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BearWorks on PaperBearDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1977Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.183Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
BearWorks on PaperBearDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1979Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of G.A. MintzU993.26.6Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Bumble Bee MaskWoodworkBumble Bee MaskDick, BeauCarved mask‘Yalis (Alert Bay), British Columbia, Canada1983Kwakwaka’wakwAcrylic and fur on woodFormline Design ElementsGift of David and Diane Reesor.U023.2.1Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; Alert Bay , Yalis , Yalis (Alert Bay) , ‘Yalis (Alert Bay); Kwakwaka’wakw; animal, animals, bumblebee; Carving, Mask, Ritual , Ritual Mask; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Ceremonial Objects; Religious ObjectsDick
Circle of HandsWorks on PaperCircle of HandsDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1986Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.195Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Creation of the MoonWorks on PaperCreation of the MoonDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1976Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.185Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Ga ak Sto LisWorks on PaperGa ak Sto LisDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1986Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.196Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Grouse MaskWoodworkGrouse MaskDick, BeauCarved mask‘Yalis (Alert Bay), British Columbia, CanadaCirca 1983Kwakwaka’wakwcedar, acrylic, and feathersFormline Design ElementsGift of David and Diane Reesor.U023.2.6Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; Alert Bay , Yalis , Yalis (Alert Bay) , ‘Yalis (Alert Bay); Kwakwaka’wakw; Atla'gimma, Bird, Birds, ceremonies, ceremony, dancing, forest spirits, grouses, mythologies, mythology, religion, religion and mythology, religions, nature; Ceremonial Objects; Category 08: Communication ObjectsDick
Khen KhoWorks on PaperKhen KhoDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1980Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.191Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Khen KhoWorks on PaperKhen KhoDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1980Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphContemporary ArtGift from the Collection of George and Christiane SmythU014.3.131Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Kwa-Giulth OwlWorks on PaperKwa-Giulth OwlDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1976Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphGift of William LangloisU988.4.12Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Kwa-Giulth OwlWorks on PaperKwa-Giulth OwlDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1976Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.187Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Kwakiutl SwanWorks on PaperKwakiutl SwanDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1975Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphCanada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.179Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
MusselsWorks on PaperMusselsDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1987Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.197Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
NahanagilasWorks on PaperNahanagilasDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1993/08/01Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphContemporary ArtCanada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU998.7.55Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
OwlWorks on PaperOwlDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1978Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.188Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
PaddleWorks on PaperPaddleDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canadan.d.Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.189Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Primitive Grouse MaskWoodworkPrimitive Grouse MaskDick, BeauCarved mask‘Yalis (Alert Bay), British Columbia, CanadaPrior to 1985Kwakwaka’wakwacrylic paint and cedar strips on cedarGift of David and Diane Reesor.U023.2.5Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; Alert Bay , Yalis , Yalis (Alert Bay) , ‘Yalis (Alert Bay); Kwakwaka’wakw; Bird, Birds, ceremonies, ceremony, dancing, grouses, mythologies, mythology, religion, religion and mythology, religions; Ceremonial Objects; Category 08: Communication ObjectsDick
PuffinsWorks on PaperPuffinsDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1988Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.199Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
RavenWorks on PaperRavenDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1977Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphCanada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.182Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
ReflectionWorks on PaperReflectionDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1977Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.181Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Ridicule MaskWoodworkRidicule MaskDick, BeauCarved mask‘Yalis (Alert Bay), British Columbia, Canadabefore 1985Kwakwaka’wakwAcrylic, cedar, cedar barkCubismGift of David and Diane Reesor.U023.2.4Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; Alert Bay , Yalis , Yalis (Alert Bay) , ‘Yalis (Alert Bay); Kwakwaka’wakw; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, ceremonies, ceremony, mask, masks, ridicule, shame; Ceremonial Objects; Category 08: Communication ObjectsDick
Salmon SpiritWoodworkSalmon SpiritDick, BeauCarved mask‘Yalis (Alert Bay), British Columbia, CanadaBefore 1997Kwakwaka’wakwAcrylic paint on cedarFormline Design ElementsGift of David and Diane Reesor.U023.2.3Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; Alert Bay , Yalis , Yalis (Alert Bay) , ‘Yalis (Alert Bay); Kwakwaka’wakw; Atla'gimma, Winter, ceremonies, ceremony, dancing, fish, mythologies, mythology, religion, religion and mythology, religions, ritual, rituals, salmon, supernatural beings; Carving, Mask, Ritual , Ritual Mask; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Ceremonial Objects; Religious ObjectsDick
ShellsWorks on PaperShellsDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1987Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.198Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Si-Si-Utl and Tli-Sli-Gi-LaWorks on PaperSi-Si-Utl and Tli-Sli-Gi-LaDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1976Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.186Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
SisiutlWorks on PaperSisiutlDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1981Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.194Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
The Breakfast GiverWorks on PaperThe Breakfast GiverDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1977Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.180Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Tokwit PuppetWoodworkTokwit PuppetDick, BeauCeremonial puppet‘Yalis (Alert Bay), British Columbia, Canada1996Kwakwaka’wakwAcrylic and horsehair on cedarFormline Design ElementsGift of David and Diane Reesor.U023.2.7Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; Alert Bay , Yalis , Yalis (Alert Bay) , ‘Yalis (Alert Bay); Kwakwaka’wakw; ceremonies, ceremony, mythologies, mythology, religion, religion and mythology, religions, puppets, spirit, spirits; Ceremonial Objects, Puppet; Category 08: Communication Objects, Category 09: Recreational Objects; Public Entertainment Devices; Public Entertainment Devices (blank sub-class)Dick
Trance Mask (Shaman)WoodworkTrance Mask (Shaman)Dick, BeauCarved mask‘Yalis (Alert Bay), British Columbia, Canada1987Kwakwaka’wakwAcrylic and horsehair on red cedarGift of David and Diane Reesor.U023.2.2Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; Alert Bay , Yalis , Yalis (Alert Bay) , ‘Yalis (Alert Bay); Kwakwaka’wakw; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, Shaman, dancing; Carving, Mask, Ritual , Ritual Mask; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Ceremonial Objects; Religious ObjectsDick
Untitled (Paddle)Works on PaperUntitled (Paddle)Dick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canadan.d.Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of G.A. MintzU993.26.5-1Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Untitled (Paddle)Works on PaperUntitled (Paddle)Dick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canadan.d.Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of G.A. MintzU993.26.5-6Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Untitled (Paddle)Works on PaperUntitled (Paddle)Dick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canadan.d.Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of G.A. MintzU993.26.5-5Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Untitled (Paddle)Works on PaperUntitled (Paddle)Dick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canadan.d.Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of G.A. MintzU993.26.5-4Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Untitled (Paddle)Works on PaperUntitled (Paddle)Dick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canadan.d.Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of G.A. MintzU993.26.5-3Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
Untitled (Paddle)Works on PaperUntitled (Paddle)Dick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canadan.d.Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Gift of G.A. MintzU993.26.5-2Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
WhaleWorks on PaperWhaleDick, Beauscreen printsGwayi (Kingcome Inlet); British Columbia; Canada1978Kwakwaka'wakwSerigraphWestern Modern 1900-1950Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grant, Purchased from the Collection of Vincent RickardU990.14.184Beau Dick , Dick, Beau , Walas Gwayum; ; Kwakwaka'wakw; ; ; Dick
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