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12 Poses of WomenWorks on Board12 Poses of WomenGibbons-Barrett, Stephenoil paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada1986Oil & glueContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.33Gibbons-Barrett, Stephen , Stephen Gibbons-Barrett; ; ; ; ; Gibbons-Barrett
Above and BelowWorks on ClothAbove and BelowMcAlpine, Heatheroil paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada1997OilContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.65Heather McAlpine , McAlpine, Heather; ; ; ; ; McAlpine
After the StormWorks on PaperAfter the StormReid, Richardwatercolours (paintings)West Coast Canada1989WatercolourContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.83Reid, Richard , Richard Reid; ; ; ; ; Reid
Alien BirdWoodworkAlien BirdLabelle, Leosculpture (visual works)West Coast Canada1988enamelContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.61Labelle, Leo , Leo Labelle; ; ; ; ; Labelle
Apocalyptic LandscapeWorks on ClothApocalyptic LandscapeSimpson, Greggacrylic paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada1979AcrylicContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.94Gregg Simpson , Simpson, Gregg; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Simpson
Arduous ReanimateWorks on ClothArduous ReanimateHaig, Johnoil paintings (visual works)West Coast Canadan.d.OilContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.48Haig, John , John Haig; ; ; ; ; Haig
Cameron LakeWorks on PaperCameron LakeSeddon, Derekwatercolours (paintings)West Coast Canada1993WatercolourContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.90Derek Seddon , Seddon, Derek; ; ; ; ; Seddon
Capilano #2Works on BoardCapilano #2Tait, Sylviaoil paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada1982/1990/1996OilContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.84Sylvia Tait , Tait, Sylvia; ; ; ; ; Tait
ChangerWorks on ClothChangerBond, Richardoil paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada2001OilContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.21Bond, Richard , Richard Bond; ; ; ; ; Bond
Child's Mother Meets Baby KillerWorks on ClothChild's Mother Meets Baby KillerAnderson, Kingcollages (visual works)West Coast Canada1965Acrylic and paperContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.1Anderson, King , King Anderson; ; ; ; Collage; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Anderson
Confluence at High AltitudeWorks on ClothConfluence at High AltitudeHaig, Johnoil paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada2005OilContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.50Haig, John , John Haig; ; ; ; ; Haig
ContemplationWorks on ClothContemplationKrabbendam, Jeanneacrylic paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada1989acrylic and collageContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.57Jeanne Krabbendam , Krabbendam, Jeanne; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Krabbendam
CultureWoodworkCultureThomson, Billwall piecesWest Coast Canada2005Paint, metal, mirrorContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.107Bill Thomson , Thomson, Bill; ; ; ; ; Thomson
Euro-Tour Commemorative SS-5Works on PaperEuro-Tour Commemorative SS-5Banana, Annaprints (visual works)West Coast Canada1987InkContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.7Anna Banana , Anne Lee Long , Banana, Anna; ; ; ; ; Banana
Femina EternaWorks on ClothFemina EternaOpre, Kaloil paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada2003oilContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.74Kal Opre , Opre, Kal; ; ; ; ; Opre
Giant Goose WawaWorks on PaperGiant Goose WawaRobideau, Henricollages (visual works); black-and-white prints (photogWest Coast Canada1982Silver gelatinContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.85Henri Robideau , Robideau, Henri; ; ; ; Black-and-White Photograph , Photograph, Black-and-White, Collage; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class), Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PhotographRobideau
Glacial DomainWorks on ClothGlacial DomainHaig, Johnoil paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada1993OilContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.49Haig, John , John Haig; ; ; ; ; Haig
GladiolaWorks on PaperGladiolaThomas, Lionelpaintings (visual works)West Coast Canada1985CanadianPaint; Wax emulsionContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.104Lionel Thomas , Thomas, Lionel; ; Canadian; ; ; Thomas
