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BearStoneBearcarvings (visual works); figurinesn.d.Arctic Native American styles, Inuit?StoneGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.86; ; Arctic Native American styles; Inuit?; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; Statue-
No image availableStoneBearIkkidluak, IolaCarvingKimmirut, Nunavut, Canada1985InuitsoapstoneCircumpolar Art, Contemporary ArtGift of Dr. Maurice and Anne Petrie YacowarU021.8.36E7-923 , Ikkidluak, Iola , Ikkidluak, Iola Abraham , Iola Abraham Ikkidluak , Iola Ikkidluak; Kimmirut , Lake Harbour (inhabited place) , ᑭᒻᒥᕈᑦ; Inuit; bear, bears; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureIkkidluak
Bear Attacking ManStoneBear Attacking Mancarvings (visual works); figurinesArctic; Canadan.d.InuitStone, Black SlateThe Joseph and Elizabeth Rosa Isaacs Collection given by Miss Rivkah Isaacs in memory of her parentsU989.1.2; ; Inuit; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; Statue-
Bear and Hunter WrestlingStoneBear and Hunter WrestlingUnknownCarvingLikely Canadaafter 1950InuitstoneCircumpolar Art, Contemporary ArtGift of Dr. Maurice YacowarU023.5.24Unknown; Canada; Inuit; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, animal, animals, wrestling; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture-
Beluga WhaleStoneBeluga WhaleNoah, Napatchiecarvings (visual works); figurinesIqaluit, Nunavut, Canadac. 1960-1990InuitSoapstoneContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.67Napatchie Noah , Noah, Napatchie; ; Inuit; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; StatueNoah
No image availableStoneBirdMannuk, JohnassieCarvingSanikiluaq, Nunavut, Canadaafter 1950InuitstoneCircumpolar Art, Contemporary ArtGift of Dr. Maurice and Anne Petrie YacowarU021.8.34E9-24 , Johnassie Mannuk , Mannuk, Johnassie; Belcher Islands , Sanikiluaq , ᓴᓂᑭᓗᐊᖅ; Inuit; Bird, Birds; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureMannuk
BirdStoneBirdNastapoka, Nelliecarvings (visual works); figurinesInukjuak, Quebec, Canadan.d.Nunavik InuitSoapstoneGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.121Nastapoka, Nellie , Nellie Nastapoka; ; Nunavik Inuit; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; StatueNastapoka
BirdStoneBirdTimangiak, PetaulassieCarvingKinngait, Nunavut, Canadaafter 1955InuitstoneCircumpolar Art, Contemporary ArtGift of Dr. Maurice YacowarU023.5.14E7-1097 , Petaulassie Timangiak , Timangiak, Petaulassie, Unknown; Cape Dorset , Kinngait , ᑭᙵᐃᑦ; Inuit; Bird, Birds, animal, animals; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureTimangiak
Bird with FishStoneBird with Fishcarvings (visual works)n.d.Inuit?StoneGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.70; ; Inuit?; ; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture-
Box of Rocks from Sommerset ZodiacStoneBox of Rocks from Sommerset Zodiacrock (inorganic material)Somerset, England, United Kingdomn.d.Stone; lead; alabaster; tufa; ceramic; calcium carbonateBequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.512; ; ; ; ; -
Bull's HeadStoneBull's HeadMaltwood, Katharine Emmabas-reliefs (sculpture)British Columbia, Canadan.d.English, CanadianAlabasterWestern Modern 1900-1950Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.375Katharine Emma Maltwood , Katharine Emma Sapsworth , Katharine Maltwood , Katharine Sapsworth , Maltwood, Katharine , Maltwood, Katharine Emma , Sapsworth, Katharine , Sapsworth, Katharine Emma; ; English, British; Canadian; ; Bas-Relief; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; ReliefMaltwood
Carved Soapstone LeafStoneCarved Soapstone LeafSkelton, Robincarvings (visual works)Victoria, British Columbia, Canadan.d.CanadianSoapstoneContemporary ArtGift of C.A. Bates and Pat Martin BatesU007.7.1Robin Skelton , Skelton, Robin; ; Canadian; ; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureSkelton
