harper |
 | Works on Paper | Leafy Munster | Yeats, Jack Butler; Emerson, Dorothy | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | | hand-coloured woodblock print, watercolour, ink | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.1 | Dorothy Emerson , Emerson, Dorothy, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; ; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Woodwork | Malagan Sculpture | Unknown | carvings (visual works) | New Ireland, Papua New Guinea | n.d. | | Wood; natural pigment | | Gift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) Knight | U009.17.200 | Unknown; ; ; ; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture | - |
 | Works on Paper | Moon Fish | Fouw, Jan De | lithographs | Ireland | 1962 | | Lithograph | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.21 | Fouw, Jan De , Jan De Fouw; ; ; fish, moon, moons; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic Print | Fouw |
 | Works on Paper | Portrait | Bourke, Brian | lithographs | Ireland | - | | Ink | Contemporary Art | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.47 | Bourke, Brian , Brian Bourke; ; ; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, portrait, portraits; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic Print | Bourke |
 | Works on Paper | Portrait I | Bourke, Brian | lithographs | Ireland | n.d. | | Lithograph | Contemporary Art | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.46 | Bourke, Brian , Brian Bourke; ; ; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, portrait, portraits; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic Print | Bourke |
 | Works on Paper | Rune Of Hospitality | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | c. 1910-1925 | Irish | hand-coloured woodblock print, ink, watercolour | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.19 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; Irish; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | Self-Portrait, 1965 | Behan, John | etchings (prints) | Ireland | 1965 | | Etching | Contemporary Art | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.45 | Behan, John , John Behan; ; ; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, door, doors, self-portait, self-portaits; Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio Print | Behan |
 | Unassigned | Silent Spring | Fouw, Jan De | screen prints | Ireland | 1965 | | screen print on paper | Modern Art | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.39 | Fouw, Jan De , Jan De Fouw; Ireland , Republic of Ireland; ; Abstract; Print, Screen , Screen Print , serigraph , silkscreen; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print | Fouw |
 | Works on Paper | Silver Apples | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | Irish | Ink, paper | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.26 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; Irish; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | Soul Of A City | Fouw, Jan De | etchings (prints) | Ireland | 1965 | | Etching | Contemporary Art | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.41 | Fouw, Jan De , Jan De Fouw; ; ; building, buildings, built environments, cityscape, cityscapes; Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio Print | Fouw |
 | Metalwork | Spoon | | mustard spoons | Ireland | c.1850 | Irish | Silver | | Gift of Dr. Sydney W. Jackman | U992.3.1 | ; ; Irish; ; ; | - |
 | Works on Paper | St. Patrick At Tara | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | Irish | hand-coloured woodblock print | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.24 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; Irish; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | Still | Benwick, Pauline | lithographs | Dublin, Ireland | 1964 | | Lithograph | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.29 | Benwick, Pauline , Pauline Benwick; ; ; cat, cats; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic Print | Benwick |
 | Works on Paper | Stockholm 1964 | Lydon, M. | aquatints (prints) | Ireland | 1964 | | aquatint on paper | Modern Art | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.34 | Lydon, M. , M. Lydon; Ireland , Republic of Ireland; ; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans; Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio Print | Lydon |
 | Works on Paper | Sugar and Line Aquatint | Lydon, M. | aquatints (prints) | Ireland | 1965 | | Etching | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.50 | Lydon, M. , M. Lydon; ; ; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans; Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio Print | Lydon |
 | Works on Paper | The Ballad Singer | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | | hand-coloured woodblock print, watercolour, ink | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.11 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; ; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | The Bog Road | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | | hand-coloured woodblock print, ink, watercolour | | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.27 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; ; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | The Cock | Jeffares, Marian | lithographs | Ireland | 1962 | | Lithograph | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.22 | Jeffares, Marian , Marian Jeffares; ; ; chicken; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic Print | Jeffares |
 | Works on Paper | The Crib | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | | hand-coloured woodblock print, watercolour, ink | | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.28 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; ; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | The Eastern Star | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | | hand-coloured woodblock print, ink, watercolour | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.4 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; ; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | The Fiddler Of Dooney | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | Irish | Ink, paper, watercolour | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.8 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; Irish; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | The Hurley Player (Print and Poem) | Yeats, Jack Butler; Letts, W.M. | woodcuts (prints) | Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | | hand-coloured woodblock print, watercolour, ink | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.16 | Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler, Letts, W.M. , W.M. Letts; ; ; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | The Jockey | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | hand-coloured woodblock print | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | | hand-coloured woodblock print | | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.3 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; ; ; Woodcut; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Relief Print | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | The Mountain Farm | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | Irish | hand-coloured woodblock print | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.18 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; Irish; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | The Mountain Road | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | Irish | hand-coloured woodblock print, ink, watercolour | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.23 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; Irish; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | The New Ballad Singer | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | Irish | hand-coloured woodblock print, ink, watercolour | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.21 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; Irish; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | The Packman | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Ireland | 1925-1940 | Irish | Ink, paper | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.15 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; Irish; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | The Post Car | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | | hand-coloured woodblock print, watercolour, ink | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.10 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; ; ; ; | Yeats |
 | Works on Paper | The Rabbi | Behan, John | lithographs | Ireland | 1966 | | Lithograph | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U980.2.20 | Behan, John , John Behan; ; ; Judaism, People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, Rabbi; Lithograph , chromolithograph; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Planographic Print | Behan |
 | Works on Paper | The Shanachie | Yeats, Jack Butler; Press, Cuala | woodcuts (prints) | Dublin, Ireland | ca. 1910-1925 | Irish | hand-coloured woodblock print, ink, watercolour | Western Modern 1900-1950 | Gift of Robin and Sylvia Skelton | U982.44.20 | Cuala Press , Press, Cuala, Jack Butler Yeats , Yeats, Jack Butler; ; Irish; ; ; | Yeats |