Gloria in Excelsis DeoWorks on PaperGloria in Excelsis DeoPeter, Friedrichwatercolours (paintings); calligraphy (visual works)West Coast Canada2002WatercolourContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.80Friedrich Peter , Peter, Friedrich; ; ; ; ; Peter
Going for the OneWorks on ClothGoing for the OneLabelle, Leoacrylic paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada2004AcrylicContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.62Labelle, Leo , Leo Labelle; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Labelle
Haida Beaver - TsingWorks on PaperHaida Beaver - TsingReid, Billscreen printsWest Coast Canada1978HaidaSerigraphContemporary Art-U007.26.2Bill Reid , Reid, Bill; ; Haida; ; ; Reid
Hat FlowerWorks on PaperHat FlowerRosenblatt, Joedrawings (visual works); mixed media worksWest Coast Canada2003Mixed mediaContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.87Joe Rosenblatt , Rosenblatt, Joe; ; ; ; Drawing; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Rosenblatt
Hats In LoveWorks on PaperHats In LoveRosenblatt, Joepaintings (visual works)West Coast Canada2004Mixed mediaContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.88Joe Rosenblatt , Rosenblatt, Joe; ; ; ; ; Rosenblatt
Hats in BloomWorks on PaperHats in BloomRosenblatt, Joepaintings (visual works)?; pastels (visual works)?West Coast Canada2004Mixed mediaGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.89Joe Rosenblatt , Rosenblatt, Joe; ; ; ; ; Rosenblatt
Highland Trellis-2Works on ClothHighland Trellis-2Koerner, Johnacrylic paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada-acrylicContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.55John Koerner , Koerner, John; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Koerner
Lakes From Above: NightWorks on PaperLakes From Above: NightSteele, Bobetchings (prints)West Coast Canada1967EtchingContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.99Bob Steele , Steele, Bob; ; ; ; Etching; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; Print; Intaglio PrintSteele
Landscape in a Series of Five Prints With a Grid Components Reduced by Chance Operations (Series 2/4 Warm White)Works on PaperLandscape in a Series of Five Prints With a Grid Components Reduced by Chance Operations (Series 2/4 Warm White)Steele, Bobembossed printsWest Coast Canada1970embossed printContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.100Bob Steele , Steele, Bob; ; ; ; Embossed Print , Print, Embossed; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic Documents; PrintSteele
Lost and FoundWorks on ClothLost and FoundKrabbendam, Jeannemixed media worksWest Coast Canada2000CanadianMixed media; Acrylic; Paper; EncausticContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.58Jeanne Krabbendam , Krabbendam, Jeanne; ; Canadian; ; ; Krabbendam
Lovers in the TreesWorks on PaperLovers in the TreesReid, Richarddrypoints (prints)West Coast Canada1974Dry point on magnesiumContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.82Reid, Richard , Richard Reid; ; ; ; ; Reid
MetamorphosesWorks on BoardMetamorphosesOpre, Kalacrylic paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada1965AcrylicContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.72Kal Opre , Opre, Kal; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Opre
Mexican LandscapeWorks on PaperMexican LandscapeGrier, Eldondrawings (visual works)West Coast Canada1950CharcoalContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.41Eldon Grier , Grier, Eldon; ; ; ; Drawing; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Grier
Midnight SonWorks on ClothMidnight SonLabelle, Leopastels (visual works); paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada1975Pastel; Crayon; WatercolourContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.51Labelle, Leo , Leo Labelle; ; ; ; ; Labelle
MoiraWorks on PaperMoiraGuderna, Martinscreen printsWest Coast Canada1982CanadianSerigraphContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.46Guderna, Martin , Martin Guderna; ; Canadian; ; ; Guderna
Monday MorningWorks on PaperMonday MorningGuderna, Martindrawings (visual works)West Coast Canada2003CharcoalContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.5Guderna, Martin , Martin Guderna; ; ; ; Drawing; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Guderna