Carved Stone AdzeStoneCarved Stone AdzeadzesPapua New Guinean.d.StoneGift of Ian McKenzieU006.44.1; ; ; ; Adz; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Woodworking T&E; Woodworking T&E (blank sub-class)-
CatastropheStoneCatastropheRammell, Georgecarvings (visual works)1976sculpture: marble; stand: unknown stone; metal; wood; paintContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.137George Rammell , Rammell, George; ; ; ; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureRammell
CeltStoneCeltcelts (cutting tools)Northwest Coast, British Columbia, Canada; United Statesn.d.Stone, SlateGift of Commander and Mrs. A.J. Tullis to the UVic Department of Anthropology, University of VictoriaU981.2.5; ; ; ; Celt; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Multiple Use T&E for Materials; Multiple Use T&E for Materials (blank sub-class)-
CharStoneCharcarvings (visual works); figurinesn.d.InuitSoapstoneGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.118; ; Inuit; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; Statue-
Clay HangingStoneClay Hangingreliefs (sculptures)Papua New Guinea1969Papua New Guineaclay, stoneContemporary Southeast AsianGift of Dick and Wanda Van der EykU002.41.13; ; Papua New Guinea; ; ; -
Coiled SerpentStoneCoiled Serpentsculpture (visual works)n.d.StonePre-ColumbianGift of W. Patrick LawsonU006.38.1; ; ; ; ; -
No image availableStoneCollageDegrace, FredCarvingSalliq, Nunavut, Canadaafter 1965Cree, French, Canadianstone, ivoryCircumpolar Art, Contemporary ArtGift of Dr. Maurice and Anne Petrie YacowarU021.8.22Degrace, Fred , Fred Degrace; Coral Harbour , Salliit , Salliq , Salliq/Salliit , ᓴᓪᓕᖅ/ᓴᓪᓖᑦ; Cree; French; Canadian; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, walrus, walruses; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureDegrace
CubStoneCubAkulukjuk, MalayaCarvingPangnirtung, Nunavut, Canada1997Inuitstone, possibly serpentineCircumpolar Art, Contemporary ArtGift of Dr. Maurice YacowarU023.5.3Akulukjuk, Malaya , E6-240 , Kilapik , Malaiya , Malaya Akulukjuk , Malia; Pang , Pangniqtuuq , Pangnirtung , ᐸᖕᓂᖅᑑᖅ; Inuit; bear, bears, cub, cubs; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureAkulukjuk
Dancing BearStoneDancing BearAshoona, Qavavaucarvings (visual works); figurinesBaffin Island, Nunavut, Canadac.1960InuitSoapstoneContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.60Ashoona, Qavavau , Qavavau Ashoona; ; Inuit; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; StatueAshoona
No image availableStoneDancing PersonUnknownSculptureKinngait, Nunavut, Canadalate 1950sInuitstoneCircumpolar Art, Contemporary ArtGift of Dr. Maurice and Anne Petrie YacowarU021.8.14Unknown; Cape Dorset , Kinngait , ᑭᙵᐃᑦ; Inuit; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, dancing, smiling; Sculpture; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)-
Dancing ShamanStoneDancing ShamanSignature, Inuktitutcarvings (visual works); figurinesBaffin Island, Nunavut, Canadac. 1980InuitSoapstoneGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.133Inuktitut Signature , Signature, Inuktitut; ; Inuit; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; StatueSignature
DeCastro's tool; hammerStoneDeCastro's tool; hammerDe Castro, Roberthammers (tools)-Wood, stone-U991.25.73De Castro, Robert , De, Robert , Robert De; ; ; ; Hammer; Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials; Woodworking T&E; Woodworking T&E (blank sub-class)De Castro
Delphic Oracle (Reproduction)StoneDelphic Oracle (Reproduction)reproductions (derivative objects); sculpture (visual wDelphi, Phocis, Central Greece and Euboea, GreeceLate 20th CenturyAlabasterGift of Eleanor MairU990.12.1; ; ; ; ; -
Diving SealStoneDiving SealElijassiapikCarvingInukjuak, Quebec, Canada1950-1972InuitstoneCircumpolar Art, Contemporary ArtGift of Dr. Maurice YacowarU023.5.30E9-915 , Elijassiapik; Inukjuak , Port Harrison; Inuit; animal, animals, diving, seal, seal (pinniped), seals (pinnipeds); Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture-