Mt Tantalus RangeWorks on BoardMt Tantalus RangePeter, Friedrichacrylic paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada1994AcrylicContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.79Friedrich Peter , Peter, Friedrich; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Peter
My Father's Last RequestWorks on ClothMy Father's Last RequestBalma, Donnaacrylic paintingWest Coast Canada1981CanadianAcrylic on canvasContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.23Balma, Donna , Donna Balma; ; Canadian; bed, beds, bedroom, bedrooms, death, deaths, feet, healing, health, medical, medicine, medicine and health, illness, interior architecture, parent, parents; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Balma
Night Skies, Mesa, ArizonaWorks on ClothNight Skies, Mesa, ArizonaSeddon, Derekacrylic paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada2005AcrylicContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.92Derek Seddon , Seddon, Derek; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Seddon
NudeWorks on PaperNudeGrier, Eldondrawings (visual works)West Coast Canada1960CharcoalContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.43Eldon Grier , Grier, Eldon; ; ; ; Drawing; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Grier
Pair of Black Columns #24CeramicsPair of Black Columns #24Michener, Sallysculpture (visual works)West Coast Canada1977CanadianCeramic; wood; paintContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.66Michener, Sally , Sally Michener; ; Canadian; ; ; Michener
Placade Baton IIIWorks on ClothPlacade Baton IIIBlaze, Marypaintings (visual works)West Coast Canada2004Oil; EncausticContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.12Blaze, Mary , Mary Blaze; ; ; ; ; Blaze
PonchoWorks on ClothPonchoFelter, James W.paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada1969Oil and acrylicContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.76Felter, James W. , James W. Felter , Jas; ; ; ; ; Felter
Portrait of Ralph Gustafson - PoetWorks on BoardPortrait of Ralph Gustafson - PoetTait, Sylviamixed media worksWest Coast Canada1982-83acrylic, plexiglass, metalwheel, woodContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.102Sylvia Tait , Tait, Sylvia; ; ; ; ; Tait
Portrait of Svend RobinsonWorks on ClothPortrait of Svend RobinsonKamins, JeanniepaintingWest Coast Canada1992fabric, paint, threadContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.52Jeannie Kamins , Kamins, Jeannie; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Kamins
Power of TWorks on PaperPower of TThomson, Billdigital printsWest Coast Canada2003Digital PrintContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.106Bill Thomson , Thomson, Bill; ; ; ; Print; Category 08: Communication Objects; Documentary Objects; Graphic DocumentsThomson
ProposalWorks on PaperProposalGuderna, Ladislavtempera paintingsWest Coast Canada1979Egg temperaContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.45Guderna, Ladislav , Ladislav Guderna; ; ; ; ; Guderna
Questa Terra Ferrita (Gaia's Grief)Works on ClothQuesta Terra Ferrita (Gaia's Grief)Opre, Kalacrylic paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada1991acrylicContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.73Kal Opre , Opre, Kal; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Opre
Reclining NudeWorks on BoardReclining NudeGrier, Eldonacrylic paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada1960AcrylicContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.44Eldon Grier , Grier, Eldon; ; ; ; Painting; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Grier
Red Sky's GloryWorks on ClothRed Sky's GloryMylrea, Marilyn S.oil paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada2003OilContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.71Marilyn S. Mylrea , Mylrea, Marilyn S.; ; ; ; ; Mylrea
Rose TatooWorks on ClothRose TatooBalma, Donnaoil paintings (visual works)West Coast Canada2008CanadianOil and paperContemporary ArtGift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.39Balma, Donna , Donna Balma; ; Canadian; Abstract, dog, dogs; ; Balma
Self PortraitWorks on PaperSelf PortraitGrier, Eldondrawings (visual works)West Coast Canada1960CharcoalWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of the Coast Art TrustU009.1.42Eldon Grier , Grier, Eldon; ; ; ; Drawing; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)Grier
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