Doll Wearing ParkaStoneDoll Wearing ParkaUnknownDollKangiqliniq (Rankin Inlet), Nunavut, Canada20th centuryInuitsoapstone; cotton; animal hide; fur; thread; stuffingCustomaryGift of the Charles and Lois Stockey CollectionU021.5.10Unknown; Kangiqliniq , Kangiqliniq (Rankin Inlet) , Kangir&iniq , Kangirliniq , Rankin Inlet , ᑲᖏᕿᓂᖅ , ᑲᖏᖅᖠᓂᖅ; Inuit; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans, doll, dolls, parka, parkas; Doll, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; Statue, Category 09: Recreational Objects; Toys; Toys (blank sub-class)-
Double SednaStoneDouble Sednacarvings (visual works)n.d.Inuit?StoneGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.59; ; Inuit?; ; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture-
Drum DancerStoneDrum Dancercarvings (visual works); figurines1990sArctic Native American styles, Inuit?Soapstone, antlerContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.3; ; Arctic Native American styles; Inuit?; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; Statue-
Eagle with BaseStoneEagle with BaseSchaddelee, Maartencarvings (visual works); figurines2001Inuit?StoneGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.139Maarten Schaddelee , Schaddelee, Maarten; ; Inuit?; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; StatueSchaddelee
Egyptian UshabtiStoneEgyptian UshabtiamuletsEgyptn.d.Egyptian (ancient)StoneGift of Denise DicksonU006.38.11; ; Egyptian (ancient); ; Amulet , menat; Category 08: Communication Objects; Personal Symbols; Belief Symbols; Spiritual Symbol; Charm-
Egyptian UshabtiStoneEgyptian UshabtiamuletsEgyptn.d.StoneGift of Denise DicksonU006.38.12; ; ; ; Amulet , menat; Category 08: Communication Objects; Personal Symbols; Belief Symbols; Spiritual Symbol; Charm-
Face in HandStoneFace in Handᐸᐅᓗᓯ ᓇᐸᑐ (Napartuk, Paulasie)carvings (visual works)Arctic; Canadan.d.InuitStoneThe Joseph and Elizabeth Rosa Isaacs Collection given by Miss Rivkah Isaacs in memory of her parentsU989.1.25Napartuk), ᐸᐅᓗᓯ ᓇᐸᑐ (Paulasie , Paulasie) ᐸᐅᓗᓯ ᓇᐸᑐ , Paulusi Napatu , ᐸᐅᓗᓯ ᓇᐸᑐ (Napartuk, Paulasie) , ᐸᐅᓗᓯ ᓇᐸᑐ (Paulasie Napartuk) , ᐸᐅᓗᓯ ᓇᐸᑐ, Paulasie); ; Inuit; ; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculptureᐸᐅᓗᓯ ᓇᐸᑐ (Napartuk
No image availableStoneFacesᓗᓯ ᑕᓯᐅ ᑎᓯᑕ (Lucy Tasseor Tutsweetok)SculptureArviat, Nunavut, Canada1960-2012?InuitstoneCircumpolar Art, Contemporary ArtGift of Dr. Maurice and Anne Petrie YacowarU021.8.29E1-135 , Lucy Tasseor Tutsweetok , Lucy Tasseor Tutsweetok , Tasiak Tasseor Tutsweetok , Tasiuk Tasseor Tutsweetok , Tasseor Tasseor Tutsweetok , Tasseor Tutsweetok Tasseor Tutsweetok , Tassuitnak Tasseor Tutsweetok , Tucksweetuk Tasseor Tutsweetok , Tuksweettok Tasseor Tutsweetok , Tutsuituk Tasseor Tutsweetok , Tutsweetok), ᓗᓯ ᑕᓯᐅ ᑎᓯᑕ (Lucy Tasseor , Tutsweetok, Lucy Tasseor , ᓗᓯ ᑕᓯᐅ ᑎᓯᑕ , ᓗᓯ ᑕᓯᐅ ᑎᓯᑕ (Lucy Tasseor Tutsweetok); Arviat , Eskimo Point , ᐊᕐᕕᐊᑦ; Inuit; People, Person, figure, figures, human, human figure, human figures, humans; Sculpture; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class)-
Fat BirdStoneFat BirdPootoogook, ShouyuCarvingKinngait, Nunavut, Canadaafter 1950InuitstoneCircumpolar Art, Contemporary ArtGift of Dr. Maurice YacowarU023.5.16E7-1019 , Pootoogook, Shouyu , Shouyu Pootoogook; Cape Dorset , Kinngait , ᑭᙵᐃᑦ; Inuit; Bird, Birds, animal, animals, duck, ducks; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculpturePootoogook
Figure Holding DrumStoneFigure Holding DrumRuben, Francis Nauyakcarvings (visual works)n.d.Inuit?Stone; woodGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.87Francis Nauyak Ruben , Ruben, Francis Nauyak; ; Inuit?; ; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureRuben
Figure Holding SealStoneFigure Holding Sealcarvings (visual works)n.d.Inuit?StoneGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.106; ; Inuit?; ; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture-
Figure with AnimalStoneFigure with AnimalKingalik, Samsoncarvings (visual works)Inukjuak, Quebec, Canadan.d.InuitStoneGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.111Kingalik, Samson , Samson Kingalik; ; Inuit; ; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureKingalik
Figure with Hooded JacketStoneFigure with Hooded Jacketcarvings (visual works); figurinesn.d.Inuit?SoapstoneGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.99; ; Inuit?; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; Statue-
FishStoneFishcarvings (visual works); figurinesn.d.Arctic Native American styles, Inuit?StoneContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.114; ; Arctic Native American styles; Inuit?; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; Statue-
No image availableStoneFishAlariaq, AdamieCarvingKinngait, Nunavut, Canadaafter 1950InuitstoneCircumpolar Art, Contemporary ArtGift of Dr. Maurice and Anne Petrie YacowarU021.8.31Adamie Alariaq , Alariaq, Adamie , Allaviak , E7-1090 , Ootochie , Ootoochie; Cape Dorset , Kinngait , ᑭᙵᐃᑦ; Inuit; fish; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureAlariaq
Fox DanceStoneFox DanceMaltwood, Katharine Emmabas-reliefs (sculpture)British Columbia, Canada20th CenturyEnglish, CanadianSlateWestern Modern 1900-1950Bequest of John and Katharine MaltwoodM964.1.367Katharine Emma Maltwood , Katharine Emma Sapsworth , Katharine Maltwood , Katharine Sapsworth , Maltwood, Katharine , Maltwood, Katharine Emma , Sapsworth, Katharine , Sapsworth, Katharine Emma; ; English, British; Canadian; ; Bas-Relief; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; ReliefMaltwood
Frieze of LifeStoneFrieze of LifeSiebner, Herbertreliefs (sculptures)Victoria, British Columbia, Canada1959Canadian, GermanUnknown sand/stone material; pigmentContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Michael C. WilliamsU001.11.811Herbert Johannes Joseph Siebner , Herbert Siebner , Siebner, Herbert , Siebner, Herbert Johannes Joseph; ; Canadian; German; ; ; Siebner
Giant Squid and Sperm WhaleStoneGiant Squid and Sperm WhaleLamontcarvings (visual works); figurines1986InuitSoapstoneContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.64Lamont; ; Inuit; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; Statue-
GooseStoneGoosecarvings (visual works); figurines1960Arctic Native American styles, Inuit?SoapstoneGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.113; ; Arctic Native American styles; Inuit?; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; Statue-
Great Whale RiverStoneGreat Whale RiverKitishimik, Mathewcarvings (visual works); figurinesGreat Whale River, Quebec, Canada; Kuujjuarapik, Nunavut, Canadan.d.InuitStoneGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.81Kitishimik Kitishimik; Katukshimik Kitishimik , Kitishimik, Mathew , Mathew Kitishimik; ; Inuit; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; StatueKitishimik
Great Whale River Hunting SceneStoneGreat Whale River Hunting SceneCrow, Jobiecarvings (visual works); figurinesUmiujaq; Quebec; Canada1980InuitSoapstone; sinew; wood; boneContemporary ArtGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.58Crow, Jobie , Jobie Crow; ; Inuit; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; StatueCrow
Green BirdStoneGreen Birdcarvings (visual works); figurinesn.d.InuitStoneGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.65; ; Inuit; ; Carving, Figurine , okimono , statuette; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture, Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); Sculpture; Statue-
Green BirdStoneGreen BirdKorgak, Adlacarvings (visual works)Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canadan.d.InuitStoneGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.57Adla Korgak , Korgak, Adla; ; Inuit; ; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureKorgak
Green BirdStoneGreen BirdKing, Kavavowcarvings (visual works)n.d.InuitStoneGift of the Estate of Dr. Harold (Hal) KnightU009.17.140Kavavow King , King, Kavavow; ; Inuit; ; Carving; Category 08: Communication Objects; Art; Art (blank sub-class); SculptureKing
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